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Why Am I Suddenly the Sane One?

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July 17, 2012
Never follow so called Gurus, they are all too human for most, and most are more taken with themselves than they are with getting the facts straight.
Factual information is very dry and uninteresting to read, lacking in all manner of writing prose and adjectives, and is highly unembellished, which is why the majority are so easily conned, as they would rather believe the flowery, sweeter version, than the factually dry and uninspiring. Good solid investigative reporting requires a lot of research, sorting and distilling down to its core essence. It also requires a tremendous allocation of personal time and expense, with only a small return to show for the effort.
The reason why such a small minority (Jews) have been able to maintain such absolute dominance and superiority over the majority of the people on this planet, is because they are the undisputed masters of all the major systems within those respective countries, having to do with Education, Medicine, Law, Large Corporations, Banks, Insurance Companies, Entertainment, Agriculture, and on and on, from cradle to grave. "Quite literally, the over-all state of mind that the goyim have, is a direct result of those thoughts and ideas given to them by their Jew Gods and Masters".
The Jews don't like it when you start poking around their backyard(s), by seriously studing their culture and language, ultimately revealing stark differences between the mind rot routinely fed to the goyim cattle, and what the good little Jew boys and Girls learn from their local Synagogues, Rabbis, and Hebrew academies.
Government Education is Mind Control, designed mostly by very clever Jews in key positions, wordsmiths in their own right, and masters of Obfuscation and Sophism.
Sophism in the modern definition is a specious argument used for deceiving someone. In ancient Greece, sophists were a category of teachers who specialized in using the tools of philosophy and rhetoric for the purpose of teaching arête — excellence, or virtue — predominantly to young statesmen and nobility. The practice of charging money for education and providing wisdom only to those who could pay led to the condemnations made by Socrates, through Plato in his Dialogues, as well as Xenophon's Memorabilia. Through works such as these, Sophists were portrayed as "specious" or "deceptive", hence the modern meaning of the term. ( Now we call them Public Educators)