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UNFILTERED BREATHED IN | The Truth about Aerotoxic Syndrome

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We are pleased and honored to announce that our documentary film „UNFILTERED BREATHED IN – The Truth about Aerotoxic Syndrom“ by Tim van Beveren was awarded as „Best Documentary Film” at the 2015 Great Lakes Film Festival, USA and also became “Finalist” at the 2016 New York Festivals, the world best TV & Films competition with entries from 50 countries around the globe. Furthermore it became “Officially Selected” for the 2016 Near Nazareth Festival in Israel and the International Film Festival for the Environment, Health and Culture 2016 at Jakarta, Indonesia.  

The German language version of this originally in English language produced and released investigative documentary started on October 11th, 2015 at the Metropolis Movie Theater in Hamburg, Germany. TVBMEDIA PRODUCTIONS and SUJU-FILMS from Berlin, Germany produced the film completely independently from normal film funding. The festival versions are narrated by Deutsche Welle anchor Brian Thomas. The film deals with contaminated cabin air on aircraft. Further screenings in Germany and abroad are planned for 2016.

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Director Tim van Beveren             Photo: Renate Debus

The author and director, aviation journalist Tim van Beveren said: „It was a special privilege and honor for me and my crew to be part of the festivals. We are very grateful for this opportunity and would like to thank the organizers. These awards are a recognition and acceptance for all affected crewmembers and passengers worldwide who suffer from contaminated cabin air. They are also a tribute to those whistleblowers within airlines and aircraft manufacturers who provided sensitive and classified information and data to us. Contaminated cabin air is a dirty little secret of an extremely wealthy industry, which is only now pulled to light, against all odds. I hope now manufacturers of aircraft and their primary customers, the airlines will finally take the appropriate steps necessary to rectify this long lasting problem and provide better alternatives for cabin air systems on passenger aircraft. Also its time for the responsible politicians to abandon their sleeping beauty attitude.“

The film was produced over the period of two and a half years. It could only be made because participants waived or referred salaries and payments. Worldwide distribution is with Albatross World Sales GmbH, Leipzig, Germany. Currently a Spanish and a Chinese version are being prepared to be released soon.

Dr. Susanne Junker