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Michael Rivero

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Dec. 16, 2013

Snow falls on camels!

UPDATE 9/27/2013: The United Nations IPCC just released their report reasserting that global warming is real and that they are 95% certain humans are to blame. The preliminary report that was leaked admits there has been no warming at all for the last 15 years, but that climate scientists were being ordered not to reveal that fact. Der Spiegel reported that governments were pressuring the IPCC to delete the absence of warming from their report which is what appears to have happened.

Now, I don't know if the Carbonazis really view the general public as that gullible and that stupid, or they are simply reinforcing this particular deception to protect all the other deceptions, but that it IS a deception is inescapable.

One would think that if stopping global warming were the real agenda, the governments and institutions who had signed on to the global warming screed would proclaim the data as proof of success in dealing with the problem, declare victory, and move onto other projects. But the real agenda all along has been to trick the public into buying carbon credits (from which Al Gore profits handsomely) and carbon taxes (which Obama is pushing for now that Obamacare has cratered and that expected tax windfall has evaporated), which is why the failure of the real world to match the draconian predictions of the global warming cult is being concealed from the public. And that alone proves the global warming issue is politics, not scienc

This has led to massive fraud on the part of what I call the "Carbonazis", from placing temperature measuring stations next to trash incinerators to the emails and computer codes from Hadley CRU that proved intentional deception to "Hide the decline." This latest IPCC report continues that fraud.

I do not care how many scientists traded their honor for global warming funding. Science is not a democracy where the majority rules. In 1633, virtually every scientist was in agreement that Galileo was wrong when he concluded that the Earth moved around the sun. Motivated by peer pressure, the church, and fear of losing their jobs, all those scientists went along with the desired agenda, and history eventually showed they were all, down to the last man, flat-out wrong.

Scientists need funding, and scientists know that if they say, "I found this phenomenon, but it doesn't really seem to do anything" that there will be little funding and no media attention. But if they say, "I found this phenomenon, and it's the end of the world", media attention will skyrocket, followed by more funding to study the problem. From this simple economic mechanism we get fed stories about killer bees, computers freezing up on Y2K, catastrophic global warming in 1817, catastrophic global warming in 1922, catastrophic global warming in 1947, a coming ice age in 1975, and back to catastrophic global warming in the 2000s.

Back in 2000, the UK Independent reported that "Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past."