Movies: "Hitler, The Rise Of Evil"
By Mrs. Mary MacElveen
When Hitler pushed through the “Enabling Act”, I was reminded of the way, Bush pushed through the “U.S.A. Patriots Act”. In both acts, civil liberties were in his time crushed, and in the present have been as well. I would say that Bush learned all too well from Hitler when pushing this act through. No democracy should have their civil liberties tampered with. You do not create a safer society by doing so, only a weaker one.
In this movie, President Hindenberg warned Hitler and admonished him for undermining their Constitution. Under Bush he has done the same exact thing. Frankly, the United States Constitution was shredded when Bush stole the presidency. Hitler did pretty much the same thing when he pushed his way into power in Germany.
In this movie, a reporter was fired from the original paper he was working for, because, he was challenging a regime. His wife pleaded with him not to do so, and asked him “why he could not just be content.” In my opinion, that contentment is a sure sign not to upset the status quo, do not ask questions, and as Ari Fleisher said, “watch what you say” I see the same things happening today, when we have had the firing of a reporter named Peter Arnett for daring to present the other side in the Iraq War, and where we have had a respected journalist named Ashleigh Banfield of MSNBC, called a slut by Michael Savage on air, and NBC did nothing to support her. She was reporting as only a true journalist would the effects of us bombing in Iraq. The death and destruction of human lives.
In this movie, I caught a line from one of the characters who said, that “most likely it was the Nazi Party themselves who started the fire in the Reichstag” in order to lead through fear and tyranny. Well, Pres. Moonvies, that is how many see September 11th, 2001. That most likely the Bush administration had a hand in it.
Just ask yourself why there is not wall to wall coverage on any investigation into September 11th, as there was with White Water? Which should and must matter more to Americans? At least White Water did not take the lives of three thousand American citizens. Yet, Bush will use the deaths of these Americans as his campaign strategy in the 2004 presidential campaigns. To me that is heartless and Hitler would have done the same exact thing.
In this movie Hitler said, “My way was the only way to peace.” Leading through tyranny is not a way to attain peace. I would say that is a direct parallel to the way Bush is leading today. Through tyranny and wars on so many fronts. Where there have not been victories, only failures, and we have yet to attain peace in any part of this globe. Just look at the increased terrorist bombings happening around the globe today.
His administration has once again raised the terror alert to daze, and confuse a nation already in a perpetual state of confusion. Where they are all too willing to give up what this great nation was founded upon.
In closing, Pres. Moonvies, I am reminded of that powerful statement, “those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Now we are living the same history over again under the domination of George W. Bush. Again, I wish to thank you for airing this most powerful movie. I most certainly learned a lot as did many that I have been in contact with since you aired this movie.
Best Regards, Mrs. Mary MacElveen