Doomsday Ice Age Fears Fuel US-China Land Grabs In South America, Africa
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
According to this report, new research led by the United States National Solar Observatory and Air Force Research Laboratory (NSO) on the long expected major solar cycle expected to climax in 2012 has lead to findings that have shocked American scientists leading them to claim our planet is fast approaching an “ice age” on a scale not seen since the 17th Century; an event that was so catastrophic it plunged the pre-industrial Earth into total chaos shattering forever the then existing Old World Order.
According to three studies released by the NSO in the United States yesterday, American experts believe the familiar sunspot cycle may be shutting down and heading toward a pattern of inactivity unseen since the 17th century. The signs include a missing jet stream, fading spots, and slower activity near the poles, said these NSO experts. “This is highly unusual and unexpected,” said Frank Hill, associate director of the NSO's Solar Synoptic Network, who further added “…the fact that three completely different views of the Sun point in the same direction is a powerful indicator that the sunspot cycle may be going into hibernation.”
The Little Ice Age (LIA) was a period of cooling that occurred after the Medieval Warm Period. While not a true ice age, the term was introduced into scientific literature by François E. Matthes in 1939. It is conventionally defined as a period extending from the 16th to the 19th centuries, though climatologists and historians working with local records no longer expect to agree on either the start or end dates of this period, which varied according to local conditions. NASA defines the term as a cold period between 1550 AD and 1850 AD and notes three particularly cold intervals: one beginning about 1650, another about 1770, and the last in 1850, each separated by intervals of slight warming.
The main historical event caused by the 17th Century LIA is commonly referred to as “The Second Wave,” a term popularized by the American writer and futurist, Alvin Toffler, who stated in his research that with the destruction of European farming due to this extreme cold event the Monarchies who were then in power were forced to expand their empires throughout the world, a move which ultimately led to their destruction as they were forced to switch their economies from ones of agriculture to industrial thus causing massive changes in the way their societies were governed.
The most important of these revolutionary changes wrought by the 17th Century LIA were led by the American Revolution (1775-1783) and the French Revolution (1789-1799), both of which threw off the yoke of monarchial rule leading to the Russian Communist Revolution (1917) barely a Century later and setting the stage for both World War I and World War II.
In Toffler’s seminal work titled “The Third Wave” he lists as follows the “waves” human civilization has thus far undergone:
The First Waveis the settled agricultural society which prevailed in much of the world after the Neolithic Revolution, which replaced hunter-gatherer cultures.
The Second Waveis Industrial Age society. The Second Wave began in Western Europe with the Industrial Revolution, and subsequently spread across the world. Key aspects of Second Wave society are the nuclear family, a factory-type education system and the corporation.
The Third Waveis the post-industrial society. Toffler says that since the late 1950s most countries have been transitioning from a Second Wave society into a Third Wave society. He coined many words to describe it and mentions names invented by others, such as the Information Age.
As the European Monarchies sought new territories to keep their Nations intact during the LIA, this report continues, so today are China and the United States seeking to expand theirs too as a new Ice Age descends upon them.
Unlike the European Monarchies, however, China and the United States of today, this report says, have no “new land” to conquer and have opted, instead, during this “early stage” of the crisis to begin a “conquest” of vast farm lands in South America and Africa they will be able to utilize to feed their soon to be starving populations.
China, this report continues, is in worse shape than the United States as it has roughly 20% of the World’s population, but only 7% of the World’s arable land to grow food upon…and what little it does have is now disappearing at an alarming rate. With China, also, being the World’s largest wheat producer the United Nations was forced this past February to issue an alert warning that this Communist Nation was fast nearing a point where it would no longer be able to feed its people from the food it produces for itself.
Though the United States, this report continues, is better positioned than China, it nevertheless is suffering through one of its worst droughts in decades in its Southwestern and Lower Midwest Regions with vast areas of its Middle and Upper Western “heartland” areas suffering catastrophic floods affecting nearly half of its Nation leading to a soaring rise in food costs that Russian economists warn are ‘recipes for rebellion’ as millions of poor will be unable to feed themselves.
To prepare themselves for the catastrophes to come, this report says, China and United States have embarked on what has been described as the largest “land grab” since 19th Century with the Chinese alone buying up enough farmland in Africa to have sent to that Continent over 1 million of their farmers in the past 4 years alone.
Not just to Africa, either, have the Chinese gone in their quest for farmland, but to South America too where Carlo Lovatelli, president of the Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries, warned this past week, “They are moving in. They are looking for land, looking for reliable partners. But what they would like to do is run the show alone.”
The United States, in keeping pace with China, this report continues, has enlisted its vast army of private hedge funds to begin acquiring massive tracts of South American farmland, and through secretive US Defense Department payments worth Billons-of Dollars to many of America’s top universities have allowed these “institutions” of higher learning to become some of the largest landowners in all of Africa, all being done without either the knowledge or consent of the American people themselves.
As we had reported on in our March 8th report “Global Resource War Warned Has Begun Between East-West,” the point that will move these “land grabs” from simply buying the massive amounts of farmland they need, to begin fighting over it has already begun in Libya after Western led NATO forces “evicted” tens-of-thousands of Chinese farmers from that Northern African Nation, which just happens to have the largest underground water resources on the entire Continent.
With vast areas of the United Kingdom, France and Northern Europe, likewise, suffering through historical and catastrophic droughts, and when coupled with the massive drought fueled fires devastating Russia and the Ukraine this past year, this report warns the greater conflicts lie ahead of us all, not behind.
Most interesting to note, however, about the United States announcing their fears yesterday that a “Doomsday” new Ice Age may be fast approaching (and as we have reported on many times before) their new warning comes 7 years after the terrifying secret 2004 Pentagon Report that warned:
To the American people knowing about the catastrophic future that awaits them, let alone protecting themselves from it, remains in grave doubt because for the last fortnight they have been consumed with news that one of their Congressman took pictures of his private male parts and sent them to women who weren’t his wife. So consumed have they been by this “not-news” that new reports from America now state that a website selling a doll of this disgraced politician collapsed because of the number of people going to it.
So as our World continues to burn (or freeze, take your pick) the American people above all others stand to be the most shocked when the World around them finally collapses. They won’t have shelter or food, of course, but, perhaps, their new “Weiner Doll” will give them comfort….nothing else surely will.
© June 15, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]