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Operation Stillpoint Is of GOD Mr. Story

Candace Frieze

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Jan 10, 2010, 19:03

OPERATION STILLPOINT is dead and buried – thank the Lord Almighty. -Christopher Story.  Found near the end of his January 7th Report at
Candace: Well, Christopher, the "Lord Almighty" is none to happy with your disclosure of Operation Stillpoint.  You see Christopher, "NESARA" was  real, except for the infiltration by black ops of Bush CO. Operation Stillpoint, IS the financial  part of that necessarily covert program that was to lead the world to the concepts of the Republic, starting in the US of A,  and it dates back to John Kennedy's times.
 When it became rather obvious that the world is on borrowed time, and the NESARA adventure wasn't likely to take place in the US of A, because of intense infiltration by the Bush clan,  we began to dream of GESARA, to come after Stasis. We will build that, have no doubt!  I guess Operation Stillpoint will need a new name, since you have disclosed it and in the process caused risk of loosing life and limb to many involved.
We offered unto you some time ago, some special intelligence but since you falsely associated me with FourWinds, you didn't want to listen to it. So we walked away, just like OITC did.  Your ideas of what the Lord wishes for this planet seem a bit screwed up.  The "Lord" offered thru me to assist your discerment and you blew it off, and very rudely at that.
When you recently posted about GESARA, we did draw attention to such. I wrote to you after your GESARA posting, to remind YOU that the concept came through AbundantHope. I got back a trash email from you, saying you got it somewhere else and I wrote back saying that the someone else had to likely have been a member of this team then and explained it all in more detail, and I didn't hear back on that  2nd effort of education.
 Now I was asked to make some awfully simple commentary on the points you listed quite late in the long piece about Stillpoint. So for my readers sake, I have placed a portion of interest here in bold, from your piece.  My commentary is not bolded.  I was asked to do this for the benefit of certain readers of this site.
Secondly, OPERATION STILLPOINT is being dismantled, and is dead, as explained in this report. 

However, Leo Wanta chooses not to recognise either of these realities. This represents a clear example of the blindness induced by arrogance: about which more could be said, but won’t be, because we must proceed with the exposure of OPERATION STILLPOINT – the five-phase criminal project to take down the United States and seize the assets of the nation and its people.

Candace:  Yes Christopher, there IS a criminal project to take down the United States and seize assets, but it is NOT OPERATION STILLPOINT!


Recall former Soviet President Gorbachëv’s involvement with the Bush Crime Syndicate inter alia via his participation in Deutsche AG (the former Barrington Investment Group). Finally, bear in mind that it has transpired that Wanta has been ‘working for’ George H. W. Bush Sr. all along, facilitating his financial activities – even while still languishing on probation and confined within the State of Wisconsin up until the Editor’s private (stolen) LOAN funds procured his release from such Court confinement effective 14th November 2005, and subsequently

And before we begin the exposure, recall also the following:

(a) ALL involved in this financial corruption are to be investigated and prosecuted, there being no exceptions; and:  Candace: TRUE

(b) The enhanced powers of INTERPOL and the de facto suspension of Habeas Corpus in the context of THIS CRISIS and for no other reason.

Candace:  Interpol is here Christopher, to help keep Operation Stillpoint running and remove those that have impeded it. 


The exposure begins with information provided by Leo/Lee Wanta in September 2006 [passages and words in square brackets that have been inserted here by the Editor for clarification do not appear in the underlying signed and sworn Affirmation document]:

 (1); On 28th September, between approximately 12:05pm EDT and 12:13 EDT, Affirmation source placed a phone call to Leo/Lee E. Wanta, [then] Chairman and sole owner of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., in the course of which Wanta advised source of the following:

 (2): That the US Treasury system is going to be reorganized, by changing ‘debt to legal tender’, and that this ‘debt’ will be paid off using ‘securitized debt as legal tender’.

Candace:  Under Stillpoint, the US Treasury system was actually going to be reorganized to issue it's own currency, rather than use the Federal Reserve Note.  There would be NO debt, as in the Federal Reserve note.  Our money would actually be "dollars." Backed by precious metals, like Kennedy tried to do long ago.  We already have securized debt, securitzed by the American Taxpayer, sadly. Operation STillpoint, is about not anymore running in debt to others and especially to the Federal Reserve.

 (3): That the US Dollar used internationally will cease to be issued by the Federal Reserve, but will instead be issued by the US Treasury under Henry M. Paulson Jr. [the former CEO of Goldman Sachs, who was summoned by George Bush Jr. from Wall Street to replace John Snow as Treasury Secretary shortly after the $4.5 trillion was received from the People’s Bank of China].

Candace: Correct, in that the Dollar would now be truly issued under the Treasury of the US. Whether used Internationally or otherwise, as part of Stillpoint. Stillpoint NEVER required Paulson at the realm of the Treasury.  And Stillpoint is not involved in anyway, with Goldman Sachs or the magic $4.5 Trillion covered ad nauseum as Wants' agreed to amount of the so called original $27.5 Trillion that has also be covered ad nauseum.
Story, you have been TOLD and TOLD, that the Reagan Mitterand Protocols are essentially dead and monies recovered by the OITC and not deliverable as any "settlements" to all those countries.  There were no deliveries, despite you reporting they occurred from any Reagan Mitterand Wanta Funds.  We have repeatedly said, NO deliveries, period.
If any were made, they were recovered.

 (4): That the US Treasury will monetize all Federal Reserve and Federal Government debt and will eliminate Personal Income Tax.

Candace: Stillpoint, using  H.R. 25, as a tool still in negotiation and placed back in consideration in January 2009, would have eliminated the personal Income Tax.  And also any real debt of this country.

 (5): That interest earned on the bonds (debt) will remain with the US Treasury at 6% per annum, and will not be earned via the commercial banks and the Federal Reserve [see below].

Candace: Nope, not part of Stillpoint at all. 

 (6): That the US Congress will issue US Dollar [bills], and that [the monetary aggregate] M-3 will not reflect any Federal Reserve Notes.

Candace: The Treasury would issue real DOLLARS.  True, M-3 would not be reflecting the out of date and non legal Federal Resreve Notes, as this was not debt under the real constitution, whick was hoped to be restored, in the returning of this country into the status of the Republic under which it was created. 
The return to the Republic and the original consitution including the real Amendment 13, and the removal of all amendments after 1871, are part of the NESARA concept that StillPoint is part of.

 (7): That there will be no [official or other] borrowing from banks, 

since all lending will be initiated from within the US Treasury.

Candace: This is not Stillpoint either, as there were still to be normal banks under the jurisdiction of the Treasury. 

 (8): That the US Treasury will reclaim power to create the US Dollar and ELIMINATE THE BANKING SYSTEM.

Candace: This is NOT part of StillPoint. There would be banks associated with the Treasury. You can't eliminate banking in a global society still using money, but the ultimate goal truly is to eliminate MONEY, which the people of this world will one day do.  Trade of time, and goods will replace the need for money.  

 (9): That “refunding” of the US Dollar/US banks and the Federal Reserve Banks will no longer be necessary. [On the contrary] the US Treasury becomes the only Central Bank for the United States of America, with Hank Paulson the ONLY Central Banker for the United States of America.

Candace: Again, you are repetitive to a fault sometimes Christopher, this is NOT part of Stillpoint.  These things may or maynot be part of Bush and CO plans, but you were used to expose Stillpoint, which is  NONE of the Above.  We will still require banks. But the Treasury will be over them.  There is a "refunding" plan if you insist yet on the concept, that you have never been privy to. 

 (10): That all debt will reside in US Treasury Direct Accounts 

and US Treasury Depository Accounts. 

Candace: Under Stillpoint, there is NO debt.

 (11): That [accordingly] the US Dollar will be weak [on the foreign exchange markets] and on a short-term basis [so that] Chinese products will increase in price.

Candace:  Also not part of Stillpoint. The US dollar under Stillpoint would be much stronger because it will have collateral backing, instead of the taxpayer and hot air. 

 (12): That “everybody” (meaning inter alia, the French and the Iraqi authorities) agrees that there will be no “terrorists”, and that the 'old Federal Reserve Notes' will become the new US Dollar with NO TREASURY BONDS: ONLY TREASURY DIRECT ACCOUNTS.

Candace:  Not exactly on this one either. 

 (13): And that: This programme is codenamed: OPERATION STILLPOINT.

Candace: NOPE, you were "had" Christopher. 

[End of the first batch of special intelligence].

 NOTE: This is/was the underlying long-range subversion programme. The NESARA fictions are/were CIA disinformation ploys to deflect any attention from OPERATION STILLPOINT and to ensure that if it leaked, it would be swamped by NESARA-type confusion, stirred up to fever pitch if 'necessary' by websites specialising in the maximising of the fog of confusion.

Candace: WRONG.  Stillpoint, was a portion of  NESARA. Stillpoint was the financial portion of NESARA. It IS now as such the financial portion of GESARA.   There are other groups associated with all of this who remain dedicated to returning this country to being a Republic, no longer under the control of Britain thru the Zionists.
There are similar organizatons in Russia, preventing the re infiltration of the Zionists (Bolsheviks)  and the step by step process beginning of bringing Russia citizens into responsible thinking and ability to control their government. And the end game, many long years away, is for NO government, merely councils, but still put in place by the people.
Government in those distant days will not need a police force for example, as advancing people's police themselves. And without the use of Money, responsible education becomes affordable to all.
The US of A, is secretly still a British Colony, taken back into the fold of the British Empire during the Civil War. Completed with the creation of CORP USA in 1871, and with the dropping out of Amendment 13 as if it never existed. It was put out that Amendment 13 was never ratified, but that was proven wrong a number of years ago now.
Now, these points above you have made Christopher, while true in concept, are not Stillpoint. There was the intention of creating confusion with NESARA and it has been infiltrated by black operatives under Bush, and the above points  were going to be used to convince the peoples that this was NESARA, right down to Fullfords recent announcement that Nancy and Hilliary will be taking over the country. This is not going to happen. But there are contingency plans in place if the government falls apart too much from the arrests and the like.
 Wanta ‘worked/works with’ the Bush-CIA-DVD control and criminal finance syndicate, which is how he, as a key latent player in this massive takedown operation – which was to follow the takedown of the Soviet Union – obtained this information.
Candace:  TRUE, no argument here.

As noted, his Christmas 2009 communication to President Obama, a copy of which we hold, and which is written in Wanta’s own handwriting, is labelled: ‘Security Code: STILLPOINT’. 

Candace: OK, you have a copy and so you blow off with it, just as was desired when you received that copy. That doesn't make Stillpoint, what you have stated. You responded exactly as they hoped, Christopher, Exactly so. They wanted this out and you were a willing participant. 

Other signed/unsigned Wanta documents obtained from and in the public domain, and from Wanta himself, and held in our own archive, are likewise labelled OPERATION STILLPOINT, stretching back many years – which PROVES that OPERATION STILLPOINT has been ‘live’ under the control of Bush Sr. since the Reagan era (1983-84), although it was 'activated' in earnest in 1991.
Candace: It's been live since the times of John Kennedy and there is NO association of Stillpoint with the Reagan Mitterand Protocols, or the "settlements."  NONE. 

 We can now go further: it is almost certain that the intended ‘takedown’ of the United States and the ‘takedown’ of the Soviet Union represented two (dialectical) components of one gigantic DVD-linked operation, quite possibly a revolutionary Metabridge (CIA-DVD-Mossad and MI-6) offensive to ‘remodel the whole world’ to conform with a ‘New (Non-Cold War) Paradigm’ dreamed up by the cack-handed but irredeemably arrogant financial manipulators served by these agencies.

Candace:  Agreed.  And they hoped to bring China into it all too, as part of the NWO.  The current Russia is NOT cooperating Christopher, you have made a lot of mistatements on this one and I wrote you on a few of them.  They have NO desire to have the bolsheviks running them again, and in fact have done much to attempt to rid my country of these fleas. 


We will now proceed to demonstrate that OPERATION STILLPOINT was still ‘live’ as late as 6th December 2009, when the Chinese parties and the British Monarchical Power (namely, the Lien Holders) executed their Lien for $47 trillion on the US Treasury, which finally killed OPERATION STILLPOINT – which the Geithner Treasury, in some turmoil, had been making every effort to resuscitate – stone cold dead.

Candace: It is STILL live. We are going to move this world step by step into the new era of NO money and citizen self responsibility, which is a bit far off yet, it will take many steps.  I am quite sure the Treasury is not doing well under the lien, but again, its NOT operation Stillpoint which is dead.