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Breaking ALERT! HAARP 9.1 Magnatude! WARNINGS For New York! East (with comment by PHB)
NOTE: This is another attempt by MSM and weather reporters to fool the people. HAARP was dismantled and rendered totally and permanently ineffective years ago oby the Forces of Light. Of course the Darkside controllers are trying to use HAARP for weather manipulation, but it is not working at all.
The present hurricane, Sandy, on the East Coast is a natural storm. You have been told that these storms would get worse, as Earth Shan increases her cleansing efforts. We have the power within to dissipate the energy in these storms. Do it!
Please understand that there is much hype about weather and potential earthquakes to create fear, the negative energy needed to fuel the Darkside's efforts. --- In Love and Light, PHB
The perfect event caused by HAARP? To bring in FEMA, Martial Law, POSTPONE The 2012 Presidential Election?