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5-Year-Old Wets His Pants After 2-Hour-Long Interrogation Over Toy Gun

Dean Garrison

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May 31, 2013

Another story from the files of the outright insane…

Did you own a toy cap gun as a child? I did. Did you play “cops and robbers” when you were young? I did. What on earth is going on in our school system today? Apparently a child who brought a toy cap gun to school, to show his friends, was interrogated for two hours, treated like a real-life criminal, and his parents were only called after he wet his pants according to the Washington Post. His normal “show and tell” action ended in him being suspended for 10 days. If the cap gun were loaded, the school principal allegedly claims, the police would have been called. According to Donna St. George:

In Calvert County, the trouble began Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. on a 10-minute bus ride to school.

According to the family, the boy’s friend had brought a water gun on the bus a day earlier. On Wednesday, unbeknown to his parents, the boy stowed his cap gun — from Frontier Town near Ocean City — inside his backpack as he left for school.

He told his mother after the incident that he had “really, really” wanted to show his friend.

The mother was called by the principal at 10:50 a.m. and was told that her son had the cap gun and pretended to shoot someone on the bus. She said that both the kindergartner and his first-grade sister, sitting nearby on the bus, disputed that account.


The mother said the principal told her that if the cap gun had been loaded with caps, it would have been deemed an explosive and police would have been called in.

The child’s disciplinary referral said he was being suspended for possession of a look-alike gun.

(Emphasis Added)

Are you kidding me? Really? Had the gun been loaded with caps the police would have been called in? These stories never cease to amaze me. About 3 weeks ago I wrote a similar story about a child who was suspended from school for using a pencil as a make believe gun. Yes America, this is what things have come to.

This 5-year-old little boy may already be scarred for life after a two-hour long, police-style investigation. Thank goodness the cap gun was not loaded or he might be doing hard time.

Do not be mistaken my friends. This IS part of the left-wing agenda. This IS what our education system is becoming and I for one am outraged. What about you?