Levees.Org: - Your immediate action requested!
A powerful association of university professors has alerted the Chancellor of Louisiana State University (LSU) that the firing of Professor Ivor van Heerden "raises significant issues of academic freedom, tenure and due process."
You may recall that two months ago, van Heerden, former deputy director of the LSU Hurricane Center filed a wrongful termination lawsuit in state court against the flagship university.
Van Heerden alleged that LSU officials waged a campaign of retaliatory harassment for his open criticism of the federal Army Corps of Engineers. LSU receives large federal grants from the Corps.
John Barry, Oliver Houck, Dr. Mtangulizi Sanyika, Bill Schulz and Harry Shearer listen to the organizers of
Ivor van Heerden's press conference. Photo by Sandy Rosenthal
The April 5, 2010 letter put LSU on alert that the American Association of University Professors shall establish an ad hoc committee to conduct its own full inquiry.
I spoke to Dr. Van Heerden and asked him what can Levees.org supporters do to help. He suggested that you send a hand written letter of support to the Chancellor. Please use this address and write to the Chancellor of LSU:
Dr. Michael V. Martin
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803
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Thank you for your ongoing efforts.
We're winning!
Sandy Rosenthal
Founder, Levees.org
Click here for more on the AAUP's investigation.
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