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Excellent video that shows where America is headed - towards destroying our freedoms..

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----- Original Message -----
From: F
Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 7:32 PM
Subject: Excellent video that shows where America is headed - towards destroying our freedoms..
Thank you Ben Stein for this work of freedom.
In every tyrannical government, science is used and scientists are corrupted into being pawns of such evil governments and as justification for murderous policies, like the elimination of "inferior races" and political dissenters based on deceitful scientific theories such as "Eugenics." Still, that kind of evil just couldn't happen in America... right?  Better think again.

See how many men and women of science (all Ph.D. holders) who are searching for truth as to the creation of life, are being censored, threatened and even terminated from their university positions for even questioning Dawinism and/or for merely asking if there could be any kind of a planned causation for life on earth. Mind you, they are not preaching the Bible or Quran or anything else, just asking if life might be here due to anything other than by complete chance. 

America - the land of the free - such as free ideas and free speech? The following video will shock you. Be sure to watch the multiple parts as the video is broken up for YouTube.