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”We are afraid” – Swedish schoolchildren’s desperate letter to the principal


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;FW:  June 4, 2016

Swedish school children’s desperate letter to the principal, after being beaten at school.

More and more parents keep their children home from school, after children have been abused by newly arrived immigrant students who attend the Central School in Kristianstad.

Children who are beaten, kicked, choked and suffer other degrading treatment – It has now become everyday life at the Central School in Kristianstad. The school has received a large number of new students from the recent asylum chaos, and has two preparatory classes for newly arrived immigrants.

And it is the newly arrived immigrant children who create the problems.

– My kids have been home since Wednesday, they have not felt safe and I have not wanted to force them there, says Malin, who is the worried mother of two boys who go to the school.

The headmaster and teachers have urged the Swedish children to “walk away” if there are fights or conflict with immigrant children, a recipe that does not work.

– When they leave, they are persecuted by this gang who call them bad words, they use a very abusive language towards children in second and third grade, says Malin, and adds:

– When one of the boys said he did not want to play football because the immigrants cheat, two of them attacked him. It ended with this boy being completely covered in blood before some adults intervened.

Malin is not the only parent who let her children stay home because they do not feel safe at school. Madeleine is another mother who also has two boys in first and second grade at the school. They stay at home because they are afraid to go to school also.

– My children were at home on Friday as their best friend was getting strangled on Thursday, she says.

– They had fear in their stomachs, my little boy who is seven, and in first grade, was tripped and fell. His knees are bruised.

The principal: “Try to understand”

Malin and Madeleine is clear that they do not want a witch hunt at the school and that the only thing they want is that everything will be fine again. Moreover, they are far from the only ones to pay attention to the problems. On Friday parents from seven families met with the principal, Annika Persson, to talk about the problems with the violent immigrant children.

At first, the principal refused to even talk to the affected pupils’ parents, but after a while she gave in and set up a meeting. Madeleine brought a letter that her two sons wrote to the principal, where their fear is expressed.

– The principal told us at the meeting that one must have an understanding for this, as they have left the war, they are perhaps born in refugee camps and may have traumatic backgrounds, she says and continues:

– Then I asked the headmaster and wondered how to explain to my children that it is okay to become a little strangled or beaten, or they say go home and “fu@k dad’s di@k”, and to feel sorry for them because they come from war. I do not understand how I can explain this to my children?

Swedes a minority

At the meeting with the principal yesterday, parents were told that between 90 and 95 percent of the students at the school now are children of foreign origin.

– Our children have become a minority and the principal said that’s why it has become so messy as it is, says Malin.

– She did not mean that it is just the foreign children who are the problem, but that there is a lack of communication between the children. There are cultural differences and language difficulties, one can not understand each other, and then they use fists to make themselves heard.

Madeleine does not know what she will do on Monday, if her children will continue to stay home from school or have to go there despite the threat of more violence.

– I’m afraid so. I can not stay home from work, so I do not know how it will be on Monday, she says and adds:

– I’ll check if my dad can be with the kids on Monday, but I do not know.

Malin has, however, begun looking for a new school for her boys, something that is difficult because all the schools are overcrowded.

– I told the principal yesterday at the meeting that I do not feel good about this, and I do not know if I will be able to send my children to school on Monday. Then she said to me; You will send your children on Monday! I’m breaking the law if I keep them at home, she says.

– But yesterday we visited a new school.

The principal would not comment

When Fria Tider on Saturday called Annika Persson to ask her for a comment on the violence against Swedish children at the school. Instead she asked the news outlet to try again on Monday, when she is on “duty”.