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Donna Bowater

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CLIMATE scientists who are accused of ­manipulating research to prove that global warming is caused by man, failed to get their data analysed by experts, an inquiry has found.


An international panel of scientists reviewing the “climategate” scandal at the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit said it was “very ­surprising” the team had not collaborated with professional statisticians despite relying on statistical methods.

The review was ordered after leaked emails appeared to show scientists exaggerating data to support the ­theory of man-made climate change.

Climate-change sceptics also accused the unit’s director, Professor Phil Jones, of trying to hide the data by refusing to answer requests under the Freedom of Information Act.

The review, led by Lord Oxburgh, said the potential for misleading data was “very great” and recommended the unit improved its record-keeping.

It said: “It is very surprising that research in an area that depends so heavily on statistical ­methods has not been carried out in close collaboration with professional statisticians.”

But it cleared the scientists of any inappropriate practices or dishonesty. The report said: “We saw no evidence of any deliberate scientific malpractice in any of the work of the Climatic Research Unit and had it been there we believe that it is likely that we would have detected it.

“Rather we found a small group of dedicated if slightly disorganised researchers who were ill-prepared for being the focus of public attention.

“As with many small research groups their internal procedures were rather informal.” It also noted: “Although inappropriate statistical tools with the potential for producing misleading results have been used by some other groups…in the CRU papers that we examined we did not come across any inappropriate usage although the methods they used may not have been the best for the purpose.”

The review also raised concerns over the policy of charging for data collected by Government agencies, which it said was “inconsistent with policies of open access”.

Lord Oxburgh said the scandal had damaged the reputation of climate ­science. He said: “I hope our report will go some way to remedying that. Whatever was said in the emails, the basic science seems to have been done honestly and fairly.”

The Oxburgh report follows a review by the Parliamentary Science and Technology Committee, which found Professor Jones had “no case to answer” despite describing the university’s culture of withholding information as “reprehensible”.

The university welcomed the reports. In a statement it said: “Taken together, these must represent one of the most searching examinations of any body of scientific research. The veracity of CRU’s research remains intact after this examination.

“The report points out where things might have been done better. One is to engage more with professional statisticians in the analysis of data. Another, related, point is that more efficacious statistical techniques might have been employed in some instances. CRU, and other parts of the climate science community, are already making improvements in these regards, and the university will continue to ensure that these imperatives are maintained.”

A further inquiry into the hacked emails is due to report soon.

April 15, 2010