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The David Wilcock Archive: See If You Can Wrap Your Mind Around This. . .

Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D

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March 8, 2012

The following documented opus was written by David Wilcock who received death threats for his efforts.  If that information isn't enough to make you realize how valuable his work is, then you NEED the education it provides. 
David is a paradox.  He is a proverbial 'square peg' that some will try to stuff into a round hole.  He won't fit!  For that reason many will dismiss him, but if I were you . . . I wouldn't do that!  He is what he is, and what he offers is extremely valuable and worth the time and effort it will take to read his material. 
Do have at it . . . 

CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny                                               

The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny, Part II: History Lesson                             

FINANCIAL TYRANNY: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time [Introduction]

FINANCIAL TYRANNY:  Section Two: The History

FINANCIAL TYRANNY:  Section Three: The Real World

FINANCIAL TYRANNY:  Section Four: The Occult Economy

FINANCIAL TYRANNY:  Section Five: Bretton Woods and the BIS

FINANCIAL TYRANNY:  Section Six:  The Ultimate Ponzi Scheme                                                                
FINANCIAL TYRANNY:  Section Seven: The Evidence is Irrefutable                                                                
FINANCIAL TYRANNY:  Section Eight: The Interviews                                                                              
FINANCIAL TYRANNY:  Section Nine: Closing the Doors -- Cease and Desist                                               
FINANCIAL TYRANNY:  Section Ten: Comments
Here is a video by David Wilcock which will acquaint you with David's work.  It's mind blowing and well worth watching and listening to:  
The Source Field Investigations -- Full Video!
In the above video, you will find that David is an EXCELLENT speaker who lays out some of his documented research, found in his book on the same topic. 
You can support David's work by purchasing his book with this title from his website or as follows
The Source Field Investigations:  The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies 
I'm waiting for his paperback to be released in July because it's my preferred book style due to flexibility and weight.
If you are reading and sharing this information ~ you are part of the resistance!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.


Researcher, Author and Founder

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