9/11 Twin Towers/Chemtrails Holocaust = US Patent No. 4686605 A
Rebecca Campbell
Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere
(High Altitude Auroral Research Project = HAARP) (Ed.)
Electromagnetic pulse defenses (as well as offensive weapons! -- Ed.) are also possible. The earth's magnetic field could be decreased or disrupted at appropriate altitudes to modify or eliminate the magnetic field in high Compton electron generation (e.g., from high altitude nuclear bursts) regions.
(Here you have a possible validation of the work of Dr. Judy Wood and other 9/11 scientific researchers postulating that the WTC Twin Towers were vaporized with directed energy weapons. Some think these were powered by HAARP, citing the publicly undisclosed presence of likely HAARP-steered Hurricane Erin as evidence:
with these DEWS, mimicking in their destructive effects those of mininukes, adamantly maintained as their method of destruction by other researchers.
Although some may believe that HAARP's wide-ranging electromagnetic plasma beams could not be focused sufficiently to destroy high-rise buildings such as the WTC Twin Towers, here is an excerpt from a US Navy text on radar, that, upon consideration, may further confirm this possibility: (Ed.)
(Here we see that there exists a sea-based X-band radar technology that could have possibly at the very least triangulated/focused the wide-ranging beams of large, stationary HAARP arrays in many areas of the world. This includes off the US east coast -- specifically off New York City -- on September 11, 2001. -- Ed.)