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More on the Imminence of the Ultimate Ecological Catastrophe on Our Planet / A Last Call ON Global Warming

Benjamin Merhav

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More on the Imminence of the Ultimate Ecological Catastrophe on Our Planet

by Benjamin Merhav

As we have mentioned before in this series, and as the menace on all life forms is accelerated by the day, with all previous predictions and alarms changed to the worse - such as the melting of the Ice Cap; the poisoning and rising level of the oceans; the extermination rate of species; the misuse and destruction of precious arable lands leading to starvation; the pollution of air land and water; the spread of nuclear power ( with the promise of more radioactive waste, more radioactive weapons, and more Chernobyl type disasters ); the enormous force and frequency of storms, floods and mudslides etc. - the reality proves that our planet cannot sustain life much longer under the rule of big business.

Almost our entire planet is now under direct or indirect rule of plutocracy,hence the imminence of the ultimate ecological catastrophe. It follows, therefore, that unless plutocracy is replaced by genuine democracy in the near future, the huge transnational corporations would bring about the ultimate ecological catastrophe on humanity, and on most other living creatures.

The following Last Call might prove to be the last call in reality, simply because it is not adequate as it relies on the expectation of logic and common sense of big business owners and their politician stooges. Consequently it is not genuine and cannot be so,because the only logic which drives big business is making ever more money and accumulate ever more power, and nothing else matters. This has been the logic of the capitalist system since its inception. In Australia, perhaps more than anywhere else capitalism, since the invasion of the continent 220 years ago, and the genocide of its indigenous people, is still on the rampage. In no other country the local comprador ruling class has been so loyal to the British empire first and to the USA empire now (with Australian troops fighting for the British wars first and then for USA imperialism after the 2nd WW), thereby help bring about the menace of the ultimate ecological disaster on our planet.

Here is that last call :

[NOTE:  Most scientists have their head buried in the sands of third dimension and do not realize that our planet is warming to produce an average temperature worldwide of approximately 70 degrees F. in preparation for its transition back into it's original pristine state, as its frequencies are raised to the fifth dimension.  Global warming is part of the natural process of restoration.  PHB ]


A last call on global warming

A group of Australia’s leading scientists and politicians has made “a last call” for an effective response to global warming.

The group, which consists of over 200 climate scientists, population experts, politicians and environmental lawyers, has released a joint statement described as “call to arms” following a climate change conference recently held in Canberra.

Global warming tipping points are imminent, they say, and the need for action is “extremely urgent” as “our window of opportunity for avoiding severe impacts is rapidly closing”.

"The first key message is we really haven't got much longer to go before the problem is taken out of our hands,” Climate scientist Professor Barry Brook from the Adelaide University told the ABC.

According to the statement, the speed of global warming is greater than previously predicted with the Arctic summer sea ice projected to melt entirely within the next five years.

The statement says, without much tightened greenhouse gas reductions targets, beyond 2ºC of warming would be unavoidable, engendering “huge human and societal costs and perhaps even the effective end of industrial civilisation”.

Prof Brook told the ABC that the technologies to tackle climate change are already available, and it is about time to implement them.

He said: “The technologies to implement energy efficiency and also to really scale up rapidly our use for renewable energy such as solar and wind [are available]...There is no reason why we need to continue to stall.”

Backing the statement, Prof Brook said the nature of the argument is not technical or economic, but social and political.

"It's about people understanding and recognising the problem and seeing what an advantage it is,” he said.

"And it's also political because it requires some decisions from our political leaders to lead the way, and implement polices - such as the mandatory renewable target, and the emissions trading scheme.”

[Mon 16/06/2008 04:44:52]