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Bar-Coded License Plates--Just In Tim efor Pr Mile Tax

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NOTE BY VICTORIA:  Once again this is how they move us out of our cars (because they can’t control us if we have individual cars) they tax the mileage we drive, tax the roads we drive on with tolls, put ethanol in our fuel so it eats up our engines and destroys are food supply!  Traveling just from state to state will be a thing of the past if we do not revolt quickly against these policies!!!!  TIME TO JOIN IN THIS  FIGHT !



Well I guess now I know why my plate has a bar code....any ideas from any of you of how it can be covered..i thought of electrical tape after I get my brake tag----don't know about you but I will not be their 'slave'!!......Nancy


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Bar-coded License Plates…just in time for per mile tax

October 15, 2012 by ppjg

Marti Oakley (C) 2012 All Rights Reserved


Bar coded car tags…….just in time for per mile tax

I recently had to renew my car tags for 2013.  Instead of new little stickers to be applied to my old plates, I got brand spankin’ new plates and new little stickers for2013The plates themselves are different too.  These are flat…no raised lettering or numbers and, come to find out, they contain a bar code which is also pinned to my new registration.  From what I have been able to glean from various sources, there is no need what-so-ever for there to be any numbers or letters at all on the plate; the bar code is embedded and anyone at all with access to a plate reader can scan my plates, log my location, track me where I go and right back home again.  All of this information can be kept for indefinite periods of time.  And they don’t need any other reason for doing it other than …they can!

According to the official State of Minnesota press release (Aug 28, 2008) states that the redesigned plates include black lettering which is suppose to be easier to read, and includes a bar-code that according to them “can be scanned for inventory control and record keeping”.

Q: What inventory is it that the State is referring to?

Q:  What records are they keeping?  And why?

TSA Wasn’t enough?

With TSA now interferring with our legal right to travel freely, un-accosted by criminals, thugs, and other government employees, this per mile tax is the next step in the UN Agenda 21 Sequestered Populations plan. Many people will be forced into highly populated sequestered areas as a result of the additional costs and the refusal to comply with surveillance. What is at work here is the systematic creation of plans meant to make it so difficult, so invasive for you to travel…you won’t! You’ll stay right in your little center like you are supposed to.”

This new plate program was actually implemented in 2008.  Rather than risk an episode of pitchforks and torches, the State has been gradually exchanging the new coded plates for the old standards as the 7-year cycle on individual personal vehicles comes due.  On the 7th year, new plates are always issued.  This is a stealth operation so as not to stir up the villagers!

Now comes the tax per mile…..

A report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), requested by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), looks at the feasibility of taxing drivers based on miles driven. To implement the tax, the CBO found that technology exists to seamlessly record and transmit mileage.

This report goes on to suggest that some kind of device would have to be installed on vehicles.  BINGO!  We got your handy-dandy bar-coded plates that are just waiting for the the ATM style gas card to go with them.  No gas card with accompanying bar-code matching the code in your plates?  NO GAS!  Think that won’t happen?  Think again!

The new per-mile tax would be calculated at lightening speed at the pump based on the year, make and average gas mileage for that vehicle; a formula that would be arrived at before you received your gas card and which would seamlessly calculate the cost of your gas tax.  The problem seems now to be how to track each and every mile you drive.

But it seems those folks want a little more info than just how to suck more taxes out of you at the pump.  So, several ideas are being floated around about how to retro-fit every vehicle in the country so that the state and federal government could track how many miles you drive to make sure they didn’t get cheated out of a few miles worth of revenue.

After all, its not like the country is rock bottom broke, or that we have to continually borrow money from other countries or sell off our infrastructure to foreign investors or anything like that.  Yessireee! Let’s invent another cash sink hole that taxpayers will have to fund with more taxes on top of the already unbelievable taxes we pay to create a nationwide program that will not only penalize us for every mile we drive, but will simultaneously put every driver under unwarranted and unconstitutional surveillance!  My gosh, I guess the inflated gas taxes, plate fees, registration fees, and any other hidden fee or tax they can come up with just aren’t generating enough cash for the jackasses in the District of Criminals.

Where did all the money go?

The  Federal Highway and Transportation Trust Fund (HTFF) is said to be in danger of going broke by 2013 as a result of the money in that trust fund being siphoned off as quickly as it is deposited in the IMF.  The same with the Airport Trust Fund money, and of course everybody’s favorite all time cash cow……the Social Security Trust Fund surpluses (this last year 69.3 billion in excess funds stolen by the federal corporation).

Source/publication: Social Security Works

“The trustees’ report found that Social Security’s surplus will be $69.3 billion in 2011. Those who say that Social Security is in deficit this year are flat wrong,” said Nancy Altman, Co-Chair of the Strengthen Social Security Campaign. “By law, Social Security cannot deficit-spend and cannot borrow, so it is obvious that Social Security cannot add a penny to the federal deficit.”

The HTFF generates 111 million EVERY DAY in taxes added to gasoline and oil products and virtually every oil based product.  It disappears as quickly as it is delivered to the IMF.  While our infrastructure deteriorates, our bridges fall apart, our roads and highways go un-repaired, the federal government takes every last dime that is determined to be “surplus” from this fund and blows it starting illegal wars, expanding the Homeland Terrorism Department, and whatever other lousy idea that crosses their minds.  And they have been doing it since each of these trusts funds were created.

The CBO even chimed in:

The reports finds by 2014 the trust fund, which is at the center of the current debate over a new federal highway bill, will reach zero.

If you look at this report, the massive amount of money that is flowing through this fund is staggering.  And our infrastructure is falling apart?

A new tax for hybrids?

And if you think driving a hybrid will save you from this tax….WRONG!  Several states are already considering a special tax on hybrid vehicles for using the roads that are supposed to be funded by gasoline taxes that hybrid owners don’t pay.  Of course, there is no real intention to perform any real upkeep or repairs….but that’s beside the point.

 How many times over the last several years have we been admonished to convert to hybrid vehicles to save “whatever sounds good at the moment”?  Now that many of us have, the Criminals in the District are concerned that one of their sacred cash cows might be going dry if they don’t come up with a new plan to recover the revenue they claim they are losing because you aren’t driving a gas guzzler.  (So how’s that phony environmental crap workin’ out for ya? )

I have no doubt that if they are successful in coming up with a tax-per-mile plan, they will of course, exempt themselves from it.  What with jackasses being so special and all.



Source/publication: Social Security Works

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