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Citizens for Health Alert: National 'Read Your Labels Day' - Mark Your Calendars

Citizens for Heatlh

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March 28, 2013


March 28, 2013

Dear Citizen for Health,

Thursday, April 11 (4/11) is National "Read Your Labels Day".

For one day we want you to "get the 411" on the controversial, unnecessary, or downright harmful additives that are commonly found in the food and beverages we buy and consume.

How can you observe Read Your Labels Day?

--Check our list of the "Top Ten Additives to Avoid" and learn why they made the list - courtesy of blogger and CFH contributor, Linda Bonvie.

--Visit the CFH Facebook page and share your personal pledge to observe April 11 and avoid as many of these 10 ingredients as you can. It won't be easy to avoid them all, since manufacturers do their best to disguise or distract you from the worst of them. But it's worth it, and it's a great exercise in staying informed about what you eat and feed to your families.

--Get creative! Have an idea for how to mark the day, or how to share the "411" with other concerned consumers? Share it with us and other Citizens for Health through Twitter or Facebook.

Stay tuned for more as Read Your Labels Day nears...

As always, thank you for your participation.

The Citizens for Health Team


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