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Hospitality is the First Step in Any Civilisation


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uld deserve......while preceding and introducing President Amadinejad, his Guest .

Bollinger's introduction resembled rather an Indictment text in a Court of Law when the purpose of that meeting were "to listen to what the enemy of the USA has had to say ".

Among other jewels President Ahmadinejad said : What do the Palestinian have to be blamed for in that Holocaust ??

I leave it up to you to judge who was more polite and who was more ethical and honest and who has had a hidden agenda worthy of any hypocrite and cheap coward.

Simply , and basically President Ahamadinejad whether he were a dictator or not , was never addressed to as " Mister President " nor at least as Doctor ,.......which he is both.....!!

Middle Easterner Hospitality and Civilisation(s) go side by side and both are not under the microscope now. And a Guest is a Guest, to be first of all "protected" and respected , whatever he or she would be.

It is rather that, this US renowned University , and what it ought to represent which are now questionable. Civicaly speaking ,

Any Western Tourist who has spent only 10 days in the Middle East, experiences genuine Hospitality and talks about it , even 6 years later on. Our Hospitality is legendary !!

Maybe that Dean of that University ought to take a cheap-package-holidays to some cheap 2 stars Hotel Resort anywhere in the Middle East or in the Muslim World only to find superior Hospitality than he has offered to a President and a to Doctor .

Raja Chemayel 25Th of September 2007

PS : My Daughter will enter the University next year and I would rather send her to Kazakhstan-University with Mr. Borat as the Dean, there......... rather than that Colombia Uni. under that Prof. Bollinger ! This is not an insult..............but a civic choice !_,_._,___