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Current Warming Trend Indicates Rising Sea Levels

Mitch Battros

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In fact, the IPCC specifically outlines future "mass migration" as imminent. An estimated 46 million people per year who live on coastal areas are currently at risk of flooding from storm surges. Climate change will exacerbate these problems, leading to potential impacts on ecosystems and human coastal infrastructure. Large numbers of people also are potentially affected by sea-level rise-for example, tens of millions of people in Bangladesh would be displaced by a 1 millimeter sea level increase (the top of the range of IPCC Working Group I estimates for 2100) in the absence of adaptation measures.

The myth of the 1988 made up name 'global warming' is now having a horrible backlash as a result of misleading lies and deception. Very few people now trust all the dogma coming from the well organized self-centered environmentalist who latched on to the global warming cabal. The Al Gore movement has created a very dangerous "cry wolf" scenario with serious consequences at hand.

Al Gore and the global warming army used the exact same playbook as the Bush regime. Instead of the litany of lies as presented by the Bush regime such as: "You are either with me or with the terrorist; 9/11 = Iraq = weapons of mass destruction." ------- The Al Gore regime uses: "you are either with me or you are with the polluters; the scientific debate is over; we must fight the evil doers and save the Polar Bears".

Needless to say the world has witnessed the implosion of the Bush regime from the weight of their deception, trickery, and lies. But what about the Gore regime? Well let's take a closer look and see how their "playbook" is working out----------