John Kaminski
I'm on the record multiple times for refusing to grow up, by choice. It was a decision reached in the turmoil of adolescence a half century ago. I was a teenage runaway, and everything I saw was a lie. It still is. I looked at those mature adults killing each other and ripping each other off for reasons they didn't even begin to understand. It was then I swore in the name of the force that through the green fuse drives the flower that I would never be like them.
I carried around a Jew slogan in my mind for a long time. It was from the psychologist Sandor Ferenczi: "In our inmost hearts, we are all children." Since the Jewish science of psychology has hijacked the minds of the world in the same way the Jew-created Vatican did a millennium-and-a-half ago, I examined the phrase for its psyop potential, and found none. The statement stands as truth, and truth is truth, no matter who might happen to say it.
Jews didn't capture the minds of the feeble goyim world by accident, luck or divine fiat. They did it with an unshakeable self-hating discipline that inflicts their own pain on the world. They did it with facts that seemed right at the time because the goyim were simply too weak mentally to understand what was happening to them. And too willing to be bribed into silence, revealing their own religions to be powerless eunuchs of the Jew-created megachurch. Just like the whites plunder Africa, Jews plunder the world.
Though the situation remains the same today, this psychotic memeplex is now crumbling of its own putrescent weight — the Rothschild underwear syndrome: after 2 1/2 centuries, the odor is just too much.
People are waking up to see that religions have actually blocked us from relating to each other by creating unnecessary sects dependent on the whims of priests. The psychic power of these priests mobilizes the hatred of factions to kill each other over trivial pretenses, thus remaining a time-tested method of population control, as well as always concealing the role of the perpetual perpetrators, who just happen to always be Jews.
What kid would ever devise something like that?
No, this is all the work of demented adults.
All crime derives from childhood injury. Fix the child and you fix the world. Turn him into a warrior and you destroy the world. Turn him into a believer and you can control him for the rest of his life. Control is no good; freedom is what we're after.
For the first years of life, kids perceive parents as gods. But as all parents know to their pain, society erodes the divine veneer, as its nefarious, Jewish-driven media influences explode families from the inside with all manner of social and electronic addictions.
Because it presumably is the best thing we ever had — the best thing we ever felt, coming into life — this divine view of parents motivates us to seek out the same feeling in later life, something on which to focus our divine love, not to mention our psychological orientation. Thus the image of Mary and her coterie in a cloud draped heaven remains only the echo of our mothers in our dreams, shedding a tear not so much for the untimely departure of her son, but more for the weight of the chains of her burden in a world that eagerly kills its own children.
Apart from your chronological age, what is the real age of your mind? Or your heart? How many miles . . . ?
Which age is best? On what age should we aim the finest focus of our social policies?
There is a heartfelt answer for why every age group is equally necessary in a healthy society, but the two numbers I'd set policy on would be 14 and 4.
At 14 you have not yet lost that etheric filament to childhood, the dreams of castles and princesses and dragons that to this day have not been rightly understood. At this age you know what honor is, and but for the Jewish pornographization of all societies, you would not yet be completely enmeshed by the adolescent turbulence that renders most of your decisions suspect.
Right now, the society's focus is skewed toward bald 72-year-old men going to gay strip clubs with presidential advisers and Supreme Court justices. The president and the mayor of Chicago are members of the same gay bath house. None of them ever talk about children being snatched off the street, the CIA selling weapons to streetgangs, or cancer causing substances being rained on us from above with no government oversight.
The simple dreams of childhood are exactly what the world is missing.
I'm here to advocate for the right of 4-year-olds to be heard in a substantive way, to record their dreams and adopt them as our own in a meaningful way. This is the way to the future. How much more information do you need to convince yourselves that adults don't know where they're going?
I'm here to tell you that 4-year-olds believe daycare has destroyed America, a shining example of the Jewish destabilization template, warehousing bright minds in the unused corners of life, fracturing fragmented families like so much dust in the wind.
Somehow 4-year-olds can still hear the dragons but do not possess the vocabulary to tell us what they say. So we must listen ever more closely.
Adults grow up and regard these things as childish fantasies; this cynicism subliminally infects the children and they become, at worst, emaciated Goth methheads twitching to their deathmetal self-electrocutions.
Consumed by fear and drunk with power, the world slashes on — trying to kill its own death — and killing itself in the process.
But through it all, the children still believe. It's unthinkable to them that they wouldn't. We need to pay more attention to this. It's not unusual these days for lovelorn children to try and rescue their mothers from the streets, because all children know what's right; it's the adults who are confused about things.
I had a chance to hang with a 4-year-old a few years back, and it's almost as if he had not fully deployed in this corporeal reality, his actions were a freeze frame waltz in a mystic fog like those dancing baby tigers at the zoo — the endless embodiment of life at its zenith, still unaware of the stark frankness of the life up ahead. This connection to etheric realm is missing in adults, though it is essential to the health of a society.
Think about what they're teaching you in school, any school, any profession.
Med students learn to be arrogant pill pushers, who are defrocked when they advocate something of genuine benefit for everyone's health.
Lawyers learn to betray everyone, even their own families.
Well meaning young Jews with a heart for helping are shaped into social workers, who are recruiters for the Jewish mindlock, counseling divorce, promiscuity, and ego-based alienation every step of the way, in perhaps the most insidious manifestation of the Jewish destabilization template.
So what happens when you go to school. They fill you full of drugs they say you need that inevitably cause 'unexpected' ailments years later. Even now the things they make girls take have cast realistic doubt on whether there will even be a next generation at all.
Gay teachers, the favorites of Jews, counsel students to explore their feelings and their bodies with others, dynamiting the most important message any parent can ever give to their kids. I don't know why they arrested that teacher's aide for having sex with elementary schoolers — it seems to be a key part of the curriculum imposed on all American public schools by the Jewish-dominated American Federation of Teachers. Advanced degrees available at Penn State.
In each generation there is always the program to instill currently politically correct attitudes in the minds of its students.
But Thomas Jefferson's attitude remains best. No matter what anybody says, it's not real till you prove it to yourself. Therefore, belief, necessary though it may be for ordinary comfort, is no substitute for knowledge, without which there can be no foundation for anything.
So I have only one recommendation about schools.
You are ingesting poison. And they're teaching you the wrong stuff. You are being trained to be an unconscious lackey stooge. And you know of Who!
Quitting school is beginning the lifelong process of learning in a way that's right for you, not for some wacko mind manipulator writing programs to standardize everyone into docile Sushi eating robots. Every teacher in every school in America is using a Jewish textbook.
Deprogramming can take years, or, if you had parents that were more or less paying attention to the deeper meaning of things, you may be well advanced to acting as a functional human being, as I recently observed, to my joy, in the work of Zion Crime Factory, who was only 10 when 9/11 happened and now recites the tale in all its complexities better than anyone.
What we really need is a lot of young consciousness about the lies we've been told penetrating into the operating system of corrupt American politics. This is what the heavy police activity is aimed at stopping. Please form one of these well-armed gangs as soon as possible in your local neighborhood, but remember to know who the real enemy is, and it may not be the one you think it is.
All us ordinary citizens are just trying to get along. Everyone in uniform seems to be trying to kill us.
The most important thing they don't teach you in school is that it's the world against the Jews, and the world is losing badly.
We are swimming in a sewer of Jewish disinformation, and the schools are the worst of it.
Get out while your brain remains relatively intact.
Your teachers are lying to you.
It's the godless U.S. government vs. God and the people.
Whose side are you on?
Well, whose side would you like to be on? You know, once they come over to our side, they never go back. Once you know, it would too ugly to bear.
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: