Reviewing the habits that betray us
Olaf Childress
Though it lurks right out in the open and couldn’t be more plainly obvious, yet note how few of our people will admit what’s causing their unspoken anxieties. Indeed, that monster feeds on such silence and gets stronger in proportion as those who prefer to suffer rather than act put an inevitable reckoning off for another day.
Except where the thing mesmerizes one into neglecting his own best interests, all living creatures rank survival the ultimate priority. Victims of such hypnosis as would enslave even while promising salvation simply do not know they’re under the influence of an unnatural intoxicant and have become facilitators for the problems they complain about. Within its power, an argument that once sounded crazy assumes sudden respectability, gains momentum, mollifies former objections to illegal immigrants stealing American jobs and the treason we’ve seen destroying our industrial self-reliance; makes Whites stop thinking exclusively about increasing their own health, wealth and happiness on the supposition that they’ve too often taken unfair advantage of other races, therefore should back off, stop being so aggressive, accept their guilt, and in atonement stand aside while affirmative action redistributes all assets.
Few lower animals appear devoted to avoiding behavior that may simply hurt the feelings of a touchy neighbor, nor care one whit for the welfare of unlike creatures comprising another species. Indoctrinated nowhere to sacrifice itself, survival is each natural spirit’s foremost concern. And yet we must intervene on behalf of those lesser intellects, some will say, precisely because they have not developed our higher respect for equality, fraternity and justice. There we go again, instructing the womb from which we’ve but recently emerged what life is all about.
Socialism’s air castles
Then a parallel argument runs thus: it’s possible one should butt out of the natural realm altogether and forbid people going into those forever wild reservations; which doesn’t mean giving up, however, on our “equalizing” the fortunes among all human beings. (Such a stupid equation was surely dreamed up among the lower animals to detract us from spiking their feed with No Child Left Behind supplements.) A White Nation did not want that program, and now the grandchildren of many 1960s bused-in “freedom riders” are “equally” certain the whole multicultural War on Poverty was an assault upon every living person. Can it be the lower animals apprehend what we’ve yet to learn?
If you’ve just got to teach, begin every day with a prayer. Most of us have at least some modicum of experience we’re ready to share so as hopefully to save others from struggling where we did before reaching our plateaus of knowledge. But ideas about leaving no child behind its contemporaries turn repeatedly into an alchemy course that ends only in frustration. Why not begin by urging the invocation of divine guidance as a first step toward where each student is headed? Let all lessons point rather to the individual’s own potential, which may lag quite behind – or well exceed – that of the instructor.
While this newly-indoctrinated spirit of apologetic cooperation brings ambiguous results and much anxiety among a largely quiescent, long-suffering White populace, even those minorities whose supposedly unjust lots it was putatively designed to improve do not for the most part appreciate that assistance. Let’s think about how and why our nemesis would bring the various races to abandon their formerly reverential and conservative natural proclivities.
The why is more easily explained. Bully personalities occupy an important niche in nature’s arena, without which the sleepy proletariat would nod yet further for want of anything to keep tabs on, resist or create defensive mechanisms against. A hooligan senses he’s doing the neighborhood some good by sharpening its mettle, proving all men are not created equal upon entering a world that could otherwise be unbearably dreary lacking his stimulation. Australia’s extinct Dodo bird might still be around had it feared or held in awe such a flight and drill instructor.
Our worldwide conundrum
It’s the how that involves a less distinct understanding of what’s at work, for here we do not meet the physical embodiment which would capture undue power by way of deception. One can’t mobilize against extremely dangerous subverters who keep low profiles while committing high treason when conspiring to destroy an individual, a society or host Nation. This is an enigma. A triumph having stooped to such levels of contention, that is, whereby the victor and vanquished are not morally distinguishable from each other, confers no honor upon anyone.
Yet it’s possible to both survive intact and avoid becoming thus degraded. So let us deploy our most viable option. The first order of business is – as the word implies – getting busy. And any good business plan starts by reconnoitering the terrain. It calls for acknowledging what’s right before our eyes, coming out from under any illusions that this thing having brought our people low will ever relent or consent to an honest verdict regarding its aims.
Today’s “perfect” crime
So that’s the starting hint as to whom or what we’re coming slowly and cautiously upon here. Blurting it right out would lose quite a few otherwise intelligent first-time readers perusing these politically-incorrect comments who have yet to dive right into the water and discover they might not only swim against the current but, by repeating that exercise regularly, remain in shape for survival.
Everyone who’s been there and done that knows whom and what we’re facing.Assuming a great many Whites will finally, inevitably, see the light and join us before these present generations fall irretrievably and totally under thrall to the same enemy, oblivious as to how, why or even that it has happened, let’s get the awakening ones to help pry those eyes of their sleepyheaded acquaintances open and exhort them to
Act, act in the living present!
Heart within, and God o’erhead.
For it is only when our less alert cousins recognize what’s deceiving, tempting and diverting them from their natural bearings that we’ll altogether get a handle on doing something about this problem by seeing in it an invitation for every Nation’s recovery. And, if standing firm while those “racist,” “xenophobe,” and “homophobe” epithets bounce off our bully hides is what it takes, we’re not only here but decidedly visible.
In other words, because many a White soul either cannot or will not acknowledge the actual engine behind such degenerative trends at present, we’ve got to stand in the heat of his ignorance serving as rowdies here and whipping boys there, no laurels within sight just now, doing whatever the situation demands so long as it entices our target into an open debate anytime he feels ready to defend those ideas that a false and unseen mentor has drilled into his skull.
Straight facts
Step two: Having resolved the thing’s identity, method and pathology, agreeing among ourselves it’s a case where fighting fire with the same element isn’t a choice, we’ve arrived at the optimal time to restart that famous inventiveness of ours. Here’s one idea. Whereas the New World Order is mostly about globalizing, centralizing and finalizing answers to all questions, without firing a shot we can verbally demolish such End of History presumptions merely by challenging their premises; which forbids trying to overleap any Big Lie with one of greater magnitude. Honest men do not play that game at which their nemesis is a past master.
In continual sequences having overleapt its own Big Lies by selectively answering only those questions dealing with the why, we’ve a flightless Dodo bird reminding us there’s a reason the thing stalks our every move. That nemesis admires the virtues it can’t emulate, therefore must manipulate. Nineteen glory-crazed Arabs imagining to gain seventy-two virgins for their efforts and, o yes, because they hated America’s freedoms, took lessons at a small Florida airport where they learned not only many kinds of acrobatic aerial maneuvers aboard Cessnas that would prove just as workable later when piloting four jumbo jet airliners, but also how to outdo most of the world’s demolition experts in bringing down neatly into their own footprints three Manhattan skyscrapers.
The truth alone, while its profession is often risky (as Socrates and Zündel among others have found out), will set us free.
A profile emerges
Although the killing continues because its instigators apparently need all of those misunderstandings and miscalculations in their quest for a cashless cyber-currency accounting system, they are not letting much get out about how the dollar keeps up with gold lately, only the why international “stability” must “advance” on beyond the world’s paper monies. Consolidation, a universal metric of time, weight, distance, mass and now value, we are about to hear, will bring an end to unfair apportionments. But, on Orwell’s Animal Farm, some pigs would be less unfairly apportioned than others of course.
This something that people are not yet ready to talk about, even while complying with its downward-spiraling steps, simply wants obedience for now. Do not organize a Congressional White Caucus, advertise cigarettes, smoke pot, engage in any form of what some non-White “offended” party might consider “hate speech,” flirt with the opposite sex, speak ill of homosexuality, protest at a government-sanctioned event outside its free-speech zone; do buckle up, reset your clocks, buy insurance, get shots, file reports, seek permits and pay “profit” taxes on equal-value exchanges.
Patterns of behavior
While our unconventional enemy may readily despise but not actually understand the White man’s code of fair play behavior, by that jealous spirit’s simply observing his own personal motions he rightly concludes we are all creatures of habit. The would-be successful big-time robber, out of prison for the third time imagining his blunders resulted from too little planning, nothing amiss about the chosen vocation, cases yet another “job” more carefully by observing his targeted victims’ comings and goings, what time of day or week they will be most vulnerable, etc.
There you have it; our habitual criminal stalks and scrutinizes the habits of his prey before striking. But that’s just penny ante compared with this likeminded school of racketeers we’re considering here, where each member sticks up for every other and anytime one of them is caught red-handed the entire combine descends on a reporter who dares draw the obvious conclusions, denouncing his investigation as prejudiced because of the culprit’s shady background.
Creative realization
One might argue that, since the evidence testifies inexorably to the accused’s guilt, his criminal past corroborates rather than exculpates. But, unfortunately, this plays out too often according to the problem we remain hesitant to take in hand. “Justice” – once a case becomes doubtful, which is not unusual when big money enters the picture – regularly favors whoever fields the most powerful team of lawyers. We’ve grown accustomed to such operas of caprice, an outlook developing into ingrained habit among those enslaved to their tendencies and expectations.
Others who control the exchange media for both information and physical assets, no less than a more highly visible bully who feels he’s doing the neighborhood a favor and accepts his boosted ego as pay, expect rewards, too, but of greater potency. Such robber barons, situated in the heights overlooking those narrows through which all commerce must pass, show themselves nowhere else and barely fit in even among their own inbred kind, unable to enjoy that gain as does a comparatively honest petty thief.
These people, hooked by habit and ever wanting more, yet more, more of nothing noble but the means for getting at – and drawing the rest of us toward – all that is degrading, have become this thing feeding on our silence and now growing menacing. It is not the media of exchange themselves that we must overthrow, nor a government having fallen under their sway, for both are indispensable; but the criminal class today occupying those pinnacles of power must go.
A fool and his money are soon parted, though the con artist never bothers to thank him. Dodo birds made good cuisine under the circumstances, yet some landed sailors soon began slaughtering them for the fun of it. Habits might uplift or degrade, your choice. Learning to expect injustice, with relatively few kneeling down on bended knees and praying for guidance to resist Babylon’s propensities, a minimal number will propagate our White Nation’s glory into the future – not because they possess special qualities lacking in ourselves, but by sheer force of such golden discipline.
How we arrived at this
Ignoring George Washington’s parting advice about staying out of Europe’s wars, Americans soon forgot that we weren’t to practice an ersatz-nobility’s habit of taking on huge debts when raising corresponding armies. Following the second foreign war “to end wars,” our generals and politicians began jealously, habitually, admiring those shields of heraldry over there, leading to a craving for similar escutcheons. Ordered to submit designs and mottos, the U. S.4th Armored Division quoted its commanding general’s words: “They shall be known by their deeds alone.”
Habit can bring one to be barefacedly aggressive or as shamelessly submissive. An obliging prime minister may mortgage his country into future bankruptcy, signing all conditions posed by the moneylenders so long as he becomes, for a time and price, their rampant lion leading the charge.
And what is this menace that intelligent people know exists but few will talk about or challenge? Like a bureaucracy’s power – unelected though omnipresent – it’s the yet more powerful Jewish mediacracy.