Look At What the Schools Are Teaching the Kids
Dave Hodges - thecommonsenseshow
Do you remember the good old days when we went after the bad guys rather than the old, the young, and the infirm?
Today the “bad guys” that society pursues are a growing number of our children. Increasingly, while our children are in school, they are being preyed upon by ruthless school administrators and the servants of the holy order of the private prison system and the exponentially growing number of rogue cops. The implications of the abuse being perpetrated against our students is far-reaching and often has profound implications for a child’s entire future.
What Are Our Children Being Taught?
In the first two articles of this series, I highlighted private prison organizations like the CCA, with its monolithic Wall Street investors who, by any means possible, are driving up prison occupancy rates purely for reasons of profit. Increasingly, privatized prisons are reaching into the school age population in order to increase its new and lucrative customer base. Subsequently, your child is at risk every time that they walk on to a school campus because increasingly, children are being funneled from school to the criminal justice system.
It will be clear from the cases presented in the following paragraphs, that either, willingly or unwittingly, the schools are partners with the for-profit criminal justice system and are complicit in feeding children into the prison system from which most people are never able to separate from.
This is one of the most disgusting practices to have ever existed in this country and most Americans are not even aware that this is going on.
Even if your child does not become one of the prison to school population victims, your child is still being taught how to subjugate themselves to the state, to serve as slaves to mindless authority, whether its the wearing of RFID student ID badges or having their diet controlled by Michelle Obama’s dietary minions. But most of all, some of our children are being taught how to become career criminals for the minor infractions that a child commits in school. For once a child is adjudicated and gets into the system, approximately 95% never get out of that system. Increasingly in our schools, what we used to call the prankster of yesterday, becomes the hardened criminal of tomorrow.
Three representative cases have been selected for your review which demonstrates the depths of depravity that we find in so many of our “educational” institutions which could care less about the children they are supposed to serve, but rather many of these schools serve a heartless police state with its nonsensical and profit driven zero tolerance policies.
Logan Middle School (WV)
Jared Marcum is facing a year behind bars