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The Solar-Earth Connection Global Climate Change & Wild Weather

Global Climate Change & Wild Weather

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Global climate change is happening at a scale never before experienced in modern times, or seen by those currently living.

Wild and violent weather, and changing weather patterns is creating havoc across the planet.

Vast changes are taking place on Earth; polar and glacial ice is melting at an unprecedented rate; ocean currents are changing; weather patterns are changing; storms are suddenly intensifying to dangerous and deadly levels with little to no warning; crops are failing; flooding and drought is widespread; extremes in temperature are taking place; plant cycles have gone haywire in many places; unusual bird and animal migrations are taking place; and the list of events that can be attributed to global climate change goes on.

Many are asking: "What is happening?"

Scientists and researchers who strongly adhere to, and follow the mainstream science axioms, for the most part, are at a loss to explain, or have been silenced into a loss to explain, what is happening with the weather and the climate. Most of these mainstream researchers and scientists are continuing to ignore the possibility of the Solar-Earth Connection, and the influence the Sun and the cosmos is having on global climate change. These mainstream scientists and researchers are instead choosing to believe that the Sun and the cosmos does not have an influence on the weather, and the climate of Earth.

A little more than two decades ago mainstream scientists were stating that humankind could not possibly have an influence on the global climate. Now two decades later mainstream scientists are attempting to place the blame of global climate changes on humankind!

The arrogance and ignorance of ignoring the Solar-Earth Connection, and the influence the Sun and solar storms have on Earth processes, like weather, came at a high price on Friday, August 13, 2004, when Hurricane Charley quite suddenly intensified to a Category 4 Hurricane and changed course with no warning, plowing into the West-Central Florida area with a catastrophic and deadly fury. Mainstream scientists and researchers immediately started asking why the storm had suddenly intensified the way it did, and why Hurricane Charley abruptly and without warning changed course.

On the morning of Friday, August 13, 2004, shortly before Hurricane Charley suddenly intensified in strength and abruptly changed course, a researcher at Earth Changes Central issued a statement declaring that the storm was strengthening due to solar storminess interacting with the Earth. Solar storms had been ongoing on the Sun for days prior to Hurricane Charley.

"Thanks for the heads up Ann. Looking at the data as I write this reply to you. I know there was a CME and semi-HALO event created by sunspot region 0656 on August 12, 2004, which was in a geoeffective position and currently in the SW quadrant of the Sun. Sunspot region 0652 that caused so many disturbances on its last pass it back, as is sunspot region 0653, but NASA has renamed the regions to 0660 and 0661, despite the fact 60 and 61 ARE NOT new sunspot regions. NASA, in my estimation and that of some other researchers, does this to downplay the more serious sunspot regions and to turn the general publics attention away from the fact that a sunspot region has made a complete cycle of the Sun and reappeared. NASA and the PTB are working overtime to downplay the continuing heightened solar activity.

The eruptive activity (CME-HALO event?) seen in the LASCO/SOHO C2 images on August 13, 2004 at 12:54, 13:30, 13:54 and 14:06 appears to have been strong enough to have caused a shock to the SOHO spacecraft that in turn caused the disturbance in the picture you sent me. The eruptive activity appears to have taken place in the SW quadrant of the Sun and was likely produced by sunspot region 0656. An M-1 Class solar flare event was reported at 12:02:02 hrs UTC, although I believe NASA has downplayed the activity and it was really an X-Class flare/eruptive event. I can see an X-Class eruptive event from a sunspot region in a geoeffective (Earth facing) position causing the type of disturbance you sent me a picture of, more so than an M-Class eruptive event.

I have managed to locate a couple of current SOHO EIT images, one of the images being raw data, and what I am looking at is disturbed solar activity that is in a geoeffective position.

Look for the possibility of downplayed data from sources like HAARP, and other [official] sources that produce geomagnetic data from solar storms that is similar to HAARP. With Hurricane Charley strengthening, NASA doesn't want to paint a picture to the general public of the solar storm activity having an effect on storms like Charley, because it is not within the mainstream science axioms to do so."

On August 12, 2004, at 12:38:33 PM EDT, a full day before Hurricane Charley struck Florida with a vengeance, Earth Changes Central issued a brief statement in regards to solar electrical discharge activity striking Earth and strengthening Charley:

"The solar electrical discharge activity from the CME will have an influence on Earth's weather, including hurricane Charley. Hurricane Charley is already showing signs that it is strengthening."

If Earth Changes Central was able to calculate and predict the strengthening of Hurricane Charley using basically the same data that the mainstream scientists and researchers have at their disposal, and who are using far better computers and software programs than what Earth Changes Central has at their disposal, then how was it that the sudden strengthening of Charley, and the abrupt turn of Charley took these so called mainstream science weather experts by surprise? How is it the so called weather experts missed what a researcher at Earth Changes Central 'clearly' saw developing?

Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Some researchers and scientists are looking into the possibility that heightened levels of solar activity, in addition to having an effect on global climate change, can also have an effect on earthquake and volcanic activity. In the estimation of Earth Changes Central, and whether or not the effect is direct or indirect, the possibility of heightened levels of solar activity having an effect on earthquake and volcanic activity, is a possibility that should be given some serious consideration.

Earth Changes Central takes the position that the solar electrical discharge activity that is associated with high levels of solar storminess, can and does have an influence on Earth's earthquake and volcanic activity.

Cause and Effect

Solar storminess and eruptive activity on the Sun produces high levels of solar electrical discharge activity, and this solar electrical discharge activity in turn has a profound influence on Earth's ionosphere and upper atmosphere, which in turn influences Earth's weather and climate, and geological processes like earthquakes and volcanic activity.

The Solar-Earth Connection Report is a forecast and report on the Sun, and how solar activity interacts with the Earth, and how the solar interaction activity effects Earth.

As the Solar-Earth connection conditions continue to change, or should new situations suddenly develop, new reports will be issued as conditions warrant and as new information becomes available.

The information and views expressed on the Solar-Earth Connection pages is presented from the alternative science perspective.

To see what the current and expected solar conditions are, please visit this page: CURRENT AND EXPECTED SOLAR CONDITIONS
