Ofsted: schools exaggerating special needs to hide poor teaching
Graeme Paton, Education Editor
In a damning report, inspectors said as many as half of children with certain categories of behavioural and learning problems were actually “no different” to other pupils.
It was claimed that many of those with special needs were simply “underachieving” because teaching standards were not good enough and expectations of pupils were “too low”.
The study suggested that state schools were being encouraged to over-identify pupils to attract more funding from local councils and boost their positions in league tables that give weighting to schools with high numbers of special needs children.
Ofsted also suggested that middle-class parents were more likely to push for their children to be registered to make sure they received extra tuition.
In a devastating conclusion, Ofsted told schools to stop labelling children as having special needs when they “simply need better teaching”.
It is likely to lead to a sharp drop in the number of children deemed to suffer from learning disorders, emotional and behavioural difficulties and communication problems – currently put at around 20 per cent of the school population.
Christine Gilbert, chief inspector of schools, said: “Higher expectations of all children, and better teaching and learning, would lead to fewer children being identified as having special educational needs.”
Currently, 1.7 million children in England are registered as having special needs.
Less than three per cent of the pupil population has a formal special needs “statement” – a legal document setting out their entitlement to certain teaching and support – and the number has dropped over the last seven years.
But at the same time, there has been a huge rise in pupils diagnosed with special needs by schools themselves. Some 18.2 per cent of the pupil population is on the “School Action” or “School Action Plus” lists in which children gain access to additional help, often without undergoing a formal external assessment.
In the latest study, Ofsted said many of these pupils did not actually suffer from any physical, emotional or educational problems.
It said “as many as half” of all pupils falling into the School Action category - around 735,000 - “would not be identified as having special educational needs if schools focused on improving teaching and learning for all”.
“Inspectors saw schools that identified pupils as having special educational needs when, in fact, their needs were no different from those of most other pupils,” said the report. “They were underachieving but this was sometimes simply because the school’s mainstream teaching provision was not good enough, and expectations of the pupils were too low.”
The report said some pupils were being wrongly identified so schools could access “expensive additional provision” to “make up for poor day-to-day teaching and pastoral support”.
Inspectors suggested that other schools were motivated by the need to increase their position in “value-added” league tables – rankings that take account of the number of pupils with special needs, English as a second language and children from poor backgrounds.
“Some schools visited believed that identifying more pupils with special educational needs resulted in a positive influence on the school’s contextual value-added score,” said the report. “This provided an incentive for higher levels of pupils to be identified as having special educational needs.
“In some of the less effective schools visited, this over-identification contributed to lowering expectations for children and young people.”
Mrs Gilbert said “middle-class and articulate parents” were more likely to push for schools to register children as having special needs to make sure they got extra help and tuition.
Christine Blower, general secretary of the National Union of Teachers, said: “Teachers do a great job in often very difficult circumstances to meet the needs of all their pupils, and for Ofsted to suggest otherwise is both insulting and wrong.”
Sept. 14, 2010