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Further Commentary About Weather Modification Techniques
Calvin Steinberger
From: Calvin Steinberger
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 7:04 PM
Subject: Re: Further Commentary About Weather Modification Techniques
You might want to refer back to the e-mail that I sent to you on May 31 st. with the Subject being: Fw: HAARP - Subject : Interesting video: harping around COMMENTARY. I would like to give you some additional information.
Back in about 1993, researchers announced that they had discovered (back as early as perhaps 1985) a never before seen network of rivers, some of which flow for thousands of miles ABOVE the earth's surface, that transport as much water in the fom of vapor as the Amazon River. Apparently, these narrow streams of ATMOSPHERIC rivers are transient, but at any given time, there are at least a few of them in the atmosphere, typically around five in each hemisphere. The longest of them runs for about 4800 miles. They are generally about 150 miles wide (the largest being almost 500 miles wide), and about a mile deep, with some 364 million pounds of vapor flowing past a given spot each SECOND---which is comparable to an average flow of the Amazon River. These rivers sometimes undulate horizontally, and, their flow volumes typically measured 165 million Kilograms (364 million pounds) of water per second, which is as aforementioned comparable to an average flow in the Amazon. The atmospheric rivers are flowing at an altitude of no more than 1.9 miles above the earth's surface, which makes them readily reachable by low pressure weather cells. In general, the vapor rivers head for the poles, but on the way, they can be deflected by the earth's Jet Stream. Their flow originates from along the Equator. The trick then in creating massive downpours of water over a target area, is knowing when and where these atmospheric rivers can be first plotted and then moved and manipulated over the selective target areas! These vapor rivers sometimes get sucked into low pressure systems and are the major sources of the massive flows of water that rains (or snows) out of the storms and into the sky river's counterparts on land. US and Soviet scientists are now cooperatively "tracking" these atmospheric rivers for use in covert activities of PROJECT WOODPECKER.
These "scientists" have also discovered how they can create an El Nino phenomenom. When an El Nino occurs, warm air and ocean currents of the Southern Hemisphere are brought up into the Northern Hemisphere during the Northern Hemisphere's winter period. The problem being to relocate warm water from one side of the Pacific Ocean to the other, when normal conditions are strong easterly trade winds which usually move the warm surface waters of the ocean TOWARD ASIA AND AWAY FROM THE AMERICAS allowing cooler waters to rise up from the depths along the North, Central, and South American coastlines. So, when the El Nino occurs, these normal easterly trade winds are replaced by westerlies, and the warm water sloshes back toward the Americas. That puts more rain and cloudiness in the Central Pacific, and the heating strengthens the subtropic Jet Stream, and upsets the normal wave patterns. This, in turn, causes powerful climatic changes worldwide.
These scientists have also discovered the manner in which an El Nino is developed. They have found that when an El Nino has occurred, that a HIGH PRESSURE CELL forms over the island of Tahiti, while at the same time a LOW PRESSURE CELL occurs over Darwin, Australia. Bear in mind, that the wind patterns of high and low pressure cells in the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE are the reverse of what they are in the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE. i.e. winds in the low pressure cells in the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE flow counterclockwise, and winds in high pressure cells flow clockwise. Tahiti and Darwin are BOTH in the Southern Hemisphere, so you will need to be aware of this.
Why the high pressure cell over Tahiti? It is because the Island of Tahiti (a part of the Society Islands) is like no other place in the world. Its tides are governed NOT BY THE MOON, BUT BY THE SUN. This is why the El Nino seems to peak during the month of January when the Sun and Earth are at Parahelion (i.e. when the Earth is closest to the Sun in its orbit). With the high pressure cell over Tahiti, its high SOLAR TIDES will become "depressed" by the descending air mass of the high pressure cell, and moved up into the Northern Hemisphere, to wash against the America's coastlines.
Scientists have also discovered that the strength of the El Nino can be vastly "improved" if stratigically situated volcanoes can be conveniently "triggered". In 1991, for example, it was Mt. Pinatubo (in the Philipines), Mt. Unzen (in Japan), and the Kuwait Oil Field fires that enhanced that particular El Nino. The relative strength of the El Nino is equated in the form of a "Southern Oscillation Index (SOI)"---which is the differance in sea level pressure between Darwin, Australia and Tahiti. The more negative this value is, the STRONGER the El Nino indicator. Also be aware, that the effects of volcanic ash last for about 3 years beyond the cessation of the active eruptions, while the effect of sulphur dioxide can extend for up to 8 years. The sulphur dioxide injected into the Stratosphere by a volcanic eruption (or from massive oil fires) combines with ozone to form sulphur trioxide, which in turn combines with water to make sulphuric acid. The acid then trickes down into the troposphere, where the acid molecules serve to nucleate more clouds which reflect sunlight back into space, away from the earth---thus affecting the rivers of atmospheric water previously alluded to.
For those of you who may be interested in conducting your own research into these covert government induced operations, sometimes known as PROJECT WOODPECKER, you will need to obtain a copy of the original Patent Number 4,686,605 dated Aug. 18, 1987, known as the "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ALTERING A REGION IN THE EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE, IONOSPHERE, AND/OR MAGNETOSPHERE".