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The more attention The Big Uneasy gets, the better for everyone involved in the future of the New Orleans region.

That's why we want you to check out a short video of Harry Shearer created by the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

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In this short interview, staffer Daniel Hinerfeld asks some great questions, and Mr. Shearer makes some great points.  Here's an exerpt:

HINERFELD:  "So you’ve got a new movie.  Can you say what it’s called and what it’s about?"

SHEARER:  "It’s called The Big Uneasy.  After five years I despaired of the national news media acknowledging the story of why New Orleans flooded in 2005, which had been meticulously investigated and documented by two independent teams of engineers and other scientists which came the conclusion –in the words of one of the engineers - that this one of the greatest engineering catastrophies since Chernobyl.  Chernobyl’s the big leagues.  So New Orleanians had known a lot of this stuff because the findings of the investigators were piecemeal coming out in the local press, but the national media had formed their template of the story – big storm, city below sea level...."

The more attention Mr. Shearer's documentary gets, the better for all of us who care about New Orleans. 

Please check out the complete video.

Best if you act by 5pm EST Mon Nov 22.

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Sandy Rosenthal


Bosworth Shearer Rosenthal

H.J. Bosworth Jr, Harry Shearer and Sandy Rosenthal pose for photographers

after's Unveiling Ceremony on August 23, 2010 near ground zero

of the 17th Street Canal.

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