Can Cats and Dogs See “Spirits”? Science Confirms They Can See Frequencies We Can’t
It was recently brought to my attention that even mainstream science recognizes cats, dogs, and other animals can see frequencies humans can’t.
After reading about it a little bit, it makes sense scientifically in a separate way from spiritually. It’s simple really: the scientific explanation is that cats and dogs can see UV light and a few other rays, which human retinas don’t have the ability to see.
It was previously believed that all mammals had similar eyes to humans, incapable of seeing UV rays, but scientific evidence suggests many mammals can.
A study conducted a few years ago by biologists at City University London, UK provided evidence for this differential in sight between species.
According to Pet MD:
“Have you ever felt that your cat or dog can see something you don’t? Well, you may be right, according to a new study. Cats, dogs, and other mammals are thought to see in ultraviolet light, which opens up a whole different world than the one we see, the study explains.