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The Great Global Warming Hoax

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(March, 2008)

The Great Global Warming Hoax

We've all seen this chart that shows a direct link between fossil fuel burning and carbon dioxide concentration in the earth's atmosphere








Sleight of Hand

The chart that deceives the mind: the chart below shows composition of earth's atmosphere without any water, because humidity is so variable it is left out. The atmospheric chart without water vapor leads one to believe that CO2 is the primary greenhouse gas.

The real atmosphere has lots of water: without any alteration by man, water vapor is the primary greenhouse gas and the primary carrier of earth's atmospheric heat.

The next chart (shown in green) man's contribution from burning fossil fuel to the above chart:

The extra CO2 caused by man's activities are so minute as to be negligible. Water vapor in the atmosphere is ~96% while CO2 is ~4%. Human caused CO2 is only 0.117%! Global warming theorists conveniently leave water vapor out of their CO2 caused warming theories.

This chart shows CO2 changes for the last 600 million years (the time scale is logarithmic). Long before humans, CO2 levels vary widely over time. At the present time CO2 is about 370 parts per million, way less than 1,000 ppm. Most of earth's history was far above 1,000 ppm.

The world's oceans absorb extra carbon dioxide. The amount of dissolved CO2 is gigantic compared to man made emissions.

Huge effect of forest fires on CO2 emissions

"Large wildfires in the western United States can pump as much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in just a few weeks as cars do in those areas in an entire year, a new study suggests.

"A striking implication of very large wildfires is that a severe fire season lasting only one or two months can release as much carbon as the annual emissions from the entire transportation or energy sector of an individual state," the authors of the NCAR study wrote."

Those human cause CO2 numbers quoted above need to be refactored as to forest fire contributions. CO2 measurements do not differentiate natural causes like forest fires. What this means is that natural cyclical drought that leads to increased forest fires could be causing the dramatic rise of CO2 more than man's activities.

Excess CO2 sopped up by oceans

Trillions of tons of CO2 are dissolved in seawater.

Check out my blog on Solar Cycle 24 (see ) to find out the real cause of earth's heating. This extremely severe winter is causing many to question man made global warming theories. There is a direct correlation between sun output and earth weather. This winter corresponded perfectly with solar minimum.


ps - to read my other essays click on this link:

Disclaimer: I am not advocating polluting the environment or condoning man's destructive activities, the purpose of this blog is to show that popular global warming theories are flawed because they leave water vapor out of the argument.