America, From Freedom to Fascism (film)
Love & Blessings,
Suzy Star
Dissent is Patriotic something to think about, then .. Subject: Must Read: Russo's film
I went to see the Las Vegas pre-screening of Aaron Russo's film, America, From Freedom to Fascism, today. (For more info on the film go to ) The theater was close to being packed. Before the doors opened I was able to hand out about 300 flyers about the upcoming Independent American Party Convention on April 28th and 29th. Ten people mentioned they had heard me on the KNPR Radio show on Friday. I received a great response about the IAP Convention even before the film.
The film was wonderful. It was quick history of the Banking institutions, the IRS, election fraud, the fact that there is no difference between the Republicans and the Democrats, the plans for a National ID and Verichips being prepared to be implanted in Americans so we can be tracked like livestock. It was a confirmation of everything I already knew but in a wonderfully entertaining form. The section with a juror from a Willful Failure to File Criminal case was, to me, the best part of the film. Teas came to my eyes as I listened to her reasoning in acquitting this man.
Interestingly the film also tied all of this to the illegal immigration problem which I had tied together on KNPR radio on Friday. I said the two were linked and I had no idea that Aaron had come to the same conclusion independently. If you want a good laugh by listening to the KNPR program where I debate a Republicrat and a Democian you can download it at:
The film mocked the IRS as no official or past official would answer the questions Aaron asked. He made them look like the liars and thieves they are while the Tax Honesty movement leaders looked like honest concerned Citizens. Spectacular!
At the end of the film it says:
Don't vote for any politician that will not sign a pledge to abolish the Federal Reserve System. Don't get a National ID even if it is a State Driver's License. Don't get chipped. Don't be a Good Democrat. Don't be a Good Republican Be a Good American
It was inspiring!
There were a lot of local media names there. Vin Suprynowicz , Lou Epton , Ted Gunderson , Leon Catlett to name a few.
This is a film that EVERYONE MUST SEE. It is a treasure of information that will lead non-sheeple to do more research. It should come to theaters this summer.
One of the leading "players" in the film was Congressman Ron Paul. He spoke about the Federal Reserve and the IRS. When the film had concluded I spoke to many people and repeated that Ron Paul was coming to Nevada on the 28th of April to speak at the IAP convention. Many people were very excited. I told them there were only 250 tickets available and they were going fast so they needed to get their tickets right away.
I was also lucky enough to speak with Aaron after the film. Naturally discussed the the film and issues in the film especially Driver's licenses. He was very interested in what Vin Suprynowiczs had to say (I also had the opportunity to speak with him just after the film as over) Aaron also wanted my honest opinion and I gave it to him. I said that I loved it and I would do everything I could to promote this film. I told him I wanted to have all Nevada Independent American Candidates promote his film. He said he would be happy to help the IAP distribute and promote the film any way we can. He gave me a hug as one patriot to another and then headed off for the airport.
If you have not yet seen this film then plan on seeing it. Make sure you see it. Do not put it off or think you know it all. You do not often get the chance to see such an inspiring film. It was a film that made you want to do something. It made me joyous that I had been doing something for 41 years while most of American slept.
It will be in Reno, Nevada at the end of the April. Check with or to see if it will be pre-screened in your area. If not be sure to call local theaters and tell them you want to see it this summer.
If 10,000 Americans in the jury pool could see the film the IRS could never convict another honest non-taxpayer again. This film could literally change America and stop the New World Order. It could be the beginning of the biggest brush fire set in the minds of Americans since Patrick Henry's Give me Liberty or Give me Death speech! Russo is truly a modern day Independent American Patriot working to restore the basic principles of the First American Revolution.
Like Samuel Adams said: "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."
Be sure to keep this fire burning. The freedom you save may be your own.
Christopher Hansen, State Chairman for the Independent American Party of Nevada