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CONFERENCE: What is the Future of Haiti in the Wake of the Earthquake? Montreal, June 9 What Role for Canadians and the Haitian Diaspora

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and the Organization of the Haitian Diaspora AKASAN invite you to a


Conference-Panel Debate

On the Issue of National Reconstruction


What is the Future of Haiti in the Wake of the Earthquake?

What Role for Canadians and the Haitian Diaspora?



Wednesday, 9 June, 2010, 7pm

J. A. de Sève Cinema, Concordia University

J.W. McConnell Building (Library), local LB-125,

1400 de Maisonneuve West

Guy-Concordia Metro

How to get there




Nearly 5 months after the January 12th earthquake, Haitians are still facing a humanitarian disaster. This conference will address various issues related to the reconstruction of Haiti, its history, the media coverage of the catastrophe as well major political and economic developments in the last few years.


The speakers will give a first hand account of recent developments on the ground in Haiti. This analysis is important for Canadian civil society and the Haitian diaspora, with a view to addressing the issue of humanitarian support to Haiti.  




Jean Saint-Vil, representative of the Haitian diaspora organization AKASAN : Overview of the role of the Canadian media including its coverage of the Haitian crisis over the last decade. decade.


Didier Berry et Daphney Laraque, Video producers at MBETv: An investigation on Haiti's natural ressources and the dynamics of reconstruction


Julie Lévesque, journalist and researcher at the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG): Washington’s Role in Haiti. 


The panel will be chaired by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), who will provide an overview of the devastating impacts of the economic reforms imposed on Haiti by Washington and the Internaional Monetary Fund (IMF).


Panel presentations in French. 

Q & A in French, English and Creole

For further background analysis, consult the CRG's Haiti dossier of articles in both English and French, of which a short selection is included below: 


 Jean Saint-Vil:


Que fait vraiment le Canada en Haïti?

L'«Initiative d'Ottawa sur Haïti»: Maintien de la paix humaniste ou impérialisme raciste?

- par Jean Saint-Vil - 2010-02-16


Message urgent à la Gouverneure générale du Canada, S.E. Michaelle Jean - par Jean Saint-Vil - 2010-01-20


France should return the $40 Billion (U.S) it ransomed at gun point from Haiti between 1825 and 1947

Message to Canadian Governor General Michaelle Jean

- by Jean Saint-Vil - 2010-01-19




More articles of Jean Saint-Vil  in English




Michel Chossudovsky 

The Destabilization of Haiti: Anatomy of a Military Coup d'Etat

- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2010-01-25


La militarisation de l'aide d'urgence à Haïti : opération militaire ou invasion ?

- par Michel Chossudovsky - 2010-01-22

L’armée étatsunienne est allée secourir une nation appauvrie. Quel est son mandat?


Julie Lévesque:


Aide internationale en Haïti: une terre de liberté aux mains de la corruption

- par Julie Lévesque - 2010-04-04