~~TO FOURWINDS READERS~~ (Updated Dec. 30, 2010)
In Love and Light,
Anne and Patrick Bellringer
December 29, 2010
#1 (Reply)
I just read that Alt Med Service got $ 632 received from all Fourwinds Readers following your call for financial help.
I was pleased to learn that they could pay their utility bill for December.
Let me however tell you that it is a real shame that they could collect only this very small amount of moneyconsidering the thousands of readers that you reach all over the world.
It is really disgusting to see so little generosity from many humans for a Medical Service that his doing such a great good for the others.
I believe that all the people that are complaining that this world is selfish and has lost all the values and principles, should look themselves in the mirrorand honestly ask themselves what they are doing to make this wonderful planet a better place !!!
If that was their answer to your call for help, I very much doubt that we can change for the better our world in the near future !!
I really DO HOPE that Earth Shan will start the cleansing as soon as possible and that I’ve earned the right to go to a place where there is only love.
Sorry Patrick to pour out my heart to you in this way but I really couldn’t help !!
In love and Light.