"ClimateGate" - The Rabbit Hole Just Got Deeper
Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
Phil Jones, the head of the Climactic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, Phil Jones, has announced he will relinquish his post while the U.K. University conducts an investigation into allegations of scientific and professional misconduct.
Phil Jones is the 'James Hansen' of the United Kingdom regarding the Hansen 1988 made up name "Global Warming'. Jones announcement comes after a torrent of criticism, as he was the leading UK orchestrator publishing some of the foundational data used to support the claim that global warming exists.
The leaked files announced by Earth Changes Media on November 23rd, show the creator James Hansen who made up the name "Global Warming", along with Michael Mann, who is directly connected to Hansen and is know for creating the now famous "hockey stick", have been 'called out' by hundreds of geo-physicists, solar physicists, and climatologist for suppressing "real" scientific data, and creating false theories based on nothing but computer generated gibberish to support their conjecture that man-made pollution is the cause of the 1988 made up name "global warming".
Michael Mann, a professor in the meteorology department at Penn State University who has argued that mankind is threatening "entire ecosystems with extinction in the decades ahead if we continue to burn fossil fuels at current rates," appeared in the leaked files. Now Penn State has opened an investigation into Mann's work, and the U.K.'s weather agency has been forced on the defensive as well.
Some mainstream academics working in the area have distanced themselves from Mann, Jones, and other researchers whose correspondence has drawn allegations of impropriety. Aynsley Kellow, a professor at the University of Tasmania who was an expert reviewer for a U.N. global warming report, told ABC Radio there was evidence of a "willingness to manipulate raw data to suit predetermined results, you've got a resistance to any notion of transparency, an active resistance to freedom of information requests as well as highly tenured scientists to look at various data so it can be verified."
Sen. James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican called for Senate hearings on the e-mails. In a letter to Sen. Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat who chairs the environment committee, Inhofe said the e-mails could have far-reaching policy implications for the United States. Both Congress and the Environmental Protection Agency are taking action to curb global warming based on a report that uses data produced by the Climate Research Unit.
A House committee has scheduled a hearing Wednesday on the status of climate science. Two prominent Obama administration scientists - White House science adviser John Holdren and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration administrator Jane Lubchenco - are expected to be questioned about the e-mails.
With the Copenhagen summit just days away, the leaked files have extruded themselves into the political fray in Washington, D.C. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said on Monday that he believes "climate change is happening" and is not "in dispute anymore," while Republican Senator James Inhofe called for "Climategate" hearings.
Researchers Create 'Synthetic Magnetic Fields'
Achieving an important new capability in ultracold atomic energy, researchers at the Joint Quantum Institute, a collaboration of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Maryland, have created "synthetic" magnetic fields for ultracold gas atoms, in effect "tricking" neutral atoms into acting as if they are electrically charged particles subjected to a real magnetic field.
The demonstration described in the latest issue of the journal Nature, not only paves the way for exploring the complex natural phenomena involving charged particles in magnetic fields, but may also contribute to an exotic new form of quantum computing.
As Mentioned, ClimateGate is Just Warming Up (pun intended)
I will be writing to you in upcoming articles just how deep this rabbit hole is. I want to take just a minute to thank all of you who kept an open mind to my articles and two books explaining in what now feels kind-of-spooky detail years before it happened. In my book Solar Rain which I began writing in 2003 and published in 2005, describes in great detail what scientists now confirm as it relates to the Sun, Earth, and Weather.
But Solar Rain goes even deeper. Not only does it cover the scientific facts, but I took the enthusiastic opportunity to detail what our ancestors have said over generations and passed down in petroglyphs, hieroglyphs, scribe, and storytelling. What was spoken thousands of years ago, all of which was directed towards "this time", tells us in often stunning accuracy what was to unfold.
I have put both my books: "Solar Rain: The Earth Changes Have Begun" and "Global Warming: A Convenient Disguise" on sale for the next 30 days. I mean --- how could I not. Receive a 25% discount on your order of either or both books. Some of you will want to take advantage of a special offer giving you a huge savings. You can purchase either book, get a one year ECM membership, and receive a $25 savings.