Open: Health Freedom Victory or DC Deception?
Rumor of a Major Health Freedom Push BackVictory Swirls Around the Internet -- McCain Bill Withdrawn?
Permalink: Amazing video makes it clear how the Health Freedom and the Natural Solutions Foundation are gaining momentum - and why!
In This Issue:
[1] Health Freedom Victory - Or Is It? McCain's supplement hostile HR 3002 PROBABLY withdrawn, but provisions could be added to Harkin's Food Fascism Bill, S. 510. Read more here...
Take Action here...
[2] Dr. Rima Network: You told us what you wanted, so now there's a new way for you to communicate with Dr. Rima. Cognitive Enhancement. Nano Silver. Consultations. Corrected Nutrient Links! Read more here...
[3] Health Freedom Action Items: Send messages to decision makers for every member of your family about the most important issues threatening our Health and our Freedom, then spread virally. Read more here...
(1) Protect Clean Food, Supplements:
(4) Fatal FDA Follies:
1. $23 Million Pay Raise = Taxation Without Representation! See our Counsel Ralph Fucetola JD's report:
2. FDA approves vaccines designed to reduce population, Bill Gates reveals
3. FDA says GMOs are safe, yet 3 Monsanto GMO corn types damage organs in just 90 days Read More Here...
Take Action to Ban GMOs NOW Here....
Featured Videos Linked here...
Dr. Rima Reports - Sunday, March 14, 2010 7-9 PM ESTGuest: Catherine Frompovitch Talks About Her Critically Important Book,
"Note New Time, New URL
Link to buy the book:
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Listen to Dr. Rima Reports interviews Dr. Leonard Coldwell
"The Only Answer to Cancer is NOT Chemotherapy"
Link to Dr. Coldwell's Book
McCain Allegedly Withdraws Support for His Own Bill,
S.3002. Will Harkin "Insert Codex" Into
Food Fascism Bill, S.510?
Tell Your Decision Makers NO! Join Your Email to Millions of Others
Latest rumor from DC: McCain to withdraw his support for the so-called Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010 (DSSA - S.3002). The Natural Solutions Foundation, as we twittered yesterday (you are following us on healthfreedomus, aren't you? If not, click here, LINK, to join our list), it was reported that McCain told Sen Hatch 1 month and 1 day after he introduced it, that he was withdrawing his own bill.
Says one email that claims to have insider info:
"Hundreds of thousands of messages* poured into the Senate opposing Senator
McCain's bill, the bill that would have wiped out current legislative protections for dietary supplements. More and more messages were arriving by the day. The entire Congress began to take note. ... Word is now racing around Capitol Hill that Senator McCain met with Senator Orin Hatch, a champion of natural medicine, and told him that he is withdrawing his support for the bill he authored, the so-called Dietary Supplement Safety Act (S 3002). This means that the bill as written is now dead...."
We've believed - and said - the McCain bill was just a stalking-horse for S.510 and intend to continue to push against that bill to make sure it is not amended to include McCain's imposition of international Codex restrictions on our Dietary Supplement freedoms.
We have led the fight against the bills that will industrialize our food supply and criminalize clean, locally grown food. In fact, 1.3 million of your emails emails later, Senator John McCain reportedly has withdrawn his food fascism bill which would have killed dietary supplements int he US as they are being executed in the EU.
Actually, we tally 390,000 emails generated through our Health Freedom Action eAlert system since McCain offered the bill on February 4th. Previously we had generated just about one million emails opposing the McCain bill's "more evil twin"-- the fake food "safety" bill, S.510, which was poised for adoption last November until about 150,000 messages poured into the Senate from us over one weekend.
But the real danger, Senator Harkin's horrific anti-freedom S. 510, has not been buried yet. We still fact the danger that Harkin's bill may pass, amended to include the provisions of McCain's bill which would allow the FDA to destroy our access to high potency nutrients and supplements and impose the Codex mandates for under nutrition, so dear to the FDA's heart, upon us in the United States.
The Harkin bill is crafted so that the Codex provisions which the FDA has been battering through Codex, but which we have so far resisted here in the US, would be rammed down our throats on our dinner plates.
In the last two weeks, you have generated more than 390,000 emails to your decision makers with a redounding "DON'T YOU DARE!!!!" but the danger is not past. So now, more than ever, it is urgently important to take the action for the first time if you have not yet done so or, since the Action Item has been amended, to take it again. Of course, you need to take it once for every member of your family and then pass it along as widely as you can possibly send it. Your food, your freedom and your future are at stake.
Fatal FDA Follies
You know that the FDA is so riddled with corruption and industry influence, that the good men and women who work there as scientists wrote to Obama after his election, but before his inauguration, pleading with him to clean house there1. Of course, no new broom swept the FDA clean.
New Users Fees will increase the ownership of the FDA by Big Pharma to the tune of a 65% increase, we have learned. All in all, the increase means the Fraud and Death Administration, which approves the leading cause of death in the US, properly used drugs and vaccines, will get a budget increase of a whopping 23% from $3.3 Billion to $4+ Billion.
Read the rest of Dr. Rima's hard-hitting article here:
GMOs: Genocidally Modified Organisms
If you have been following the Natural Solutions Foundation's health Freedom Action eAlerts for some time, you have read numerous articles and studies showing just how dangerous GMO "foods" really are. You know that they contaminate species other than their own, increase herbicide and pesticide use and intake, reduce genetic diversity, sow economic and social havoc, cause infertility, auto immune problems, loss of babies in the womb, and a host of other serious problems. You also know that they are approved for sale in the US without any labeling by the industry-friendly FDA. You recall that Dr. Barbara Schneeman told a Codex meeting on labeling GMO "foods" that the US knew that consumers overwhelmingly rejected GMOs but the FDA thought that was a mistake, so they forbade the labeling of GMOs to prevent people from rejecting them in error! (Oslo, 2008). You know that they are untested and that the FDA and USDA MAY NOT examine safety testing, or conduct any, yet they approve them for widespread human and animal use. If you visit our Health Freedom Blog and look for "GMO Files" in our search engine, you'll find a great deal of scientific documentation making it clear that GMOs are astoundingly dangerous and shockingly untested.
Read the rest of Dr. Rima's hard-hitting article here:
Our Natural Solution Foundation's Dr. Rima E. Laibow MD is one of our foremost natural physicians and environmental doctors. She practiced drug-free psychiatry and medicine in New York. She is now the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation and oversees its Natural Solutions Center for Wellness in the temperate, bountiful, beautiful Highlands of Chiriqui Province, just outside the quaint town of Volcan, Panama.
Through the Dr. Rima Network, we are distilling her work, presented to you over the past several years of these Health Freedom Action eAlerts, in one place where you can benefit from what Dr. Rima Recommends in these difficult times. There, she'll help you find the high quality nutrients and remedies you need, and which may not be easily available othewise. So we invite you to join in this private expressive association activity by visiting the new site often and watch it grow.
The latest news on the Health Freedom front is that FDA has ordered the traditional relaxation remedy Ear Candles off the market! This was done several days ago by determination letters issued, claiming this simple relaxing method is a "medical device!" Check the Dr. Rima Network over the next few days... we will be adding Ear Candles, Natural Solutions Ear Candles, to what you can find on the site!
That's what we call Push Back with Your Dollars!
Remember, every purchase supports YOUR health freedom.
Cognitive Enhancement...
It's Mind Control, All Right:
You Control Your Own Mind!
Yes, General Bert and I continue experiencing extraordinary results with our Cognitive Enhancement Pack (me) and Senior Cognitive Enhancement Pack (Gen. Bert) which are literally astonishing. Last week we made a quick trip to the Northwest to speak to several thousand people, and the feedback we've received is that we were "on top of the game" and held the attention of all those present. That takes focus, attention and acuity... and that's the benefit of Cognitive Enhancement! or
I know supplementation and neurological enhancement very, very well. I have never seen (or experienced) anything like this. You know how busy we are; how much we rely on our ability to multitask and react quickly to challenges...
The name says it all: COGNITIVE. ENHANCEMENT.
That's the story, in two words.
Here are the other two words to the story: Try Them!
Dr. Rima's Cognitive Enhancement Packs:
Or visit our new Dr Rima Recommends Network link, for links and more images of these amazing products. And don't forget our other important product links: and
Remember, the EPA and FDA are, in a separate action, trying to take nano and colloidal silver off the market, just as the European Food Supplements Directive has succeeded in doing there as of January 1, 2010? They have succeeded totally in Europe. Silver for health is now an illegal substance in Europe.
Why? Because silver is the universal antibiotic and would destroy a vast pharmaceutical market if enough people knew about it. After investigation, I personally recommend the Silver Biotics nano silver available at:
Support your health and your health freedom
at the same time with or
GMO Free, Pesticide Free, Herbicide Free
Brought to you from theValley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project
Volcan, Chiriqui, Panama
Health Freedom Action eAlert Action Items -
Health Freedom Movement turning "Push Back" into "Take Down" - And Natural Solutions Foundation is Leading the Way, As Always! And after taking the Action Items below, please send this email to every person you can reach asking them to take action and then pass it on in the same way. After all, everyone eats so this is everyone's battle. We're making this issue "go viral": that's how we turn "Push Back" into "Take Down!"
We are pleased to report that a number of health freedom groups who are, generally, so fragmented and ineffective that they trip all over each other, are once again taking their cue from our Action Items and offering a Citizens Petition for Health Freedom. We say: "Good for them! And Good for us all!" We believe that the Globalist agenda must die the "death of the thousand cuts" and that every opposition to it is one of those cuts. Therefore, in addtion to taking our Food and Supplement Freedom Action Item, our urgent call to Ban ALL GMOs immediately,
We urge you to also take this new Action Item to sign the Health Revolution Petition, created by other members of the Health Freedom world. The more voices, the bigger the swell -
And for our supporters who are involved in the Tea Party, we've started a new forum on the Tea Party web site. We'd appreciate your comments on the forum, since an active forum will be noticed by others:
Featured VideosHow do you turn Push Back into Take Down? You bring millions of people together. How do you do that? One person at a time! The following is a short - and very important - video on Leadership:
If you need a reminder of why Sen. McCain's S. 3002 is such a good ploy to get nutrient restrictions matching Codex into the US, watch this video
and recall that these Nutrient Reference Values are supposed to tell consumers what they need of a particular nutrient on labels first and then they will become the maximum permissible upper level. How low are they? Low enough to mandate under nutrition which guarantees increased chronic, deadly degenerative diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity just as we have been warning was the next step since 2005.
But just exactly what is Codex? How does it work and what are its vulnerabilities? Watch "Rome Codex Deconstruction"
And where did it come from? If you have not yet seen the video "Nutricide", now would be a good time to learn where the genocidal Codex program came from. Hint: "From convicted genocidalists, of course!)
You can purchase your own copy here:, along with the Codex eBook.
Brain in a whirl? Does it feel like it is all too much? Is age taking a toll on your memory or that of someone you care about?
You must watch Gen Bert and Dr Rima on "Cognitive Enhancement"
Then try these amazing products. I personally KNOW how amazing they are. You may find that you are amazed after trying them. Find them at
And, last, but certainly not least, here is the news that you have been waiting for: The exceptional 2010 Health Freedom War Council is now available for download. If you have already paid to attend this webinar, you will be getting your link in just a few days! If you do not want to miss out on this exceptional opportunity, click below, donate $99 and we will send the link to you:
If you have attended or donated to receive the webinar and are still waiting for it, let us know. Write to with WEBINAR as the subject line and let us know the details.
And one more thing: The Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project,, is all about reclaiming the production of clean, unadulterated food on a global basis. We chose Panama for a multitude of reasons, including its political stability, its social stability and its financial stability. There is a wide spread interest in clean, unadulterated food here, among both the English speaking and the Spanish speaking communities. The diversity of growing eco niches and micro climates means that the growing conditions of most of the world are represented here, making farm classrooms meaningful for teaching farmers from all over the world how to grow food without dangerous chemicals. For example, take our Valley of the Moon Coffee. Please. Once you do, you will be brewing yourself a cup of what coffee experts tell us is the finest coffee they have ever tasted, free from GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or any other "cides". Shouldn't health freedom have its own Friendly Food Certified Coffee, friendly to the workers, the environment and you, the consumer? We think so! And shouldn't you know about it, drink it and give it as a special gift?
Is Your IRA Safe from
US Government Confiscation?
Certainly NOT!
But there is another reason for talking about the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project right now. And that is money. You see, the US Government has announced that it is accepting comments on taking your IRA and 401 retirement funds and converting them to fixed income annuities with a 3% yield "guaranteed" by the failing, flailing US Treasury. Middle-class Americans' last asset base [since the equity in our homes is gone] will be raided like the Social Security "Trust Fund" has been raided... to fund more government waste!
The Natural Solutions Corp, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Panama Natural Solutions Foundation, is a legitimate offshore investment vehicle for those funds (and any others you might want to have offshore, such as personal funds, trust funds, family investment funds, church or other nonprofit funds). Offshore investment is an option which will not, we believe, be available much longer now that the US economy has been gutted and the last pool of what passes for real money, your retirement funds, is about to be stolen out of your future.
In addition to producing Health Freedom's Own Coffee, the wonderful, smooth and delightful Valley of the Moon Coffee, we are also entering the process of generating our own BeyondOrganic, BioDynamic food for our use and for the use of our customers here in Panama and elsewhere. We are nearing completion of our Natural Solutions Center (with its wellness and seminar programs): we'll let you know about our Grand Opening Celebration and our Seminar Schedule as soon as we have firm dates! Meanwhile, I can tell you that I feel much better having invested my own IRA offshore in a project with such a strong future.
If you are interested in any of our many types of participation in changing the face of food and freedom around the world, and living in a sustainable community with like minded people, you are invited to check out - and contact us at with VOTM as your subject line.
Oh, yes, one other thing: we are getting ready for the next Codex meeting. The Codex Committee on Food Labeling takes place from May 3-7, 2010 in Ottawa, Canada. If you want us there, you need to send us there.
$630 per person, Economy Class for 3 people = $1890
Accommodations: $ 1509.79 US (simple bed and breakfast 8 blocks from meeting - we walk)
Food: $75.00 per person for 3 persons, does not include hosting delegates for meals $1500
Incidentals like printing (documents we give to delegates, for example) not included
So we are asking you, through recurring small or large donations, to send us to Codex for you. By the way, if you want to come along, you are welcome! Just let us know and we will fill you in on what, when and where.
Can we afford that? Collectively, yes, we can.
Can we afford NOT to afford that? Collectively, no we can not.
Click here to make your tax deductible donation to make sure that your eyes and ears are at this important Codex meeting.
You'll have a video report each day, and our written reports as well.
There are nearly 300,000 people on this list. The math of activism is pretty simple.
Your Health, Your Way
TUNE IN Every Week! Sunday 7-9 PM Eastern
You asked for better sound quality so we switched from the internet broadcast on to
Please visit our good friends at often.
Check out our Dr. Rima Reports Archives,
Jim Fulsom: Speaking Truth to Corrupt Power Requires More Voices to Shout!
Paul G. King, PhD: Think vaccine schedules are just for children? Think again!
Sarah Schons, MD: European Health Fascism Heading to the US
Justin Plumlee: Health Freedom - Does It Include Medical Marijuana?
Fred van Liew: Health Freedom and Health Freedom Foes Archives: Click on "The Dr. Rima Reports"
The Dr. Rima Reports brings you information on the issues we must respond to, battles we must win, victories we must achieve.
And remember, please try to attend the
American Rally for Personal Rights: Vaccine Choice, Parental Consent - May 26, 2010, Chicago
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow MD
Natural Solutions Foundation
Food Freedom
International Decade of
Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration
Valley of the Moon
Virtual Malls Supporting Health
PS - If you haven't received them, here are the permalinks to the last couple of eBlasts.
We always archive our Action eAlerts on the Health Freedom Blog at
Food Dictatorship Thanks to Codex, Harkin and McCain…
eBlasts Being Blocked; McCain Bill Attacks DSHEA!
War Council: from Push Back to Take Down
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Natural Solutions Foundation
Health Freedom Action eAlert!
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™