Rand Paul
You've probably already heard of Common Core -- the latest federal "education" program being rammed into local schools from coast to coast.
Everywhere you look, Americans are up in arms over its anti-American propaganda, revisionist history that ignores the faith of our Founders and data-tracking of students from kindergarten on . . .
But as the new Senate Chairman of the Sub-committee on Children and Families, Patrick, the reality of Common Core is even worse than you may think.
In just a moment, I'm going to tell you about some absolutely outrageous examples, which are going to make your head spin.
But first, I'm counting on you to please fill out your STOP COMMON CORE Directive IMMEDIATELY!
I intend to lead an all-out assault on this bureaucrats-know-best boondoggle in the Senate, but I cannot stop Common Core without your support -- and the support of millions more Americans who care about the future of our nation.
The Leftists know the children are the future.
And propagandizing and controlling our children is what Common Core is all about.
Without your support, I truly shudder to think what this could mean for our country.
The brain-child of Big Government politicians in BOTH parties -- now controlled by the Obama administration -- Common Core is taking our nation another step down a very dangerous path.
Yet, even several GOP Presidential hopefuls -- including Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, Scott Walker and Chris Christie -- are all prominent backers!
Why would these Republicans back Common Core?
For some, it's the money doled out by the Feds. Others are taken in by the idea that Washington, D.C. knows best and, I believe, deep down each one wants to keep the federal government at the heart of American education.
This is not what the Constitution permits.
Nor is it good policy.
Just ask moms, dads or even the kids themselves who have to deal with Common Core's insanity!
The Founders never intended our federal government to involve itself in education.
Under our Constitution, education is to be left up to states and localities as parents, teachers and local school boards work together, innovate and find what works.
Against the will of conservatives like Ronald Reagan, that concept was tossed in the trash can with the creation of the U.S. Department of Education in 1979 under Jimmy Carter.
But even with the Department of Education's massive failure to improve education, there was always one important check on its destructive power.
You see, the ability to infect millions of American schoolchildren with Big Government propaganda depends on control of what they're being taught in the classroom.
And with laws on the books prohibiting the Feds from setting a national curriculum, that's been largely up to local school boards, parents and teachers.
Until Common Core.
To get around federal laws prohibiting Fed involvement in classroom material, the Obama administration simply decided to offer states "waivers" on their current performance and bribe them with $4.35 BILLION in spending to get them to sign on!
Now, as one Republican colleague in the United States Senate recently stated, President Obama's Department of Education "has become, in effect, a national school board."
Backed by left-wing organizations like the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the National Education Association (NEA) and the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress, it's easy to see why Common Core is a statist's dream.
Common Core is a one-size-fits-all mishmash of curriculum, lesson plans, data collection and student testing.
Once states sign on, local schools are effectively forced to do nothing but "teach the test" and spoon-feed biased nonsense from Common Core curriculum, like:
*** Requiring students to pick two constitutionally-protected freedoms in our Bill of Rights for DESTRUCTION.
The lesson plan itself says the government has determined our Constitution is "outdated," and certain freedoms must be eliminated;
*** Rewriting the Constitution's Second Amendment.
Under Common Core's approved curriculum, gun ownership is a "collective right" only those in a state militia are guaranteed;
*** Pushing radical environmentalists' "Global Warming" propaganda.
In one fifth-grade class, students were told horror stories about the entire East Coast of America being put underwater due to man-made "global warming."
From there, it gets even worse.
Whether it's writing out any mention of Ronald Reagan's role in the fall of the Berlin Wall or praising sources that list Abraham Lincoln's religion as "liberal," there are just too many examples to list!
Besides all of this, Common Core doesn't even work!
Now, Americans from across the political spectrum are rising up against Common Core after seeing their kids come home with incomprehensible math assignments.
Kids themselves who just don't get Common Core's nonsensical lesson plans -- which ditch tried-and-true educational methods -- experience depression and anxiety.
One poor girl from New York carved "stupid" on her wrist after seeing her Common Core test results.
But to the "educrats" and Big Government politicians in BOTH parties, I'm afraid none of this matters.
They know, if they get our kids to buy into their propaganda, they get EVERYTHING.
Just imagine the next generation of Americans after years of Common Core's progressive indoctrination in the classroom.
Just imagine how government bureaucrats will choose to wield the massive amounts of data they'll collect on American schoolchildren and their families.
Barred by law from creating the database themselves, the Obama administration is flooding states with tax dollars earmarked to create their own easily shareable and compatible databases!
The National Education Data Model itself includes 400 data points -- including health, race, religion and politics.
Instead of viewing each student as an individual -- a human being with his or her own personality, likes, dislikes and motivations -- our children will soon be reduced to nothing but numbers.
They'll be dehumanized statistics on a computer screen for manipulation by far-away government bureaucrats.
So how long until "educrats" and Big Government politicians decide that "family gun ownership inhibits children's ability to learn in the classroom?"
Or perhaps decide that "those from Christian families just don't have an Obama administration-approved view of how 'outdated' the Constitution's Bill of Rights is?"
Patrick, any way you look at it, Common Core is an education nightmare come true.
Yet, this Big Government education scheme continues to get the backing of prominent members of my own Republican Party who have their eyes on our nation's highest office!
Don't they understand that:
>>> Common Core is FAILING miserably right before our eyes and millions of Americans are flat-out fed up?
>>> No Child Left Behind -- which also sought to centralize power in Washington, D.C. -- has FAILED?
>>> The creation of the Department of Education itself has been a FAILURE?
I think it's time to get back to what worked.
That means restoring control over education to parents, teachers and local school boards -- not Big Government bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.
So with your help, my hope is to capitalize on the anger the American people are feeling today as a result of Common Core to push to totally defund the U.S. Department of Education!
But that begins with stopping Common Core.
For that, I'm counting on your help.
With your support, my hope is to create a massive groundswell against Common Core that can sweep the country.
The good news is, a dozen states are currently fighting to repeal Common Core within their borders.
But Congress can increase the pressure by simply stopping handing out "waivers" and giving away our tax dollars as incentives.
So won't you please sign your STOP COMMON CORE Directive right away?
And if possible, please agree to your most generous contribution at once to help me reach even more Americans about this absolutely critical issue.
I don't know what you can afford.
My hope is you'll chip in a contribution of at least $20 or $10.
Patrick, this is not a fight you and I can ignore.
Even as I write you, Common Core is spreading outright Big Government propaganda to schoolchildren all over the country.
And Big Government politicians in BOTH parties are backing it!
I don't know how long freedom can survive in America under this outright indoctrination.
That's why it's up to you and me to stop Common Core while we still can.
Please fill out your STOP COMMON CORE Directive, and chip in a contribution of $20 or $10 TODAY!
In Liberty,