Secret Use of Weather Modification Techniques by US Air Force? Threat of U.S. Geophysical Weapons Faces Mankind
Threat of U.S. Geophysical Weapons Faces Mankind
In the opinion of many scientists, ecological catastrophes which befell Europe and Asia in summer, testify to some common global reasons behind their origin. First of all, they believe there is a possibility of secret and unsanctioned use of geophysical weapons.
It is worth remembering that at the end of the 1970s the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. signed an agreement banning use of engineering developments in the sphere of geophysics for military purposes. In fact, these developments were made under the pretext of scientific research or dual-purpose technologies.
According to most experts, it is the High frequency Active Auroral Research Program ( HAARP) which involves such developments. As recently as the 1980s the American scientist who drew up this program, received a patent on a method and a device for changing layers of the atmosphere, ionosphere or magnetosphere.
Yuri Solomatin, deputy of the Supreme Rada, Ukraine's parliament, stated that the U.S.A. has already constructed high-frequency emitters which are capable of heating the atmosphere to the temperature of the plasma by means of the power pumping of ions. This plasma can be controlled in space and it can influence strongly processes in the atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth. The above emitters are deployed in the Norwegian town of Tromso and the U.S. military base in Alaska.
Meanwhile, critics point to the danger that after commissioning of the third most powerful emitter in Greenland, the American geophysical weapon will be able to cover Eurasia with its influence from the Atlantic to Pacific Oceans.
Theoretically, this weapon can program floods, typhoons and tornados in any part of the globe or paralyze civilian and military electronic control systems, including communication ones, in any country.
The Ukrainian papers claimed that unusual natural calamities and cataclysms as well as technogenic catastrophes, like the air show disaster in Lviv, could be related to tests of the U.S. geophysical weapon at low capacity. However, the major problem is that neither American politicians, nor boffins, nor the whole international community know whether or no it will be possible to nullify the effect of the geophysical weapon, in case it is used at full capacity, and avert the ensuing catastrophes. It is important to note that the first full use of the new geophysical weapon of mass destruction may well bring the world on the verge of a global catastrophe.
That is why four committees of the State Duma, Russia's parliament, have been considering the global threat of the HAARP for more than a year, as reported, and they decided to make an appeal to President Vladimir Putin, the United Nations and other international organizations, parliaments and governments of all countries, scientific circles, and the mass media against tests within the framework of the HAARP.
In addition, General Andrei Nikolaev, chairman of the Russian parliamentary committee for defense, Tatiana Astrakhankina, member of the Duma's committee for information policy, Yuri Perunov, leading Russia's expert in interaction between high-frequency electromagnetic emissions and near-earth space, and Yuri Solomatin, secretary of the Supreme Rada's committee for ecological policy and elimination of the Chornobyl aftermath, told the press about the global threat of using the geophysical weapon developed within the HAARP.
In consideration of the above facts, competent government organizations must thrash out the problem of a potential danger to Ukraine of tests and deliberate use of the HAARP by the United States and other countries. To that end, they are to require the U.S. government to provide detailed information on this weapon of mass destruction, analyze it and define Ukraine's position on the global threat. Moreover, the United Nations should vote on a resolution to allow weapons inspectors into the United States, as is the case with Iraq.
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