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Answering America's distress call


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An emergency broadcast message to liberty's first-responders- 'Save America Now!' rallies those answering call to rescue country from real crisis – a constitutional one

Americans are tired. Tired of radical ideologues surrendering our sovereignty, nationalizing our economy and condemning our children and grandchildren to decades of debt.

But thankfully, they're so tired of it that they're also energized – and fighting back.

While much of the political dialogue is dominated by an agenda to "fundamentally transform" America, more Americans see through the varnished rhetoric and right to the real motives of dismissing the Constitution and enacting command-and-control government expansion. The pushback is gaining momentum and Michael Charles Master's new book, "Save America Now! The New Revolution to Save Freedom and Liberty," provides a clarion call for unity in restoring the founding principles behind America's strength and prosperity.

There is strength in numbers, and the numbers against the rapid expansion of the federal government are growing at a rate that rivals the rise in the national debt. Master makes a vital contribution to the building message around which this movement of resistance is coalescing.

Master implores patriotic Americans to steadfastly proclaim their resolve to preserve America and shows how we can work together to reverse the efforts by very formidable opponents bent on remaking America into something that's neither appealing nor affordable.

Click Here to Order "Save America Now!"

You'll Also Enjoy:

"Taking America Back"

A Radical Plan to Revive Freedom, Morality, and Justice

"Taking America Back: A Radical Plan to Revive Freedom, Morality and Justice" provides some real answers.

"Our nation's economic well being, homeland security and once-great culture are all in danger," says Joseph Farah, founder and CEO of "People want answers, now more than ever. And providing answers is what "Taking America Back" is all about."

"Taking America Back" exposes the weaknesses in America's current political and cultural systems and offers practical solutions that will revive freedom, decency and justice in our nation.

"The founders put it all on the line," writes Farah. "They were willing to sacrifice their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. What, if anything, are Americans today willing to sacrifice?"

Autographed copies available while supplies last!

Click Here to Order "Taking America Back"

"Stop The Presses!"

Inside the New Media Revolution


"Stop the Presses! Inside the New Media Revolution" gives you the full picture of media corruption and media potential. Before creating, Farah first spent 20 years inside the media establishment –  serving as an investigative reporter, foreign correspondent and running daily newspapers in major metropolitan markets. "Stop the Presses!" documents the actual takeover of the media by homosexual activists – a development that is still plaguing the press and its credibility today.

It also provides the antidote to this disease that is attacking the very health and well-being of our free republic. Without a free and independent press, Farah explains, the government has no real watchdog.

"Stop the Presses!" is also the story of WorldNetDaily's birth and development. It chronicles how an effort begun in the mid-1990s has provided the first real competition to the establishment press.

It's time to tame the media beast. It's time to make the media your friend – your ally in the war to preserve your freedom. Find out how in Farah's "Stop the Presses!"

Autographed copies available while supplies last!

Click Here to Order "Stop the Presses!" Now

"Joseph Farah was not just 'present at the creation' of the new media revolution, he helped instigate it 'Stop the Presses!' is a fascinating and freewheeling look at how a harmonic convergence of politics, personalities and technology has forever changed the way Americans interact with their government, their fellow citizens, and the world."
Rush Limbaugh, nationally syndicated talk-show host

"WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah is uniquely qualified to tell the real story of the 'new media revolution.' After all, he helped start it. This Patrick Henry of the Internet will have you hoisting a Sam Adams in celebration."

Ann Coulter, best-selling author

An emergency broadcast message

to liberty's first-responders

'Save America Now!' rallies those answering call

to rescue country from real crisis – a constitutional one

Save America NowAmericans are tired. Tired of radical ideologues surrendering our sovereignty, nationalizing our economy and condemning our children and grandchildren to decades of debt.

But thankfully, they're so tired of it that they're also energized – and fighting back.

While much of the political dialogue is dominated by an agenda to "fundamentally transform" America, more Americans see through the varnished rhetoric and right to the real motives of dismissing the Constitution and enacting command-and-control government expansion. The pushback is gaining momentum and Michael Charles Master's new book, "Save America Now! The New Revolution to Save Freedom and Liberty," provides a clarion call for unity in restoring the founding principles behind America's strength and prosperity.

There is strength in numbers, and the numbers against the rapid expansion of the federal government are growing at a rate that rivals the rise in the national debt. Master makes a vital contribution to the building message around which this movement of resistance is coalescing.

Master implores patriotic Americans to steadfastly proclaim their resolve to preserve America and shows how we can work together to reverse the efforts by very formidable opponents bent on remaking America into something that's neither appealing nor affordable.

Click Here to Order "Save America Now!"

You'll Also Enjoy:

"Taking America Back"

A Radical Plan to Revive Freedom, Morality, and Justice

Taking America Back

"Taking America Back: A Radical Plan to Revive Freedom, Morality and Justice" provides some real answers.

"Our nation's economic well being, homeland security and once-great culture are all in danger," says Joseph Farah, founder and CEO of "People want answers, now more than ever. And providing answers is what "Taking America Back" is all about."

"Taking America Back" exposes the weaknesses in America's current political and cultural systems and offers practical solutions that will revive freedom, decency and justice in our nation.

"The founders put it all on the line," writes Farah. "They were willing to sacrifice their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. What, if anything, are Americans today willing to sacrifice?"

Autographed copies available while supplies last!

Click Here to Order "Taking America Back"

"Stop The Presses!"

Inside the New Media Revolution

"Stop the Presses! Inside the New Media Revolution" gives you the full picture of media corruption and media potential. Before creating, Farah first spent 20 years inside the media establishment –  serving as an investigative reporter, foreign correspondent and running daily newspapers in major metropolitan markets. "Stop the Presses!" documents the actual takeover of the media by homosexual activists – a development that is still plaguing the press and its credibility today.

It also provides the antidote to this disease that is attacking the very health and well-being of our free republic. Without a free and independent press, Farah explains, the government has no real watchdog.

"Stop the Presses!" is also the story of WorldNetDaily's birth and development. It chronicles how an effort begun in the mid-1990s has provided the first real competition to the establishment press.

It's time to tame the media beast. It's time to make the media your friend – your ally in the war to preserve your freedom. Find out how in Farah's "Stop the Presses!"

Autographed copies available while supplies last!

"Joseph Farah was not just 'present at the creation' of the new media revolution, he helped instigate it 'Stop the Presses!' is a fascinating and freewheeling look at how a harmonic convergence of politics, personalities and technology has forever changed the way Americans interact with their government, their fellow citizens, and the world."
Rush Limbaugh, nationally syndicated talk-show host

"WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah is uniquely qualified to tell the real story of the 'new media revolution.' After all, he helped start it. This Patrick Henry of the Internet will have you hoisting a Sam Adams in celebration."

Ann Coulter, best-selling author

Combine and SAVE:

"Stop the Presses!"/"Taking America Back" Bundle

SPECIAL OFFER: Through this special, limited-time offer, you can save when you purchase "Stop the Presses!" and "Taking America Back" Bundle together – both autographed!

Save big off the retail price!

Click Here to Order

"None of The Above"

Why 2008 is the year to cast the ultimate protest vote

In "None of the Above" Farah called for protest votes against McCain and Obama. Farah warned that a McCain presidency would perpetuate the steady pace of the federal government's unconstitutional expansion of power. An Obama victory would accelerate it – and awaken Americans to the threats their personal liberties faced.

"None of the Above" shows how Americans can reassert their God-given rights and in the process return this great nation to its once and future glory while limiting the government's intrusion into our lives, businesses and schoolrooms.

Only a revolt –  a total rejection of business as usual –  stands a chance of correcting our nation's downhill slide.

Click Here to Order "None of the Above" Now

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Oba Mau Dont Tell Darwin
Flip This House Where's the Birth Certificate
Drill Drill Drill You
Impeach Obama! Don't tell Obama what comes after a trillion
Don't Tread on Me Live Free or Die
My child is an honor
                        roll student ... at home

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Muslim Mafia

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Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 5:21 AM
Subject: Answering America's distress call