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Dance of the north - Joanne Shenandoah

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May 7, 2016

This is a dream ... time ago I fell asleep with the stereo turned on, go over this song, and I traveled in my sleep, the voice of Joanne I whispered in his ear "We have taken the land, we have removed all" and I was flying between gorges of the Grand Canyon, crying ... I do not know the language of Native Americans, but the voice of Joanne came straight into my heart ... I wake up with tears in their eyes ... Years later I discovered that on you tube there's this song, I feel an immediate impulse, not finding a translation of the text, try poetry and wisdom of Native Americans, I find what I was looking for, then it came by itself.

O Grande Spirito, permettimi di imparare la lezione, che hai celato in ogni foglia e in ogni sasso: Io voglio essere forte, non per primeggiare sul mio fratello, bensì per combattere il mio più grande nemico: me stesso. Fa' che io sia sempre pronto a venire a Te con mani pulite e sguardo leale. Affinchè, quando la vita declinerà al calar del tramonto, il mio spirito possa venire a Te senza vergogna.

Preghiera Cheyenne

Or Great Spirit, allow to learn me the lesson, that you have hidden inside every leaf and in every stone: I want to be strong, not to excel on my brother, on the contrary to fight my greatest enemy: myself. Ago' that I am always ready to come to You with clean hands and loyal look. So that, when life will decline to the calar of the sunset, my spirit can come to You without shame. Cheyenne prayer

Io sono nato libero, libero come l'aquila, che vola sopra il grande cielo azzurro; un vento leggero sfiora il suo volto. Io sarò libero. Dion Panteah, 15 anni, Pueblo Zuni

I was born free, free as the eagle that flies over the great blue sky, a light breeze brushes his face. I will be free. Dion Panteah, 15 years, Zuni Pueblo