Your Urgent Action is Needed
The more people who understand what happened on August 29, 2005, the better chance metro New Orleans will have for a full recovery.
Home, the short film by Matt Faust, holds one of the keys to our recovery.

This multi-award winning 6-minute movie artfully captures the spirit of families' personal loss when the levees failed.
Using before and after photographs, Matt Faust of St. Bernard Parish assembled a flowing series of almost surreal photo composites. As described by Mike Scott of the New Orleans Times Picayune, "memories meld with post-Katrina reality in a warm, poignant rhythm."
Please click here and watch the one minute trailer on YouTube!
If enough people watch the trailer, it will rise to the top of the YouTube charts and potentially be viewed by millions!
Best if done by 10pm EST March 10.
Want to do more? Please purchase a copy and show to your family and friends!
This incredible touching video has won multiple awards including the Big Easy award, the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival award and more.

Click here to view the trailer and find how to get a copy of your own.
Thank you for helping the New Orleans region recover from the levee failures.
We are winning!
Sandy Rosenthal
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Feb 10, 2010