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Subject: Common Core Explained- ONE OF THE BEST EVER!

Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2014 07:52:20 -0400


This is so important that I am resending and attaching one of my email buddies comments that are right on !

Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 8:4

Subject: FW: Common Core Explained


This is the best Common Core educational film I’ve seen.  It is about 40 minutes long.

It talks about home schooling, secretiveness, central control, data collection, federal money used to enforce CC, etc.

It does NOT tell you that these standards are based on the United Nations standards.

After watching it, please Forward to anyone who needs the education or who might influence our children’s future.   


I would really appreciate your thoughts...


This, so far has been the clearest explanation of the Federal introduction of Common Core Curriculum standards that I have come across.  Having not known much about it prior to this and seeing only bits and pieces of parents and some teachers speaking strongly against it, I am glad to be able to watch this apparently well documented discussion. 


If I caught you at your work email address, I apologize and hope that you will forward it to your home address.


And I do hope you would set aside enough time to watch this and gain a better understanding of the debate that is picking up steam around the United States – after the fact.


Victoria Baer


4320 Deerwood Lake Pkwy #101-222

Jacksonville, FL 32216

904.982.1734 PH

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