Justice Department orders Mass. officials not to verify the ages of illegal immigrants with gray hair and wrinkles enrolling in public schools
J.D. Heyes
(NaturalNews) The Obama Administration and, in particular, the biased and politically charged Obama Justice Department, will go to any lengths to boost Democratic voter rolls with illegal immigrants, using every means -- legal and otherwise -- to cater to them, usually at the expense of American citizens and taxpayers.
And for reasons only a select few people in the administration can answer, those measures now include permitting illegal immigrants who are obviously too old to register to attend American public schools. No, we didn't make that up.
As reported by CNSNews.com:
The mayor of Lynn, Mass. says that some of the illegal aliens from Guatemala who are enrolled in her city's public schools are adults with graying hair and "more wrinkles than I have."
"They are not all children," Judith Flanagan Kennedy told reporters at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., [recently].
They have more wrinkles than I do
"One of the things that we did notice when we were processing some of these students coming in was that they were adults," she said, adding that federal authorities will not permit school officials to verify the ages of foreign-born, resettled enrollees -- even though one of the "students," it was discovered, is 35 years old.
Kennedy added that the majority of new arrivals from Guatemala who are enrolling in the local school system claim to be between 14 and 17 years old.
"But there were people with graying temples, hair around the temples," she said. Admittedly, she said she had not seen those people in person but rather had seen photos of them in registration paperwork. "There were people with more wrinkles than I have around their eyes," she said.
But the Obama Justice Department, under Attorney General Eric Holder, won't permit local school officials to verify students' ages.
"We were told through a directive from the Department of Justice (DOJ) that we were not to question or verify -- attempt to verify these ages," Kennedy said at a press conference hosted by the Center for Immigration Studies.
She said that she and the Lynn Public Schools superintendent were attempting to find out why the number of students from Guatemala "almost doubled" from the previous year.
In comments to CNSNews.com, Kennedy said that she and school officials -- despite the Justice Department's rules -- were nonetheless able to find out the age of some students, and discovered that they were adults.
"We have no ability to confront a student directly and demand an accurate age," Kennedy said. "Every once in a while, we'll be able to determine that someone is well above the age at which they would be entitled to an education in the Lynn Public Schools.
"For example," she continued, "if a student does not show up for a few days of classes, we will send our truant officers out to find out what's going on at that home.
"One example: the woman who answered [the] door said, 'He's 35 years old -- he's not going to show up at school.... But we cannot, per DOJ guidelines, we cannot ask them for any more verification of age," Kennedy said, adding that the situation was "very frustrating."
Mandatory rules and regulations - for illegal immigrants
The DOJ issued a statement to public schools in May reminding them that the law requires them to register all children, no matter their immigration status.
"You must ensure that you do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national origin, and that students are not barred from enrolling in public schools at the elementary and secondary level on the basis of their own citizenship or immigration status of that of their parents or guardians," the DOJ statement said.
For years, the federal government -- under multiple administrations -- has loosened immigration rules and foisted more requirements and mandates on state and local governments to take care of people in the country illegally, resulting in additional costs to taxpayers and strains on local systems. What's more, the countries where most illegal immigrants come from these days do not reciprocate this kind of laxity regarding United States' immigration laws and resultant offerings of public services.
http://www.justice.gov [PDF]