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The Disgrace of ABC's Bird Flu Movie

Jack Allis

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last weekend. But on the basis of that, I can safely say that never has network television sunk to such sleazy, reprehensible and wicked depths. It's abundantly clear what kind of a picture is going to be painted here. It's the same catastrophizing and fear mongering, without any regard for the facts, which we see in the headlines of the mainstream news on a regular basis. The promos even made the claim that this movie was "ahead of the headlines," or words to that affect, virtually bragging about foretelling what's in store for the poor American people. Other things that jumped out and grabbed you were a reference to 20-million people dying, a shortage of vaccine, the fact that there was nothing that could be done to stop it, and one of the characters saying, "We're all going to die."

Never has the blurring of the lines between truth and fiction been more glaringly obvious. Never has the pure propaganda motive of a TV drama and the attempt to brainwash the American people more transparent. People are waking up in droves to the fact the mainstream media and the government are owned and controlled by the international power brokers who rule the world, including the international banking establishment, the multi-national corporations, and very importantly, the international pharmaceutical industry. And here it is being played out in broad daylight, right before our eyes: the mainstream media being used to promote the agenda of these power brokers.

It is the use of the formula called "problem-reaction-solution," which they have used to control humanity for thousands of years. Problem-reaction-solution, a phrase coined by author David Icke, is the creation of a horrendous problem, which "the people" feel helpless to do anything about, and to which their reaction is: "Something must be done." And then the power brokers step forward with the solution, which is always the same: more power and control in the hands of the puppet governments that serve them, at the expense of the liberty of the people. It is the manipulation of catastrophic circumstances, for the purpose of creating the very reality that they seek. And their goal: a totalitarian world government, for which they pull the strings.

Never mind the fact that the science behind bird flu rests on very shaky ground. That's not even the point. Even if the bird flu hypothesis was 100% scientifically valid, and the spreading of it to America and the rest of the world a done deal, this movie would still be exploitive and cruel. But if that were the case, this movie wouldn't be necessary, would it? If a pandemic was truly coming, what possible purpose would it serve to whoop up a lot of fear and panic? None whatsoever. It is even the height of irresponsibility. This would need to be a time of calmness and prudence. Certainly the proponents of this movie would maintain that it is educational, but that too is pitifully transparent. And if we've sunk to the point where the American people get their information from primetime network dramas, then we are in serious trouble. And then there are the political slants, such as the promoting of the obvious vested interest of the pharmaceutical industry to produce vast quantities of vaccine. And I have no way of knowing, but I'd be willing to bet the farm that the various big pharmaceutical companies are the primary sponsors of this movie. Wanna bet? Talk about sleaze. Scare people half to death, so you can sell them drugs.

It is not my purpose here to analyze the science of bird flu. There is a mountain of credible scientific evidence that this entire hypothesis is loaded with errors, if not a complete hoax. To learn more, I refer you to three articles written by investigative reporter Jon Rappoport, which are posted on my website at, under "Alternative News Archives," or to the work of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, and many others, which is compiled on the excellent website devoted to this single issue, Let it suffice to say that up to now there have been only about 100 reported cases of so-called bird flu in humans world-wide, and in all of these cases, the actual testing done to find the correlation between the symptoms and this virus was very questionable, if not totally non-existent. Like with 9/11 and so many other things, it all boils down to the fact that they simply tell us it is so, and on that basis alone, we are expected to believe it, which brings us back full circle to the real purpose behind this insidious ABC movie. If it's on TV, it must be true.

It's all about brainwashing. It's all about mind control. It's all about conditioning the people of America and the world to believe they are not in control of their own destiny, and that they are the helpless victims of catastrophic, doomsday forces. It's all about problem-reaction-solution, and convincing an increasingly dependent populace that they need to be taken care of, and they need these big brother, totalitarian controls to survive. And let's not forget the drip, drip element to all this, in which this mind control gathers steam over time. If not bird flu this time, then something else next time, and the stage is being set. Those who are puppets to these kinds of external influences are quick to forget, and jump ahead to the next thing that is fed to them, the next catastrophe that's on the screen or in the headlines. Bird flu is eerily reminiscent of the AIDS scare in the 80's, and the pandemic of death that we were told was inevitable, and which has been all but forgotten because it didn't happen. And then there was Swine Flu in the 70's, and after AIDS, there was West Nile and then SARS, and it goes on and on. It is the feelings of fear and powerlessness that matter. This is what endures.

This movie is a blatant slap in the face to the people of America, who are being treated like they are too ignorant, and too asleep at the wheel to see the truth, and to know the difference between truth and fiction, even it is dangled right in front of them. It appears as though the movers and shakers of the global totalitarian agenda are getting very cocky, and with good reason. The track record of the American people, as far as allowing themselves to be duped in this manner, is pitiful.

I continue to fervently believe that enough people in America and the world are waking up to how this game is played to actually change the game, and create a better world. The area of health care is ahead of most of the others in this regard, as it has become painfully obvious that established medicine, under the spell of the pharmaceutical industry, just isn't working. And waking up to how we have been deceived and manipulated into giving up our freedom and our power is the first step in reclaiming that freedom and power.

I also continue to hope that the power brokers and the manipulators might misjudge the power of the forces they are up against, and misplay their hand. Perhaps they've done that here, and that is another reason why I'm making such a big stink out of this. People are waking up to a lot of the other baloney we're being fed by the government and the mainstream media. If you lump it all together, hopefully there's an element of "critical mass" to all this. If enough people can look at this shameful act of brainwashing straight on, and see through the lies and manipulation, and see through the game, perhaps it could help to tip the scales. And once the dominoes start falling in the other direction, it will be a glorious thing to behold, and a wonderful thing to be a part of. The power to change the world is within our grasp. We simply need to take hold of it.