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February Chapter 2011 Story Unfolds

Anton Miller

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portant to understanding that which is occurring now. With this in mind, a review of some Main Event headlines (see PDF enclosed), as a sample, shows some interesting patterns in the February Chapter of our story for 2011. I will leave it up to the interested reader to discover some of the past patterns relating to this chapter. One clue to ponder is this headline from February :

Obama cutting deal to have CIA torture point-man Suleiman replace Mubarak.

Take a look at one Suleiman (Sulyman) the Magnificent, if you care to, the Islamic conqueror from the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) during the early 1600's and how many of the 16 countries going through civil unrest this February, in the attempts to “destabilize” the Mid-East, also went through this 400 some years ago in the same areas of the globe.

Much in the Casper reports this month, in the view from his window, points out a reality of how evil evil has become. A pattern in the positive efforts of humanity to meet these challenges continues to grow, daily, hourly, across Earth Shan. In the action-reaction inter-dependent chain of events promoted by the “ ills” (so called Illuminati and their Satanic puppets) to disturb the sea of emotions within Humanity, their “Wildfires” of provoking chaos and civil unrest in 16 countries has also caused “16 Backfires”. The Backfire is being produced by the positive energies of Resilience and Ingenuity forming a newer, increasing level of Solidarity as the human spirit, the God Spirit within, cannot, shall not, and will not be broken by satanic minions needing their next fix of parasitic pablum. These ones are now so addicted to their addictions that self destruction is more than imminent. It now takes 16 manipulated events in 30 days or so to feed themselves as there is not enough “juice” left in in their feeding tubes from the last round of contrived wars.

It is evident in the trends this month the efforts given to the nullification movement are growing and will continue to grow with greater resilience and fortitude. I am using resilience in the sense of “ the positive capacity of people to cope with stress and adversity.” It is this positive capacity of God Spirit within that will continue fueling the forward movement of the varied lawsuits and globally based indictments announced this month against some of the prominent satanic minions such as Obama and FedCo (Federal Corporate US), The White Pope, the Bush clan war criminals, or Tony Blair to mention a few on the growing lists. These lawsuits are setting precedents and will succeed in spite of any negative, dis-information campaigns being used against them. Give this emerging energy wave as much support as you can with positive thought.

Another trend continuing this month as 2011 unfolds is the varied reactions to Obama's non-health care package. More States are exercising their Constitutional sovereignty by saying “No”, enough is enough, we will not allow this to be imposed upon the people of our state. I believe this trend will continue to grow in the coming months.

It looks like March is coming in like a Lion more ways than one. Unfortunately, the “ills” have sent their minion military advisers from their favored “nations” to Libya. This usually means contrived war plans are being set forth. Favored time worn patterns are usually used. Number 1 is provoke civil unrest with trained Khazar Kamelians who put on costumes to fool people into thinking they might be a Muslim, or a Jew, a Nazi, a national of a particular country, a police officer, a reporter, etc. Take your pick. CIA trained agent provocateurs are extensively involved in sparking these wildfires of civil unrest. Once a country is “destabilized” by this type of parasitic agitation, in come the “military saviors” from other nations offering solutions. What they really are offering is invasion of the target country and conquering of the same through absolute, often brutal, military force. Rape, pillaging, and plundering ensues. It is time for all of this to stop. In spite of all the abuses, in spite of all the continued uses of worn out methods by Satan's puppets – and all of them are puppets, yes, even all of these Rothschild's, puppets of their obsessive addictions- people of goodness are standing up and taking new ground everyday. Resilience, ingenuity, fortitude, and courage has increased greatly this month and set a precedent for the March chapter of 2011. I am thankful to all the good people of Earth Shan who are now standing in the Light of Truth with resilience, ingenuity, fortitude, and courage.


resources/uploads/file/FEBRUARY 2011 EVENTS.pdf

In the One Light of Creator Source, war will be no more!

Anton Miller

March 1, 2011