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The States People want to Leave!

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Seplt. 15, 2014













(Colin Lecher)  Gallup is out with a new poll and accompanying map measuring responses to this question: “Regardless of whether you will move, if you had the opportunity, would you like to move to another state, or would you rather remain in your current state?”

Big insights from the geographic misery watch? Illinois residents would rather not be residents, with 50 percent (!) saying they’d move if given the chance; 49 percent of Connecticut residents said the same. On the other end of the spectrum, folks are pretty content in Montana, Hawaii, and Maine, with a relatively slim 23 percent in each state saying they’d like to move on. Here, again via Gallup, is a table of the highest and lowest percentages:,w_600/v1410654690/Screen_shot_2014-09-13_at_8_30_55_PM_efhvui.jpg


Gallup also measured the percentage of residents who said they think they will leave in the next year, which, as you might expect, broadly reflect the states where people already want to move. When asked why they planned to move, here’s what they said:

Those saying it is at least somewhat likely they will move were asked to say why, in their own words. The biggest factor residents give for planning to move is for work or business reasons — the 50-state average is 31%. This is followed by family or other social reasons (19%), weather or location (11%), and then seeking a better quality of life or change (9%).

You can read more about the poll’s methodology over at Gallup’s site. But only if you feel like moving is the right decision for you at this moment in your life.

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 10 3

(Colin Lecher)  Gallup is out with a new poll and accompanying map measuring responses to this question: “Regardless of whether you will move, if you had the opportunity, would you like to move to another state, or would you rather remain in your current state?”

Big insights from the geographic misery watch? Illinois residents would rather not be residents, with 50 percent (!) saying they’d move if given the chance; 49 percent of Connecticut residents said the same. On the other end of the spectrum, folks are pretty content in Montana, Hawaii, and Maine, with a relatively slim 23 percent in each state saying they’d like to move on. Here, again via Gallup, is a table of the highest and lowest percentages:


Gallup also measured the percentage of residents who said they think they will leave in the next year, which, as you might expect, broadly reflect the states where people already want to move. When asked why they planned to move, here’s what they said:

Those saying it is at least somewhat likely they will move were asked to say why, in their own words. The biggest factor residents give for planning to move is for work or business reasons — the 50-state average is 31%. This is followed by family or other social reasons (19%), weather or location (11%), and then seeking a better quality of life or change (9%).

You can read more about the poll’s methodology over at Gallup’s site. But only if you feel like moving is the right decision for you at this moment in your life.

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