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More of the Picutre -- Eco-Fascism & the Late Great Climate Change Swindle

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From: JF


Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 4:07 PM

Subject: More of the Picture -- Eco-Fascism & the Late Great Climate Change Swindle


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----- Original Message -----

From: SS


Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 4:06 AM

Subject: Open Letter from Sacha Stone: Eco-Fascism & the Late Great Climate Change Swindle

Grey Men vs Green Money  (Eco-Fascism & the Late Great Climate Change Swindle)  

An Open Letter from Sacha Stone (Humanitad) January 2009


We are living in a time when the net result of 'civilization' is a systemic poisoning of the food, water and air we require to survive.

We are living in a time when the sperm count of an average 70 year old man is higher than that of a 22 year old.

We are living in a time when the annual spend on tranquilizers for household pets in the USA exceeds 33 billion dollars p/annum.

We are living in a time when nameless servants in the dim recesses of government pay five billion dollars to build a 'Large Hadron Collider' ... which can fire protons in opposite directions at the speed of light! .... yet we fail to feed and water half the people in our world. 

We live in a time when the cost of an outright criminal invasion of Iraq costs $12 billion each month, slaughters hundreds of thousands of our brothers and sisters and ravages the hearts and souls of millions of others - yet we permit the perpetrators to remain at large, play golf and walk amongst us as highly rewarded leaders, peace envoys and public speakers.

We then treat this echelon of warlord as intellectual hero - and bestow on them Presidential Orders of Freedom, Academy Awards... Nobel Prizes.

We are living in a time when an old ex-con from Korea, best known for establishing the world's largest cult (the Moonies) is crowned the 'Messiah' in the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington with representatives from most world faiths, Senators, congressmen and ambassadors in attendance to legitimize the fact.

We are living in a time when a famed 'artist' can present a human skull encrusted with 8500 precious jewels - sell the item for a hundred million dollars - and be a partner in the syndicate which buys the object from himself. 

We live in a time when our nurses and carers mop the vomit, blood and shit of the diseased and dying for wages barely sufficient to maintain their own dignity - yet 23 year old idiot 'bankers' take home million dollar bonuses as due reward for simply obstructing trade - and skimming commissions off the buying and selling of our basic resources.

And we live in a time when our collective voice of outrage does not rise above the volume of this tyranny.

Little surprise then - that we find ourselves living in a time when the entire population of the world is buying into the greatest confidence trick in recent history: Human Climate Change

Is the climate undergoing change? - without any doubt. Everything undergoes change - constantly. Neutrons, atoms, cells, hearts, minds and physical bodies alike. Planetary bodies and their biospheres are no exception - why should they be. The climate changes - as it will - as it must. It is entirely resonant with our movement in the solar system, position in the Galaxy and most relevantly the timbre of our collective consciousness. But it is not to do with human carbon emissions - and THAT is the point. This is not to say that deforestation and mindless extraction of oil and gas are agreeable (that is another subject altogether). They are repugnant and outmoded. The cartel in charge of driving that little game from the oil-fields of Saudi Arabia to the cattle-ranches of Texas and gated villas in Geneva - are fully conversant with this fact. The same cabals who continue to repress free energy systems are now driving the climate hysteria and doing so with great effect. Whether they profiteer through oil and gas or through eco-hysteria is academic to them. Rather like the latest fancy, the neo-con versus neo-lib intellectual gang-bang. The players benefit from whichever side of the coin lands. It is the oldest game in the book - it is called opportunism. If you are a strategist it is called the Hegelian Dialectic, if you are a political bunny it is known as The Quigley Factor. To you and I - it is called common deception....... cheating - and at this late stage of the game people of the world have little difficulty recognizing the signs all around us!

Has the climate change phenomenon been ignited by a small internationalist banking fraternity and their apparatus for continued enslavement of citizens of the world? Have they successfully managed to introduce a multi-trillion dollar raft of taxation - hand in glove with the mechanistic appetites of co-opted governments? They most certainly have.

However, as 2009 dawns it would seem that the good people of the world might no longer permit a war-economy to tear through the fabric of our reality in quite the same way. It would seem that people of the world are a little tired of 'special interests' writing the script for the common herd - and given the current collapse of the Babylonian monetary temples - are tired of being lied to by men in suits who talk financial bullshit. It would appear that over the next few short years there will be a controlled demolition of our lives, our pensions, our property and our dreams. Be that as it may - we are all due for this wake up. Every cent in our pocket is predicated on the death and misery of others. It is a simple equation.

Where to now?

We are being invited - as never before - to reclaim our true birthright, sovereignty and orientation. We will awaken to this inner resonance - or perish. Now is the gateway to that birthright. The gate will close soon enough.

Mass UFO sightings are being reported across the globe - this particular story-line will be ramped up increasingly. Over ten thousand reports lodged with police forces and air forces each year - and growing. Nine out of ten sightings go unreported. Both non-terrestrial phenomena and without any doubt others of earthly origin spinning out from the dark hub of our noxious military industrial complex. They have been kept busy building sharp new toys and things that go bang - with the trillion-dollar fleecing of world citizenry since WWII. Listen to our jet-pilots and astronauts folks - we are hearing fascinating accounts from these first-handers? Strange goings-on in outer space - look no further than the hours of filmed footage from NASA's continuous coverage ultura-violet cameras as they reveal to us daily - the movements of countless objects traveling at speeds we can only guess at. Study up on the endless accounts of the worlds most learned astronomers who have been diligently diarizing movements and mobilizations on and across the surface of the moon, mars and other bodies in our solar system. Military figures from all nations, ministers and now even governments are coming clean on the issue. Should this not be THE story of the day? Should we not be dropping the Paris Hilton headlines and the Hip-Hop flava-indoctrination of our youth, and pick up on this rather interesting paradigm shift?  Yet - none of this is touched on by our 'news' media or the books we choke our children on, courtesy of a heavily censored education system - for reasons we can guess at all too well. Perhaps the zeitgeist's new best friend Mr. Obama - will see fit to permit the collective reality tunnel back on track. 


However, even he will tell you that 'truth' and the emancipation of human cattle is not good for business. A controlled story-line and reality tunnel for the masses is a very good thing - ergo we have our planetary media machinery owned by no more than a handful of individuals. Flunkies for the same crew who bleed humanity dry via pharma, telco, petrodollar, military-intel and central banking ownership and control. The same non-partisan circle of little grey men who would drive humanity into a nuclear meltdown rather than give up their insane vision of collectivism: the Round Table Groups, Fabianists, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, Council of Foreign Relations, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Club of Rome and their spider-webs of secret societies, masonic lodges, orders and clans. Silly sods in silly hats. Their horrid constructs all designed with one unifying principle: the creepy control over an exhausted humanity. Over six billion trusting and ignorant humans kept in a fractured mindset through manipulated media, malevolence and mystification. From religious myths to little grey men - and not a lot of sanity in-between - is it not time to shake ourselves down? 

This is not sci-fi friends - this is a long, long pathology of conspiracy (Con·spir·a·cy: 1; A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design, 2;  An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.). It is 2009 - and we very much need to awaken within this dream. It is no longer sufficient to merely shout "conspiracy" and then fall about sniggering. We dare not. Heaven knows we might end up looking as insane as the man in control of our last great culling who declared that "we know where they are" ...(weapons of mass destruction)..." in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat". No they were not Sir.... no they were not. What happened to this man? Where'd he go?...... is that it?

Apocalyptic scenarios abound - magnetic pole shifts - alien invasions - colossal solar flares collapsing the earths electro-magnetic grid - planetary bodies entering our inner solar system from the fringes of deep-space. Lights in the sky. These are the times now upon us. G-d knows what else will begin to liquidize our reality tunnel into the Marvel comic-strip domain of Superman and Co. Except that Superman isn't coming. Instead a grinning sock-puppet in a shiny suit on the 8 o'clock news lurches toward us - warning of terrorists and climate change. Nano-tech advancements and giant leaps in astrophysics, quantum field studies and the plethora of cutting edge sciences and arts are converging as never before. Sightings of orbs, extra-cellestials, angels and demons expected to proliferate in droves. Both the imagined and the real. Speak to any priest or shaman from Zanzibar to Milwaukee - they will tell you what the Daily Mail won't.  All the while, in our shaky 3-D domain - the great mask of deception continues to fall from the face of Daddy: governments, blue-chip corporations, churches, banks, medicare, judiciary and the most grotesquely masked profession of all: soldiering. Selling 'democracy' to a world which slowly begins to redefine the brand 'freedom' as 'New World Order' and 'social welfare' as a damned micro-chip in our neck. It is time for a rethink. Insanity has finally taken center-stage - and is crowned as the status quo. In our generation!

Mothers and Fathers of planet Earth - it is time to stop offering up your babes as blood sacrifice to hidden Lords with dark appetites who have conducted this symphony for too long. War is ugly - it hurts. Premature death breaks hearts and the wilful destruction of others is called murder. It is NOT called patriotism. Patriotism is another word for stupidity and should read: an absence of consciousness sufficient to allow oneself to be herded off a cliff for the monetary gain of fat men in suits, and occasionally skirts. When your government demands patriotism of you - tell your government to do what it is chartered to do - clean the streets, clip the hedges and get the trains to run on time. Tell it to get out of your head and out of your conscience and back into its damned box. Tell it to stop buying and selling guns. Tell it to go home and make love to it's wife - plant a tree - smoke weed. Anything but continue doing what it does.

When your government tells you it is in the 'interests of national security' - tell your government to choose it's next hologram very carefully. 

And tell your government to stop clicking it's heels to transnational cabals who care not a jot for constitutions, human-rights and the rule of law. Tell your government this - or by the Grace of G-d and by the laws of resonance and geometric precision the good people of the world will tear it to pieces in the very near future. The rules of the game are about to change. Courtesy of our emergent paradigm: the Noosphere.

The great climate-change-con is just that. A confidence trick. It is a fraud that we must no longer permit. A fiscal policy fraud perpetrated by greedy men with a comprehensive agenda. The same swaggering control-junkies who ever sought to take full advantage of human sweetness and vulnerability. It is not so much an issue of how do we stop greedy men doing what greedy men do. It is more an issue of how you and I no longer permit this fracturing of reality - this coercion of our minds, our lives and our destinies. It is time to enter into our adulthood - and catch up with our clever technology. Time to stand up and claim sovereignty over our lives and our destinies. Time to come alive. To breathe.

A thought. Imagine if our war machinery and the millions of heavily trained and equipped troops were trained to bombard foreign lands and people with random acts of kindness! 

Let us dream this into reality. Do not doubt the power of this thing. A beautiful idea.

In the light of fellowship and joy.





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Some extracted reading by a handful of the rare voices happy to put their heads above the eco-fascist parapet is attached herein. They include some of the most respected names and authorities in climatology, physics and academia across the globe. 


Al Gore's Nobel Prize: "Embarrassing. Deeply Embarrassing"

Under the headline "Embarrassing," Jyllands-Posten, Denmark's largest daily newspaper, ran a devastating critique of Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize.

"He spends 221,000 kilowatt hours a year. He emits gross amounts of CO2 when he runs around the world in his private plane. He has a loose relationship to the inconvenient scientific truth that he tries to convey.

"The Norwegian Nobel Committee has nevertheless chosen to award this year's Nobel Peace Prize to former U.S. Vice President Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. and the UN Climate Panel....

"One should almost bow in the dust before Al Gore, and yet not.

"The Norwegian Nobel Committee gives no specific factual argument that the UN Climate Panel has made a special contribution to peace, nor that Al Gore has done so.

"Of course, you cannot demand that political figures that propagandize for a viewpoint should fully live by it, but without a substantial agreement, it very quickly becomes hypocrisy, which is the case with Al Gore. He preaches moderation to the tune of absurd private energy consumption.

"His credibility is not improved by the fact that the High Court in London has just decided that `An Inconvenient Truth' can only be used for educational purposes if the students are informed about nine severe faults, such as, that the world oceans will rise by 6-7 meters `in the near future' if nothing is done to stop the climate change.

"In the decision, it is stated directly that Al Gore is `politically prejudiced,' makes use of `exaggerated alarmism,' and presents `a one-sided apocalyptic vision' which are not exactly characteristics suitable for a Nobel Prize winner.

"If the political Al Gore, seen through the eyes of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, had deserved the prize, it is strange that it was not given when Al Gore was politically active. To a even higher degree, the Committee should have judged whether Al Gore was using his platform as U.S. Vice President to do such unselfish work on behalf of peace, that he deserves to be seen together with such former Peace Prize recipients as Martin Luther King, Lech Walesa, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Mother Theresa, Eli Wiesel, and Aung San Suu Kyi.

"The Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee has, by choosing Al Gore, contributed in an unprecedented way to devaluing the Peace Prize....


"Deeply embarrassing."


(LPAC) A British High Court judge, Mr. Justice Barton ruled yesterday that Al Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth," had nine "scientific errors."

As reported in the Guardian, the list of errors--more accurately called lies--in the film, include:

1.The film claimed that low-lying, inhabited Pacific atolls "are being inundated because of anthropogenic global warming," but there was no evidence of any evacuation as asserted in the film.

2) It spoke of global warming "shutting down the ocean conveyor," referring to the process by which the Gulf Stream is carried over the north Atlantic to western Europe. The judge said that, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, it was "very unlikely" that the Conveyor would shut down in the future, though it might slow down.

3) Gore had also claimed--by ridiculing the opposite view--that two graphs, one plotting a rise in C02 and the other the rise in temperature over a period of 650,000 years, showed "an exact fit." The judge said although scientists agreed there was a connection, "the two graphs do not establish what Mr. Gore asserts".

4) Gore said that the disappearance of snow on Mt. Kilimanjaro was expressly attributable to human-induced climate change. The judge said that the consensus is that this assertion could not be established.

5) The drying up of Lake Chad was used as an example of global warming. The judge said: "It is apparently considered to be more likely to result from...population increase, over-grazing and regional climate variability."

6) Gore ascribed Hurricane Katrina to global warming, but there was "insufficient evidence to show that."

7) Gore also referred to a study showing that polar bears were being found that had drowned "swimming long distances to find the [disappearing] ice." The judge said: "The only scientific study that either side before me can find, is one which indicates that four polar bears have recently been found drowned because of a storm."

8) The film said that coral reefs all over the world were bleaching because of global warming and other factors. The judge said that, separating out the impacts of stresses due to climate change from other stresses, such as over-fishing, and pollution, was difficult.

9) Gore's film claims that a sea level rise of up to 20 feet would be caused by the ice melt from either Greenland or western Antarctica, "in the near future." In Mr. Justice Barton's legal opinion, such melting could happen, "but only after, and over, millennia." He said of the film's assertion, "This is distinctly alarmist."


Man-Caused-Global-Warming Is Not Science, "Almost a Religion," Says Father of Scientific Climatology

The man known as the father of scientific climatology, considers global warming a bunch of hooey. Reid Bryson, a University of Wisconsin-Madison professor emeritus, says, "There is no credible evidence that it [the Earth's warming] is due to mankind and carbon dioxide. We've been coming out of a Little Ice Age for 300 years. We have not been making very much carbon dioxide for 300 years. It's been warming up for a long time," Bryson said. The Little Ice Age was driven by volcanic activity. That settled down, so it is getting warmer, he said.

In a interview published in the June 18 Capital Times of Madison, Bryson said that humans are polluting the air and adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, but the effect is tiny.

"It's like there is an elephant charging in, and you worry about the fact that there is a fly sitting on its head. It's just a total misplacement of emphasis," he said. "It really isn't science because there's no really good scientific evidence."

The so-called consensus in the scientific community that global warming is man-caused proves absolutely nothing, Bryson said. "Consensus doesn't prove anything, in science or anywhere else, except in democracy, maybe."

Bryson, 87, was the founding chairman of the department of meteorology at UW-Madison and of the Institute for Environmental Studies, now known as the Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. He retired in 1985, but has gone into the office almost every day since, without pay.

Why are thousands of scientists promoting global warming? "There is a lot of money to be made in this," Bryson said. "If you want to be an eminent scientist you have to have a lot of grad students and a lot of grants. You can't get grants unless you say, `Oh, global warming, yes, yes, carbon dioxide.'" Speaking out against global warming is like being a heretic, Bryson noted.

"There is very little truth to what is being said, and an awful lot of religion. It's almost a religion, where you have to believe in anthropogenic global warming or else you are nuts."

Bryson didn't see Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth." "Don't make me throw up," he said. "It is not science. It is not true."


Sea Level Funding Rising--Not  Sea Levels

Sea level is not at all in a generally rising mode over the globe, Swedish expert Dr. Nils-Axel Morner told Executive Intelligence Review in an exclusive interview today.

It is certainly not rising in the Maldives, Tuvalu, or Vanuatu--all notorious sites where computer models predict flooding. Even the satellite altimetry shows no sea level rise. Morner said that most scientists know these facts and are silent about it for fear of losing funding.

Dr. Morner is head of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics program at Stockholm University, and served as an Expert Reviewer for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2001 and 2007). He has made first-hand investigations of most of the sites in question. True field observations must have a higher credibility than computer models and wishes, he said.

Dr. Morner explained the truth about the island nation of Tuvalu, which the global warmers say is going to be flooded in the next 30 years because of the encroachment of sea water in the island's water supply. This encroachment of sea water was caused by a Japanese pineapple company which drew down a massive amount of freshwater without making any arrangement to replace the water In the meantime, sea water filled the void. Then the United Nations and the IPCC told the Leaders of the Island that is was not bad water management, but sea level rise caused by global warming that had caused the problem.

Dr. Morner said that of the 22 authors of the sea level chapter in the latest IPCC report, not one of them was a sea level expert. The three leading authors of the chapter were from Austria, a landlocked nation without a coastline!

Morner charged that, as shown by the chapters of the report that deal with malaria and sea level, the IPCC appoints people whom they know will write only what they are told to write, and which fits the preset agenda.


The Bio-Fools: Indonesia Is Third-Worst Carbon Emitter--Because of Biofuel Production!

The World Bank has made it official: Indonesia has now surpassed Russia and India, to become the third-greatest emitter of greenhouse gases, lagging behind only the United States and China. How did Indonesia achieve this distinction? In a manner proving yet again that those pushing bio-fuels, are indeed Bio-Fools.

Huge tracts of rainforest and peatlands in Indonesia have been cleared to plant oil palm, aimed at fulfilling the rapacious markets in Germany, the Netherlands and elsewhere, for bio-fuels from oil palm, all supposedly to reduce carbon emissions. In the process, cutting down rainforests, and especially burning the carbon-dense peat, have increased the CO2 emmissions several-fold in Indonesia, giving the world a massive net gain in greenhouse gases.

And, in the process, huge clouds of REAL pollutants from the smoke have annually spread across Indonesia and Malaysia, causing severe health problems.

Chicken Little couldn't have handled it better.__________________________________________________________________________________

IPCC Expert Says Climate Models Are Just Computer Games

Climate models are nothing more than computer games, an expert reviewer for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change told EIR News Service today.

The problem with the climate computer models, the scientist said, is that they are based on a bottom-up approach as opposed to a top-down approach. Think of a cat stalking a bird, the climate expert said. You see the cat tense, and creep towards the bird. Now picture only the bird's nervous system, and with that information, try to model the cat stalking. That is the equivalent of a global climate model.

The expert also commented on how information-age thinking has negatively affected science writing. He noted that when he was in school you were taught to use a slide rule, and in using a slide rule you had to have an idea of what the result would be. Nowadays people just grab an algorithm off the shelf and use it, without any thought about what kind of result they will get. He pointed to the trend in articles in leading peer-reviewed journals such as Science and Nature, which use numerical values out to several decimal places, most of which are wrong.

The scientist ended by asking the following scientific question: In the past two and-a-half billion years of the Earth's oxygen atmosphere, there have been only two climate states--one glacial and the other interglacial. In that time, the Sun's output has increased by 30 percent, yet the temperature has only increased and decreased only a small amount over the period. So how can a mere 0.4 percent of man-made CO2 now be catastrophic?

Think about that the next time you hear Al Gore talk about global warming, or you read the next big climate change scare story.


If the Globe Is Warming, Why Aren't the Alps Melting?

Posing a serious question to the promoters of unscientific dogma of global warming, Centre Nacionale de la Researche Scientifque (CNRS) researchers, in the Journal of Geophysical Research, pointed out that at altitude as high as 4,200 meters (about 13,750 ft) the small ice caps of Mont Blanc and Dome du Gauter are not melting. Citing the records, the researchers say at this altitude in the Alps, the accumulation of snow and ice has varied very little since the beginning of the 20th century.

Adding more puzzles to the phenomena that the researchers have observed in the Alps, and which contradict the views of the global warming flag wavers, they note that the Alpine glaciers, which are mainly at an altitude between 2000 and 4000 meters, shrank considerably during the 20th century and particularly during the past twenty years, losing an average of 1 to 1.5 kilometers in length. However, the situation is different above 4200 meters. In order to study these mass balance fluctuations, the research team measured the rate of accumulation of snow on the Dome du Gouter since 1993, and the thickness and flow rate of the glacier.

At the altitude of the Dome du Gouter (4300 m) or the summit of Mont Blanc (4810 m), all precipitation is solid, falling as snow. The ice fields melt very little, and only in extreme conditions such as the 2003 heat-wave. Variations in the mass of glaciers only depend on the accumulation of snow and the downward flow of the glacier, as the ice is deformed under its own weight. Based on this data, the glaciologists have shown that at these very high altitudes, the ice mass balance has remained almost constant over the last 100 years.


Climate Change Converts Deal Another Blow To "Consensus"

Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Ranking Republican James Inhofe (R-OK) wrote in his committee website that the climate momentum is shifting as prominent scientists are going public with the reversal of their belief in man-made global warming. Most of the scientists that Senator Inhofe highlights say they changed their minds on global warming after reviewing the real research that has been done on the climate, as opposed to the fraudulent climate models which the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) promotes as scientific research.

Senator Inhofe's list of scientists who have changed their minds on global warming includes several who were Expert Reviewers of the IPCC reports in the past, like Tad Murty, who until two years ago was a firm believer in the global warming hoax.

The list also includes colorful scientists like the U.K. botanist and environmental campaigner David Bellamy, who has called the fears of global warming pure poppycock. Bellamy has been attacked not for doubting the consensus of man made global warming, but because he quoted from an article in the 21st Century Science and Technology Magazine (associated with Lyndon LaRouche) written by Laurence Hecht, on how the Greenland ice sheet and the glaciers are actually growing.

The Minority Office for the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee said that a much larger report listing more of the converts from the man made global warming hoax and other well known skeptics is due out the first week in June.


MIT's Climatologist, Richard Lindzen, Attacks Al Gore

In an op-ed in today's issue of Germany's Koelner Stadtanzeiger news daily, Richard Lindzen wrote under the headline, "A Warmer World is Not a Catastrophe," that too many questions still remain unanswered, scientifically, to allow any conclusions and hysteria of the kind that Al Gore is propagating. The US Hurricane Center, the World Climatologist Organization, even the IPCC itself concede that in a warmer world, weather extremes outside the tropical region would decrease, not increase. And, there are mysteries like the fact that the world temperature average should have shown an increase by 1.5 to 4.5 degrees, but instead only rose by 0.6 degrees.

Climate-activism has caused drastic consequences, like the enraged protests against the price increase for tortillas in Mexico, the large-scale deforestation in Asia, and the danger of new corruption created by the emissions trade, Lindzen wrote.

Lindzen even quotes the late Richard Revelle, one of the climatologists who once inspired Gore, as once saying: evidence of global warming does not justify drastic measures so far, unless they were justified by reasons having nothing to do with the climate issue. "This is politics, not science," Lindzen writes.


Schiller Institute Issues Open Letter to the Governments and Parliaments of the World in Opposition to the Global Warming Hoax

The Schiller Institute, whose Chairwoman is Helga Zepp-LaRouche, has launched an international campaign to unite the opponents of the Global Warming Hoax into an effective opposition. To this end, the Schiller Institute is soliciting signatures in support of the following Open Letter to Governments and Parliaments

Open Letter to the Governments and Parliaments of the World

We, the undersigned, demand that the governments and parliaments of the world immediately stop the spreading of hysteria about alleged Climate Change.

Since the appearance of the unscientific film of hedge-fund manager, Al Gore, and the 4th IPCC Report, an outright campaign of indoctrination of populations and legislators has been underway, up to the point of "reeducation campaigns" in the schools in some countries. Contrary to the massive propaganda, the scientific basis of the hypothesis of man-made climate change has not been established, and the media depiction of a "scientific consensus" is dangerously misleading to the population.

This theory is being spread world-wide by a small group of questionable political institutions like the IPCC, with the help of massive financial backing. A precedent for the resistance of established scientists is the Petition Project of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine against the damaging effects of the Kyoto Protocol, which has been underway since 1998 and has been signed by 17,200 natural scientists so far.

Existential challenges of the 21st Century, like the threatening scarcity of energy and water in a world with a growing population, will force drastic increases of energy generation, which can only be ensured through scientific and technological progress.

Measures to save energy and increase efficiency disregard not only this fact, but also neglect the fact that the portion which can be saved from private households is minimal compared to industry and commercial traffic.

In the face of the already endangered energy supply due to lack of investment in nuclear power generation, the proposed reduction of CO2 emissions would irrevocably disrupt worldwide economic development.

The most tragic and perfidious aspect of the political and economic measures currently demanded in industrialized nations, is the pretense of acting in the interest of future generations and nations in the developing sector. It is precisely the latter which are most adversely affected by the anti-industrial policies of "Climate Protection." As the Organization of African Unity, the Group of 77 at the United Nations, and the Non-Aligned Movement have warned, an internationally enforced reduction of CO2 emissions would in reality mean a prevention of industrial, and thus social development, and therefore promote genocide on a world scale.

Against the background of a deep social and economic crisis, it is utterly irresponsible not only to be promoting an unproven hypothesis as truth, but above all to be spreading a dangerous existentialist and anti-humanist image of man. As Martin Durkin, the director of the documentary, {The Great Global Warming Swindle}, aired on Britain's Channel 4, confirmed in an interview on March 14th, and as historical documentation proves, the historical roots of this so-called environmental movement are very much related to those of fascism and the eugenics movement at the beginning of the 20th Century.

Therefore, we hereby call on the governments and parliaments of the world to allow an open debate of this subject, immediately outlaw all programs of "re-education" in schools using Al Gore's propaganda movie, and under no circumstances to allow the passage of legislation based on such a questionable and obviously politicized theory.


First Full U.S. Television Strike Against Gore's Global Warming Fraud

CNN's "Glenn Beck" program ran an hour-long special on May 2, attacking the hype and the pure fraud of the scientific consensus around the issue of global warming.

The special was entitled "Exposed: Climate of Fear". The special interviewed some of the climate researchers that were part of the British Channel 4 documentary, "The Great Global Warming Swindle."

The special clearly showed the point that there is no consensus of the scientific community on manmade global warming, and that most of the warming that has happened has been due to natural causes like solar activity.

The program highlighted Roy Spencer, a former scientist for NASA, saying, "The global warming crowd talks of a consensus but never mentions the Oregon Petition that has been signed by 17,000 professionals and scientists, who do not agree with the idea that we are causing climate change."

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was exposed as a political body by the program. The whole IPCC process was shown to be a controlled political process with a scientific "window dressing."

The program highlighted Patrick Moore, the former Greenpeace founder saying, "You've got Greenpeace and other major environmental groups saying that the civilization and the environment are going to be destroyed by global warming, catastrophe, chaos, and these scary words; and yet they are unwilling to adopt nuclear energy."

Moore was also asked about the risks that surround nuclear power and he said," I don't think there is much risk in nuclear power myself. There are 103 plants operating everyday in the United States, and no one has ever been injured by them."


Lord Monckton Renews Debate Challenge to Gore; Calls Environmentalism a New 'National Socialism'

Lord Monckton of Brenchley, member of the British House of Lords and leading opponent of the global warming hoax, renewed his challenge to debate Al Gore in an ad appearing in the New York Times today, following similar ads in the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post earlier this week. Lord Monckton told EIR News Service that he is emphatic on pursuing this debate challenge. He described modern environmentalism as a new national socialism and a messianic movement intent on destroying industry.

Monckton's first challenge to Gore was issued March 14 of this year, but remains unanswered. In November 2006, Monckton issued a 40-page research paper on the fraud of global warming, titled "Apocalypse Cancelled." He said there that the environmentalist's "precautionary principle" is killing people. He gave the example of the banning of DDT, noting that just this year, after 30 million people died of malaria, the World Health Organization has finally agreed to bring back DDT for indoor spraying.

In 2005, the House of Lords started an inquiry into the science of global warming and the role of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and held hearings, taking statements from scientists against global warming, such as Dr. Paul Reiter and Richard Lindzen of MIT, as well as from global warming advocates.

EIR News Service is currently investigating what is behind the growing opposition to the Gore hoax from leading circles in Britain, Germany, and Denmark, as evidenced by the recent refutations of global warming in Germany's mass circulation daily Bildzeitung, similar coverage in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the March 8 airing of the documentary "The Great Global Warming Swindle," on Britain's Channel 4-TV, and numerous publications in Denmark.


Global Warming Not to Blame for Hurricanes, Says Top Forecaster

"I think the whole human-induced greenhouse thing is a red herring," senior forecaster Dr. William Gray told the last session of the National Hurricane Conference in New Orleans according to a report by Reuters news service.

Dr. Gray, professor emeritus of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University, has been producing the Extended Range Forecast of Atlantic Seasonal Hurricane Activity for 22 years. Gray believes that natural changes in the ocean and atmospheric circulation patterns, not man-made global warming, are the key driver of Atlantic hurricanes.


Climate Mafia Charged with McCarthyism

British astrophysicist Piers Corbyn, who was featured in the British Channel 4 documentary, "The Great Global Warming Swindle," published a letter to the editor in the London Times Higher Education Supplement. Corbyn was writing in response to an earlier article by former Royal Society media spokesman Bob Ward, who had warned universities to beware of "fame-seeking climate denialists."

Piers Corbyn replied that the global warmers would rather not face the inconvenient truth that solar cycles determine climate. They associate questioners of their creed "lurking" in universities with "holocaust denial." They intimidate scientists into silence through fear of attack, of loss of funding, or of "Nuremberg-style climate courts."

Corbyn writes that these attacks on climate sceptics are McCarthyism, and that the attackers have adopted measures that were used earlier by Hitler and Stalin.

Piers Corbyn gave Executive Intelligence Review an exclusive interview featured in the current issue.

See: Interview:




`Don't Bet on Man-Made Origins of Global Warming'

Piers Corbyn, an astrophysicist, is the originator of the revolutionary solar weather technique of long-range forecasting and a founder of Weather Action Long Range Forecasters. His first scientific publications were on aspects of meteorology and astronomy. He also carried out astrophysics research at Queen Mary College London and published work on galaxy formation and the mean matter density of the universe.

From his research into the causes of weather change, he totally rejects the carbon dioxide-based theory of global warming and climate change. Corbyn is one of the scientists featured in the wagTV film-produced "The Great Global Warming Swindle," shown on Channel 4 in Britain in March.

Corbyn was interviewed by Gregory Murphy of the Executive Intelligence Review (EIR):

EIR: Could you please tell us a little of your background?

Corbyn: I've got a first-class degree in physics from Imperial College, and a high degree in astrophysics at Queen Mary College, which are both part of the University of London. Prior to that, I was always very interested in weather, and I built myself an observing weather station and did experiments in science and the weather.

While studying astrophysics, I knew of various supposed connections between solar activity (that is, sunspots) and the weather, although at the time, I was more interested in sunspots. Subsequently, I thought that the idea of trying to predict sunspots, which is all I wanted to do, was a bit silly, because, who cares? It might be more interesting if one could predict the weather using solar activity, and I set about doing that.

Now, it was too difficult, and I gave up—until the miners' strike came along in 1984. And friends involved in these things in Britain, asked me, "Piers, you were trying to do long-range weather forecasting. Is it going to be a cold Winter?"

And I said, "I haven't a clue. I've given up."

And they said, "Well, have another go, see if you can tell us."

So, I did go back into trying to do this, and I said that the Winter of 1984-85 in the United Kingdom would be very cold. And it was. It wasn't quite cold enough for the miners—you know, they wanted to win—but it was very cold.

After that, I went back into doing [weather prediction]. And to cut a long story short, I found a certain connection, a certain predictability. I tested this by doing gambling with William Hill, the bookmaker here, in the Summer of 1988. Then, for 12 years, I carried on doing gambling every month [on weather prediction], and made a lot of money, until they stopped me from doing it.

This was things like, will April in London be warmer than normal, or will there be thunderstorms in a certain time period....

EIR: I noticed that on your website, that you got banned. Now the going thing is risk management services, one Bob Ward (who wants to stop the DVD of "The Great Global Warming Swindle" from being released) is running a weather derivatives operation. So, while you were doing it on a small scale, now they want to make a whole financial services industry out of it.

Corbyn: That's right. They want our financial services industry run on fear. They want to carry on trading carbon and energy and so on, running on fear. The last thing they want, actually, is working long-range weather forecasts.

Now, in 1995, I set up a limited company called Weatheraction Ltd, and we've been through various phases since then, on and off the stock exchange (we're now off).... And we're now making long-range forecasts up to 12 months ahead, more accurate than anything we did before. We sell to farmers and the energy industry. The rail network buys them, for example, to get warning of heavy rainstorm and potential landslides.

EIR: It seems like you're producing your forecasts from actual physical observations, not like NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in the United States, which uses more computer modelling, and which tends to have high inaccuracy.

Corbyn: As I said in a presentation I gave in January, at the Science Museum in Imperial College: Computer modelling for weather forecasting, and indeed for climate forecasting, has reached its limits.

No amount of improved computer power will get past the really basic climate inputs. The activity from the Sun, which affects the upper atmosphere—these things are also modulated by lunar effects for example. We do take those into account in our forecasts. We have eight weather periods every month and six or seven out of the eight will be correct, in any one month.

EIR: It seems that the computer models hold the Sun's output as constant. They can't model water vapor. And what other researchers have told me, is that once you start putting up the energy input in the computer model, and the carbon cycle, the model is invalid.

Corbyn: That's right. The model is invalid, and it's "rubbish in equals rubbish out."

On the very fundamental, basic level, I think we can see it's invalid just by looking at the Ice Ages.

It's not the case that carbon dioxide drives temperatures. When you leave Ice Ages, it's the other way around: The temperatures go up first, and then carbon dioxide levels go up. And if you look at the fluctuations during the Ice Ages, you can see that, actually, temperature goes up and down, about twice as fast, and twice as often, as carbon dioxide levels go up and down.

So that means that at least about half the time, they're going to be moving in opposite directions, and half the time, they'll be moving in the same direction. I mean, essentially, that they are unconnected. They probably are connected in some complex way, but there's no evidence anywhere that carbon dioxide systematically drives temperature. Where there is evidence of some sort of driving, it's the other way around.

So, that being the case, that whole theory is fundamentally a failure. Actually, since 1998, world temperatures have been falling.

EIR: Lately, the BBC and the U.S. press have picked up on how this is the warmest April in Great Britain, but yet, they don't talk about the 4- to 5-year running cold snap in the Southern Hemisphere, because it pokes a hole in their line that "the whole Earth is warming up, and Antarctica is going to melt and flood whole islands in the Pacific."

Corbyn: There are fundamental things wrong with that "warm April" view. First of all, of course, America's just had a cold Winter. But the Central England data set occupies 1/5,000th of the global area. So, to say this warm April is evidence of global warming, is insane.

This is a description. It can't be a cause of global warming, in the world or anywhere. It's just complete nonsense.

EIR: The latest now, in the New York Times, is that a new study shows that the ice cap will melt 30 years ahead of time. So they must have found a satellite that looks 30 years into the future.

Corbyn: Well, of course, there's nothing new happening in the world now, that hasn't happened before: In terms of the post-glacial period, the last 700 or so years have been the coldest part of the last 10,000 years, and 4,000 years ago, it was much warmer than now. That was the Bronze Age. It was called the "climate optimum" by historians, and since then, temperatures have actually generally declined, while carbon dioxide levels have gone up.

And until about 1900, or 1910—about 100 years ago, carbon dioxide levels had gone up, for various reasons, at the same time as temperatures. But the general trend in the last 4,000 years is that carbon dioxide and temperature have been moving against each other.

Now, in the world, the fundamental periodicity of temperature changes is the 22-year magnetic cycle of the Sun. And we understand quite a lot about why that is. The peak of the current 22-year cycle was in 2002-2003, and we're now in a declining phase of that. And if you take [as the global warmers did] the world average temperatures, averaged over a two-year moving average, the recent peak was in 1998, because there were cold years before and after that.

But in 2002-2003, the world temperature moving average peaked at the same time as the phase of the natural 22-year cycle. So, what we think is happening is that world temperatures may be not rising on average, but in the last 10 years, up until 2002, we have seen the rising course of a natural cycle [related to the 22-year magnetic cycle of the Sun].

This happened to coincide with CO2 levels going up, but so what? It may be, that really we're in a period overall, where temperature and carbon dioxide are actually moving in opposite directions, in terms of deviations from a norm. But for some reason, there is also a general increase in solar activity. That was definitely the case since 1900 or so, and that is also causing a general slow warming, which may also be coming to an end now.

What carbon dioxide does, appears to be irrelevant.

EIR: What about the recent book of Henrik Svensmark and Nigel Calder, The Chilling Stars, about the cosmic ray connection to some formation of clouds and cooling? How does the 22-year magnetic cycle of the Sun affect that?

Corbyn: I think their experimental work to show that charged particles cause cloud nucleation and could therefore affect the development of weather fronts is of tremendously important significance, and groundbreaking. And that is their contribution, although I think their work has got a fundamental problem....

EIR: There's another meeting of the IPCC in Bangkok this week to produce another summary for policymakers. To be more honest, it's a summary written by policymakers.... And you wrote a letter requesting that certain graphs that question the IPCC science conclusions be included with their policy summary.

Corbyn: Correct.

EIR: Did you have an answer yet?

Corbyn: No, there are two things: One is, that I've written the letter to the leaders of the British activity on the IPCC, Sir David King, Chief Scientific Advisor and David Miliband, the minister responsible for environment—who, I would like to add, is the most callous liar in British politics, I've ever come across.

And I also sent a copy to Prof. Martin Rees, president of the Royal Society, who, in previous times, I worked with on the question of neutrino energies in cosmology. So, I do know him. He is a very, very good scientist, but I think he's sold his soul for something or other, in the Royal Society. We'll see.

Anyway, there's been no reply to the letter I wrote saying, "Please, by Bangkok, get the graph that you left out put into that summary for policymakers."

What they've done in their summary for policymakers, is put in a graph showing that carbon dioxide levels have been rising, since about 5,000 years ago. So, I wrote them saying: If you're putting this in, please also put the graph, measured from my source, which show what temperatures have been doing. We must have these comparisons; policymakers should have these comparisons.

[Message clipped]  


Hildegard Martine
