Global warming fix equals 'smelly, dehydrated, unsanitary' people
Forget greenhouse gases. If people start heeding celebrity "planet-saving" tips like Prince Charles' recent call for shorter showers and a ban on baths, the greatest threat to the earth's atmosphere will be body odor, says the author of "Climategate."
"Prince Charles thinks we should take shorter showers, Al Gore demands we use less air-conditioning, singer Sheryl Crow says we must limit our use of toilet paper to one square at a time, and Stanford professor Paul Erhlich says patriotic Americans will not have more than two children – all in the name of stopping global warming," says Brian Sussman. "If these fools had their way we'd all be smelly, dehydrated, unsanitary and on our way to extinction."
In reporting Prince Charles' campaign to "Snub the Tub," the London Daily Mail chastised him for "telling the rest of the country how to behave."
If only it were telling, said Sussman. The left is "legislating liberty out of existence and its biggest canard is the war on carbon," he said.
Drawing on Sussman's scientific knowledge as an acclaimed and award-winning meteorologist, "Climategate" provides ample evidence of manipulated and fabricated "scientific findings" to support global warming and the "broadly intrusive legislative remedies" required to provide its remedy. The book garnered major media attention and informed legions of tea party members on the West Coast, where Sussman is the morning host of KSFO – the fourth largest radio market in the nation.
Certainly, public outcry contributed to the administration's and Congress' quiet – but as Sussman cautions, temporary – abandonment of pursuing cap and trade legislation. Politico described the setback as "one of the sharpest rebukes to a sitting president in recent memory."
Still, too much is invested for the initiative to stall for long, Sussman warns. In "Climategate," Sussman became the first author to detail the plan to bring "Big Brother" into every American home via the Smart Meters and the Smart Grid. The Smart technology will allow unseen bureaucrats to literally control each household's appliances, air conditioner and heater.
"That Smart Meter is going to run your life," says Sussman. "And it will be the tool allowing a handful of elites to become filthy rich. If the Senate passes this bill and it's successfully reconciled with the House bill, we will have taken a giant step closer to living in Orwell's Oceania."
The Smart Meter will replace the standard electric and gas meters attached to homes and buildings nationwide, says Sussman. They utilize remote technology to measure and record energy usage minute-by-minute.
Sussman said that months before the Smart Meters were set into law, Franklin Raines, former chairman of government-sponsored mortgage giant Fannie Mae – and adviser to both Presidents Clinton and Obama – received patents titled "System and Method for Residential Emissions Trading."
Not only do the patents give Fannie Mae the exclusive rights for identifying and measuring energy savings in homes by way of the Smart Meter, Sussman says they "seduce consumers with promises of energy savings occurring by 'replacing older appliances with more energy-efficient appliances; upgrading domestic hot-water heating systems; upgrading heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems; modifying lighting; fuel switching and renovating the entire home,' and speak of 'installing insulating insulation in attics and exterior walls; installing more efficient windows; and reducing infiltration.'"
"Citizens," Sussman said, "will be muscled into participating in this program via government giveaways. Upgrades to appliances and weatherization improvements will be partially offset with rebates. Likewise, reductions in energy use will be rewarded with up to $8,000 in cash."
Homes and buildings that effectively meet the new code will gain a certificate from the coming "Energy Performance Labeling Program," said Sussman. "Without the certificate you will likely not be able to sell your home, or obtain a loan to refinance your property.
"While Americans are in a tizzy spending money to reduce their carbon footprint," he said, "a handful of political cronies are going to be getting really green – with passive income peeled off the backs of Mr. and Mrs. America."
August 24, 2010