The Global Warming Hoax And Scam
This article was written in response to an article published by this tool on WordPress, which conveniently left out these truths in his article.
The facts that Al Gore’s carbon tax collection company doesn’t want you to see.
CO2 is 3.168% of the total greenhouse effect. Around 0.117% is man-made CO2 greenhouse gas effect. CO2 is an insignificant greenhouse gas, especially in terms of man-made contribution. Water is the only significant greenhouse gas.
Furthermore, you leave out that oceans and volcanos release more CO2 than humans.
Furthermore, you leave out that CO2 is part of the life cycle.
Futhermore, you leave out that CO2 levels tend to follow warming rather than cause warming.
Furthermore, you leave out the impact of the sun spot activity, which is thoroughly studied, and it’s impact of warming/cooling on the solar system as a whole.
Furthermore, you leave out that the solar system as a whole had been warming.
Furthermore, you leave out that the solar system and earth has cooled down due to lack of sun spot activity this past year.
Furthermore, you leave out that carbon taxes will not solve the problem but will be used to fund global government and bombing of nations.
Furthermore, you leave out that big corporations, especially big oil, actually support the global warming hoax because it helps them eliminate their competition who can’t afford the taxes while big oil gets the big grants from the tax payer to reduce and meet emission standards.
Furthermore, you leave out that carbon taxes will do nothing but hurt the poor.
Furthermore, you leave out that polar bears can easily swim over 100 miles and swim as much as 300 miles. They hunt for seals and buluga whales.
Furthermore, you leave out that the ice caps are always melting and refreezing with the seasons.
Furthermore, you leave out that the government was caught making up temperature data to make it seem the planet was warming rather than cooling this past year.
Furthermore, you leave out that scientistics receive tons of funding by promoting global warming scares while skeptics don’t receive funding.
Furthermore, you leave out that the Al Gore hockey stick graph was generated using a statistical analysis computer algorithm that weighted data towards the mean the further out in history you go.
Furthermore, you leave out all the various drastic cooling and warming trends throughout the history of the Earth.
Furthermore, you leave out that global warming is actually preferred over global cooling because food production increases, namely because CO2 helps plant growth, absorbing that 0.117% man-made CO2 like candy. Not to mention that you’re more likely to freeze to death than die of heat stroke.
Furthermore, statistics are lies, lies, and damned lies. Scientific models don’t represent reality. Any decent college professor in scientific modeling and statistics classes will tell you these things on the first day of class.
In conclusion, you’re being scammed by the New World Order with this global warming hoax to pay carbon taxes to them, and you should be mad as hell.