Quiet sun warns of deadly cold and snow ahead
“Scientists are discovering that the level of solar activity determines how many cosmic rays strike our atmosphere, which then determines the extent of cloud coverage. Less clouds allow more sunlight to reach the surface, and more clouds reflect increased sunlight back to space“.
What this means is during solar minimum (as we are experiencing) there are a lot more cosmic rays which means a lot more clouds (Svenmarks theory) which means less heat hitting the earth and the earth cooling. To do into more detail;
As Ulric Lyons said over at WUWT and posted at Tallbloke – “Let´s be aware that CR are mainly (90%) composed of PROTONS, and these are not a shower of little pebbles, as the current “flitstones” universe believers may suppose, but HYDROGEN NUCLEII, so having the ability of reacting with ozone and oxygen to form WATER”.
In other words during solar minimum with high levels of cosmic rays the clouds are formed by the interaction of hydrogen nucleii with ozone and oxygen to produce the clouds. This means we have a climate that is getting colder and wetter which means – a LOT more snow. The danger of this is highlighted by Robert Felix over at and Ice Age Nowin his book ‘Not by fire but by ice’ is that snow whilst beautiful is a deadly killer with snowstorms paralyzing mobility, burying food and freezing mammals to death.
Posted August 16, 2010