75 Reasons to be Skeptical of
Josh Fulton
* Carbon dioxide contributes to only 4.2 - 8.4% of the greenhouse gas effect
* Only approximately 4% of carbon dioxide is man-made
* Water vapor accounts for 90 - 95% of the green house gas effect
* There have been many times when the temperature has been higher than it is now including the Medieval Warming Period, the Holocene, the Jurassic, and the Eemian
* Increases in carbon dioxide follow increases in temperature by about 800 years, not precede them
* 2008 and 2009 were the coolest two years of the decade
* Solar activity is highly correlated with temperature change:
* Studies show that half of all recent warming was solar
* Research suggests that soot could have nearly as much impact on climate change as carbon dioxide
* Antarctica has 90% of earth's ice and it is growing
* Arctic sea ice has returned to 1979 levels, which is when records began
* The Arctic ice caps have recovered from their loss in 2007
* The Arctic is now 1°C cooler than it was in the 1940's
* Polar bear populations are increasing
* Polar bears are able to swim over 60 miles continuously
* A chart of sea level change over millions of years looks like this:
* According to satellite data, sea level has been decreasing since 2005
* Instead of hurting forests, the increased level of carbon dioxide has been helping them grow
* The official "record" for temperatures only goes back 150 years
* Only 20% of the members of the IPCC deal with climate science
* Michael Mann's "hockey stick" graph, which was featured prominently in the 2001 IPCC report, was created using only portions of a data set. The red line is the graph of Mann's selected data, while the black line is the graph of all the data:
* Many climate-monitoring surface stations are in locations that look like this:
* In April 1978, there were 6,000 climate-monitoring surface stations. There are now about 1,200
* Difference between the USHCN "raw" data (in blue) and NASA "homogenized" data (in red):
* 45% of Americans think global warming is man-made, down 9% from just half a year earlier
* In the court case Dimmock v Secretary of State for Education and Skills, a British judge ruled that there were nine "inaccuracies" in An Inconvenient Truth, including Gore's claim that sea level could rise by up to 20 ft. The IPCC's own report predicted a maximum rise of 59cm in sea level over 100 years. The Science and Public Policy Institute has taken issue with thirty five of Gore's claims in An Inconvenient Truth
Feb. 23, 2010