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Scientist: "Gulf Loop Current is Broken": Mini Ice Age Predicted for Europe

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This Is Coldest Winter in Europe in AgesAccording to a study produced in July 2010 by high-level scientists in both Italy & the United States, the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico has been broken, blocking the normal flow of warm water to the Atlantic Ocean and towards Western Europe. Since the end of the last Ice Age, these warm water currents have produced a relatively mild climate in that area, despite the region's high latitude (distance from the Equator).

For several weeks already, people living in Europe and in the Northeastern US have been feeling the effects of a much earlier and harsher winter than usual; a winter that only officially began on Monday, December 21, 2010. However, the mainstream media has so far failed to report on the status of the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic and its effects.

The cooler temperatures have impacted harvests in Northern Europe, whereby Russia will *not* be exporting wheat this quarter and expects, instead to be importing wheat. This will affect European commodities markets and food prices.

Unless the prevailing ocean currents of the past 10,000 years are restored, we may be looking at mass crop failures, starvation and ultimately, the collapse of the economies of the Northern Hemisphere -- and possibly an actual Ice Age.


Dec. 31, 2010