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High School Students Take 'Conspiracy Theories' Class

Andrew V Pontbriand | Activist Post

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FW:  Jan. 14, 2014

The students over at Oxford High School in Oxford, MA. are probably not familiar with the Common Core curriculum. I mean, let’s face it, when you were forced into compulsory education did you really care THAT much about the curriculum?

However, when I was speaking with a family friend who is a junior attending the high school, she pointed out something to me that she knew I would find interesting. A class called "Conspiracy Theories".

"The class is varied in the topics but one thing we talked about was the moon landing being a hoax, we had to write a paper explaining why it was, or wasn’t a hoax". She also stated that the class does mention ’The Illuminati’, but "most of the kids only relate it to pop culture", and that the class seems to focus on it in that context. She said, "like Jay-Z and Rihanna being members of the Illuminati."

I contacted Oxford High School to see if I could track down the teacher for this class. The teacher, Aimee Russo, did not e-mail me back to answer any questions.

However, this is a course description on the High School’s Web Portal:

This course will explore conspiracy theories throughout history. We will explore subjects from aliens to music and pop culture to 9/11. They will challenge you be (sic) constantly questioning the truth. You will hear many sides to many stories and have to discover for yourself what you believe really happened. You will be researching, reading, and writing about conspiracy theories. You will also partake in many class discussions and complete projects that exercise your creativity, thinking skills, presentation skills, and collaboration skills.

The class, "explores" such "theories" as, 9/11, AIDS, Paul McCartney, Elvis, and cancer conspiracies. However, I was told specifically by a student that the class goes deeper than that.


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